Bizarre Bigfooter Bedfellows

Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 11th, 2007

Carter Family Drawing

Janice Carter Coy alleged meeting with the Bigfoot “Fox” in her house’s basement, April 2002.

The netherworld of Bigfooters is known to have a few bizarre “marriages” and “divorces.”

The unions and break-ups have been well-documented for such strange bedfellows as Peter Byrne and Ray Crowe, Jeff Meldrum and Matt Moneymaker, Tom Biscardi and Ray Crowe, Tom Biscardi and Tara Hauke, and Erik Beckjord and Tara Hauke.

Now comes word that Jon-Erik Beckjord has joined with Janice Carter Coy, the co-author of 50 Years of Bigfoot: Tennessee Chronicles of Co-Existence, in some new cooperative efforts. They, for example, will be appearing at an Alabama “conference” together.

But this new association has caused a split elsewhere, it seems.

Coy had written the above-noted book with Mary Alayne Green, but a schism is in evidence now between Coy and Green.

mary green

Photo: Left to right, Mary Green, a ranger, and Igor Burtsev.

Various forums and sites have posted the following message during the last week:

“Except for certain copyrights and legal documents related to the production of the book “50 Years with Bigfoot,” which remain binding on me, I renounce all ties and collaborations with Janice Carter Coy and her Nermunah Corporation.” ~ by Mary Green on 12/04/07.

What are we to make of this breakup?

Carter Family Drawing

Janice Carter Coy pulling out hair from Fox’s hand when giving him some garlic, March 2004. This montage of the alleged incident was made by Burtsev associate Lidia, who used a photograph of Janice Carter Coy standing in the same dress and position as then.

Loren Coleman About Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct). Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015. Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.

11 Responses to “Bizarre Bigfooter Bedfellows”

  1. greywolf responds:

    For what it is worth (he) / (she) are both in good company.

  2. Loren Coleman responds:

    And this comment is just in from France:
    Jean luc Drevillon 11/12/07

    Merci Loren pour cette information qui va me faire me marrer pendant toute la soirée.

    Mary Green se sépare de son “lieutenant”, Janice Carter Coy, visiblement parce qu’elle en a marre d’elle et qu’elle est cuite question crédibilité. Et vers qui la femme vient chercher refuge? Erik Beckjord. Comme cet homme a montré qu’il savait bien s’occuper des femmes, je suis sûr qu’elle trouvera le bonheur à ses cotés.

    Amicalement jean luc.

  3. airforce47 responds:

    Personally I think Mary Green’s comment as posted here pretty well states her case. She will have nothing to do with anyone who in any way has anything to do with EB.

    Most of the folks in the BF community will agree with her this is the best policy. If Janice has decided differently then that’s her right but she can and should expect to receive the same treatment we give EB.

  4. cryptidsrus responds:


    Is that French statement saying Green questions Coy’s “credibility?”

  5. cryptidsrus responds:

    “Can’t we all just get along?” Jeesh.

  6. thehoch responds:

    What would be really interesting to know is the first encounter between Janice and Sasquatch….

    Knock, Knock…

    Who’s there?






    (Door Opens)

    Oh my? Wow! You really don’t look like your profile on Well, come on in and let’s drink some whiskey.


  7. SOCALcryptid responds:

    I have personally talked to Mary. She is well within her right to sever her ties with Janice.
    E.B. and Biscardi are meant for each other. What a couple of yahoos.
    Keep up the good work Mary.

  8. ithilien responds:

    Discussing personalities, and the clashes of those personalities, is the edge of the slippery slope. Things are precarious enough just taking about the big fellow, seeing how he has yet to firmly materialize in our reality. Discussing betrayal and hoaxing (and apparently now near abductions) are distractions, they degrade energy and make serious consideration of the issues more difficult.

  9. mystery_man responds:

    Interesting story, although personally I am more interested in the scientific aspect of cryptozoology rather than all the allegiances and politics involved. The “break ups”, spats, and personal dynamics between personalities is only of passing interest to me, but I suppose it is helpful to know who is working together so we can have some idea of what kind of research approach (or lack thereof) to expect.

    I don’t know how much actual science will come from any union with Beckjord, though.

  10. Artist responds:

    I’m all mixed up – is it Tara Coy with Jon Bisjord – no, Beckardi – no, wait… Tom Hauke, no, um – Janice Carter and Fox something…

    Matt who?

  11. kittenz responds:

    A regular Sasquatch soap opera

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