Survey: Almost 60% Say Sasquatch Unsnatchable

Posted by: Loren Coleman on June 4th, 2007

The Anomalist today published their analysis of the survey results from 449 people who filled out a web-based questionnaire that took 15 to 30 minutes to complete in March.

You can read “Anomalists Are No Longer An Anomaly,” by clicking here. (Note to the survey’s author: In strict research analysis protocol, the questions that were the basis of the analysis should be published as part of the article. The survey, per se, is not visible as an appendix or attachment to this analysis.)

First and foremost, these kinds of surveys make me uncomfortable. The survey number is small, and the author of the survey, apparently, and certainly the author of this analysis lives in the realm of proving “belief” much too much, it seems to me.

This bias in the direction of examining “true believers” is apparent in the reaction to one survey respondent. The survey article author noted: “One respondent wanted to know why we didn’t have an “I don’t know” option. We purposely left that out as we felt that a forced choice was a better indication of a respondent’s belief characteristics.”

Needless to say, I was interested in what the survey had to say about cryptozoologically-oriented subjects. With my researcher’s hat on, I understood the options for answers may have felt limited because of being forced into restricted answers, and thus the choices would be artificially pigeonholed. Nevertheless, here’s some high points:


When asked if they would actively participate in a particular investigation, the following percentages said YES:
UFO Investigation – 71.1%
Ghost Hunt – 54.2%
A Bigfoot Stakeout – 50.5%
Sea Monster Expedition – 41.9%
Crop Circle investigation – 37.7%
A Séance – 35.3%

This was a multiple answer question; so many respondents choose several options. Either way, an army of field investigators seem to be stand by, ready to go at a moment’s notice.

* * *


We now arrive at the smallest reported category, Bigfoot sightings. Apparently, these encounters are extremely rare. Only 3% reported a Bigfoot sighting. Of those, 1.7% felt it was more human than animal, 1.1% thought it was an unknown species of animal with animal instincts, and 1.1% didn’t know what they saw. 0.3% felt that whatever it was, it had intelligence equal to a human. No one felt it had intelligence greater than a human. (The slight discrepancy is due to the fact that several people did not answer the question.)

The reported after effects were almost negligible. 0.3% claimed heighten psychic abilities and the identical number, 0.3% claimed unusual dreams. 2% of those who did have a Bigfoot sighting had no noticeable after effect whatsoever.

As for seeing another Bigfoot, 6.9% of the respondents stated yes, they would like to see it again. Oddly enough this sentiment is over double of the reported 3% who said they had a Bigfoot sighting. Perhaps the wide variable here is that some folks were too shy to report seeing one in the first place. Additionally 6.2% claim they know someone who has seen a Bigfoot. In the general survey, 59.3% believe that a Bigfoot will never be captured.

* * *


Cryptozoology news and UFOs tied at 23.8%. Science items followed with a 16.4% share of audience. Maverick archeology got 12.3%, parapsychology news garnered 10.8%, and 13% choose “other.” Bernie O’Connor, author of the survey analysis.

I am still pondering why the interest level among the 449 is so elevated, seem to “believe” in Bigfoot and cryptids (and revealed on an attached chart), but then a majority go on to feel that Bigfoot will never be caught. That reaction appears counter to the other Bigfoot-related answers.

Who filled out the survey? The anaysis says, “A little over three quarters of our audience is male, with the remainder female. The majority of Anomalists live in the U.S.A. They are college educated, some with degrees. Age-wise they skew to middle-age or later. The majority hold executive positions are self-employed or retired. They do not belong to any major organized religions or political parties. They did however vote in both the past mid-term and Presidential elections.”

The more interesting indication of demographics was this part of one paragraph of the write-up: “There were a few humorous requests for naked pictures of women, one request was for ‘Anomalous Porn,’ whatever that is, and one request for ‘Naked chicks watching UFOs.’ Such replies no doubt reflect our primarily male audience and the small percentage of our readers being young teens. The strangest request for additional subjects to be covered on the site was ‘Clint Eastward.’ Yes, Eastward.”

Almost 5000 people are presently registered at the Cryptomundo’s site to leave comments, and some postings are being read, in one day now, by 2,000,000 people. I wonder if answers to the same Anomalist questions would change if the survey was given to a more cz-specific population versus a generalist anomalistic one?

Loren Coleman About Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct). Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015. Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.

15 Responses to “Survey: Almost 60% Say Sasquatch Unsnatchable”

  1. DWA responds:

    Loren, yup, bit of a biased survey there.

    For one thing, they seem primarily paranormal fans, not cryptos.

    I think giving the same survey to the folks on this site might yield some interesting results for comparison.

    And I’ve never had an Eastward sighting.

  2. Bob Michaels responds:

    If they took a survey of the population of Spain at the time of Colombus, how many would have said it was foolhardy to seek a route to the Indies becasuse the world was flat and they would simply sail off the earth, or they would encounter Sea Serpents that would eat them? My point is this it`s the seeker, the inquisitive individual who makes progress possible in all of man`s endeavors.

