March 15, 2007

Rocky Mountain Bigfoot Investigation

Bigfoot tracks have been discussed here quite a bit on Cryptomundo lately.

I came across this investigation of some anomalous tracks recently found in Colorado and wanted to share it with the readers of Cryptomundo.

You can read the story in its entirety at Critterzone here: Colorado Rocky Mountain Investigation

The following photos and article are a Cryptozoology study of tracks discovered recently in Colorado Rocky Mountain winter snow. I’m not going to say for sure what we have here, but it certainly seems to lean toward some interesting conclusions; an extremely tall snowshoe walker, a running grizzly bear, a prankster, leaping lynx, or…a genuine North American ape, Bigfoot, Sasquatch.

Rocky Mountain Bigfoot Tracks

Figure 1 – ? Bigfoot Tracks, Footprints

While driving a fairly remote county road on the way to a friend’s house, I spied very large impressions off to the right in the snow. The first and most logical thing my mind computed was that I just saw a trail of recreational snowshoe tracks. Another 1/4 mile of gravel passed beneath the wheels when suddenly, the light turned on. Those tracks were really far apart! My foot floored the brake and the Toyota RAV4 skidded to a halt. The shifter got slammed into reverse in the blink of an eye, and in a moment I was back at the tracks. From the RAV, the tracks looked as if a very tall person made Olympic style leaps without removing their cumbersome snowshoes. This was certainly enough information to warrant further investigation.

Rocky Mountain Bigfoot Tracks

Figure 2 – ? Bigfoot Tracks, Footprints

To better understand the scale and stride of the “Bigfoot” track way, I decided to walk along it myself. Without snowshoes, I was able to take reasonable, if even slightly exaggerated, steps in the snow beside. At just under 6 feet tall, I’m a pretty average height humanoid, and figured my tracks would make a good comparison. The snow depth was roughly to my knee, with an icy crust easily penetrated by hiking boots, soaking shoes, socks, and Levi’s in the process. After walking a section of tracks and stopping just before a creek and subsequent hillside, I discovered that it took on average two of my strides to equal a single stride left by the previous traveler (Figures 2 and 3).

Rocky Mountain Bigfoot Tracks

Figure 3 – ? Bigfoot Tracks, Footprints

Maybe someone had done this as a joke? Though.. it would be pretty hard to space fake tracks like that without standing next to them, or directly in them. On the hillside I discovered what appeared to be a smaller and more densely packed track parallel to the large footprints. If similar occurred below the hillside, they were lost under subsequent snowfall and drifting. Was this a previous investigation, somebody following the big guy like myself? Was I seeing the tracks of a Bigfoot faking culprit, walking to the side while stamping down a giant wooden foot or snowshoe? Do mule deer like to follow Bigfoot? Anything is possible considering the condition the trail was in. I couldn’t tell what the upper thin track was for certain. Theoretically a person could have connected with that section from a different starting point, maybe further down the creek. I’d considered investigating further, but a bright red “No Trespassing” sign spoke loudly to me from its broken barbed wire perch. The words “Squeal Like a Pig!” from the movie “Deliverance” rattled through my head. That was enough to leave the upper hillside alone.Andy Williams

Text and images on this page used with permission from Andy Williams/CritterZone.

About Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005. I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films: OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.

Filed under Artifacts, Bigfoot, Bigfoot Report, Cryptotourism, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Forensic Science, Sasquatch