Ohio Bigfoot Game Camera Photo?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 8th, 2006

I found this photo posted on Jesse’s Hunting and Outdoors forum. It was posted in the Game Cam Pic Contest in the Best What-Is-It? Pic.

What is it?

Click on image for full-size version

What do the readers of Cryptomundo think is in this photo?

About Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005. I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films: OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.

28 Responses to “Ohio Bigfoot Game Camera Photo?”

  1. voodoochild responds:

    Isn’t the Mid-Western U.S. Bigfoot supposed to have a red or rusty tinge in his fur?

  2. voodoochild responds:

    As opposed to the reportedly darker hued Pacific Northwestern, or Greyish hued (reportedly) Eastern Bigfoot. Or is it the Southern ‘Skunk Apes’ that are supposed to have a red hue? Anyway, just some thoughts.

  3. jasonencounter responds:

    Check out the broken tree in the background. It appears to be snapped pretty high from the ground. There also seems to be a trail leading towards that tree as if it might be a marker. Just an observation. Probably a bear or some other varmint.

  4. Mfdcapt4 responds:

    Interesting photo. Is there anymore information? How high was the camera placed, why was the camera placed there, how often is this area used by humans, or BFs, etc. Its really clear, and you can see the variance in hair colors from black/gray to auburn. I might assume also that if this were a BF, and it appeares to come from the screen past the camera to the right, then there should be some visible evidence of footprints or indentations in the grass??? Just a thought.

  5. joe levit responds:

    This has a similar initial setup to the Mt. Hood one we saw on the site some time back. Until we see more than just a solid mass of what looks like brown hair or fur in these types of pictures, it will be nearly impossible to assign an answer to them.

    How about some cameras from a different location? Put one high in a tree looking down, or on a rope suspended across a game trail. This might give us a larger field of view.

  6. CryptOH responds:

    Does the hair seem a little too clean? And such perfect lighting.

  7. GLS responds:

    The tree on the left appears to have been cut/trimmed with a chain saw as in a cleanup efffort after a storm. The branches in the upper left are drying, the broken tree in the background, etc., all indicate damage due to high winds. The open area in the middle is probably used by a hunter for a deer attractant thus the camera placement and the cleanup effort. Also notice there are three almost perfect circles in the open area that are dried, as in no growth of grass or weeds, this also indicates a feeding area where a portable ground feeder unit is moved every so often. The brown ‘fur’ could also be a section of Ghillie suit/camo material to conceal the camera. Hopefully there is a before and after pic to indicate trees not blown down or further trimmed up?

  8. Jeremy_Wells responds:

    RE #8 GLS
    Good observation. Much of southern Ohio was hit with some really fierce ice storms about 3 or 4 years back, and some of that clean-up is still going on. I have pictures from the Shawnee State Forest area right after the storm (I was living in the area at the time) and the damage was extensive.

    Where in Ohio were these taken Craig?

  9. timi_hendrix responds:

    Good lighting, the fur look a little more realistic this time.

    Where are the other pics?

  10. RocketSeason responds:

    Could be a squirrel or Raccoon. (I have seen racoons moving around in the daytime often.) Because its so close to camera I would say that whatever it is is probibly sitting on or clinging to the tree beside camera box.

    Nothing here says “Bigfoot” to me.

  11. Cutch responds:

    YAY! More sasquatch legs. However… better than the last (similar) game trail photo… definitely not a deer head this time.

  12. One Eyed Cat responds:

    Yeah we need more photos. A single picture with just a hint of something ALWAYS need colaboration

  13. SaruOtoko responds:

    I just can’t get hyped about a photo like this…. it reminds me of the previous photo of a “bit of Bigfoot…”

  14. CRYPTOHABIT responds:

    squirrel, coon, cat, dog, caterpillar, mountain man’s beard, bad frizzy hair

  15. KYChaser responds:

    Please go to the site and look at picture #5. That is what I would think the last picture on one of these cameras would be someday. Right before it was woodknocked into the next county.

  16. Mike Smith responds:

    Could Be a bear or Cousin IT.

  17. Ceroill responds:

    Could be almost anything. Not enough information.

  18. jayman responds:

    Follow up the link, if you haven’t already… 2 or 3 better “whatzits” than this one there.

  19. Jeremy_Wells responds:

    in pic #16 over there… what in the heck happened to that deer’s face?

  20. KYChaser responds:

    I still think the link #5 but actually the 4th picture of the over exposed face could be our boy. Imagine him bending over to look at that box on a tree and getting a bright flash in the face. Of course, most likely the tree would not be there any longer and the camera should be in a thousand pieces. Still it looks like a crypto candid camera moment to me.

  21. jayman responds:

    Did anybody note link pic #6, the swamp… easy to discern an ape-like profile there.
    As for the creepy deer’s face in #16, that is one which looks like it’s been tampered with IMHO.

  22. cor2879 responds:


  23. Scarfe responds:

    It’s interesting how much the imagination can fill in the gaps when only a fragment of something is caught on screen. There’s no reason to think these photos have no natural explanations, but the temptation is strong to imagine.

  24. TemplarKnight21c responds:

    Well…the hair looks a little long to be a bear to me, as well as a little too clean. Bears get messy. I’m not going to draw any conclusions.

  25. planettom responds:

    Was ZZ Top in the area at the time?

  26. sasquatch responds:

    squirrel tail

  27. Jeremy_Wells responds:

    agreed… squirrel tail…
    Still confused about that crazy swollen headed deer though.

  28. twblack responds:

    Not much here to get us all excited here but if you go to the sight their are some really neat pic’s of some aminals.

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