    The fact remains that the search for cryptids and the science of Cryptozoology (although not recognized as such at the academic level) will remain strong well into the future

  3. Benjamin Radford responds:

    “If they took a survey of the population of Spain at the time of Colombus, how many would have said it was foolhardy to seek a route to the Indies becasuse the world was flat and they would simply sail off the earth”

    Bad example. Actually, not many. Most people knew that the Earth was round at the time of Columbus. You didn’t need to have high-tech telescopes to know this, all you had to do is look at an eclipse and see Earth’s curved shadow for yourself…

    Oh, and perhaps the reason so many think Bigfoot won’t be captured is because all attempts so far have been such dramatic failures. People have been looking in earnest for Bigfoot for 50 years, they’ve got squat in terms of hard evidence; what makes anyone think the next 50 years will be any different?

  4. heinselman responds:

    One thing to remember is that the survey report itself is presented on the basis of The Anomalist. It is a marketing style survey and not necessarily a hard / solid analytical survey intended to remove bias.

    Surveys are created for their market or reason for existence. From Likert Scales (those rank in order of 1 to 10 surveys, not to be confused with Thurstone or Guttman Scaling) to diagnostic analysis, the survey has a valuable place in culture.

    I remember conducting exit polls during the last presidential primaries and elections in New Hampshire. Those polls (surveys) were constructed to get feedback from the voter and some demographic relationships. The data in turn was used for predictions as to winners, but also in a larger pool of demographic behaviors as well as voting trends.

    We use them heavily in reviewing supplier / customer relations as well as employee relations. These may seem odd to folks, but the usage of a survey’s results (depending on the style of the survey) can set a baseline for continuous improvement and organizational growth. After all, one cannot move forward without knowing where they stand now (i.e. am I improving?). These surveys become the basis of OBJECTIVE information and can push the SUBJECTIVE pieces to the background.

    In the case of the Anomalist Survey 2007, the results were presented in a straightforward manner and not intended to be heavily analytical. However, they do appear to show the trends and behaviors associated to a particular website and also behaviors of that websites readers. The information therefore is beneficial to them as it will allow for shaping and adjusting of mannerisms as well as content levels. Entries regarding book buying behavior can be useful for the publishers, authors and agents out there and how their target their marketplace and campaign rollouts.

    Surveys can be hard and fast or soft and pliable; it is the delicate balance between the audience (write to the intended reader) and the contractual requirements. What is very telling on surveys though is how the reader reacts to it, its content and its layout and presentation.

    Of course, the right or wrong of a survey can be debated to the cows come home. An anomaly in its own right.

    Craig Heinselman
    Peterborough, NH

  5. Jeremy_Wells responds:

    Why don’t you try something similar Loren, just for kicks?

  6. btgoss responds:

    Well I think the first question would have to be are you here for the science or are you hear for the séance?

    For me, I need science. It’s what I do for a living, so I’m all about facts. And to be honest, we don’t have enough of them. But that should be the first question.

  7. kamoeba responds:

    I can’t believe you guys aren’t familiar with Clint Eastward! He starred as cop-on-the-edge ‘Dirty Larry’ in several films in the 1970’s. A couple of his famous catchphrases are “Go ahead, rake my hay!” and “Do you feel lucky, skunk?”.

  8. Loren Coleman responds:

    Ah kamoeba, I can’t believe you don’t have a sense of humor!

  9. fuzzy responds:

    Ah, Benjamin: “People have been looking in earnest for Bigfoot for 50 years, they’ve got squat in terms of hard evidence; what makes anyone think the next 50 years will be any different?”

    Great scientific attitude, Ben – good thing you’re not a Debunker!

  10. MattBille responds:

    From “Back to the Future, Part III”

    “Eastwood. Clint Eastwood.”
    “What kind of a sissy name is that?”

    That which we call a sasquatch by any other name would smell as abominably.

    OK, I need more sleep. But I agree the survey does not tell us much that we can rely on as a picture of the global or national population.

  11. mystery_man responds:

    I think I know what “anamolous porn” is. It is when guys who make requests for things like that and “naked chicks watching UFOs” search years and years for a girlfriend and yet provide no concrete evidence of having ever found one. 🙂 Clint Eastward? Analomous porn? This bizarre article put a smile on my face.

  12. Bob K. responds:

    Well, I dont think its a mystery that some Bigfoot “believers”-many Native Americans amongst them-believe that Bigfoot is other dimensional, and cannot be captured. Fred Beck, one of the miners who fought the Apemen of St. Helens in 1924, shared this view. My wife, who is half American Indian and is also quite spiritually gifted, holds this view as well. Me? I’m reluctant to hold this view, but darn it, we’re gonna need at least a sizeable chunk of one of these critters in order to PROVE it. Maybe not even soft tissue, but a good part of a skeleton will do. SOMETHING (sigh). The more I read about these impressive beasts, the more I’m convinced that we are dealing with one of two things;1) a creature that is of immense physical power and prowess, and perhaps the highest intelligence of any creature in the animal world, a true king of beasts, or 2) a creature that is indeed, not of this world[feel free to fill in the blanks here]. While I’m not at all comfortable with the second possibility(I do believe in a heavenly dimension; I just cant see what sense an “interdemensional animal” makes), I cant completely rule it out until we have a corpse.

  13. Benjamin Radford responds:

    fuzzy responds:

    “Great scientific attitude, Ben – good thing you’re not a Debunker!”

    Fuzzy’s thinking is, well, fuzzy. The issue has nothing to do with debunking or a scientific attitude. The question was why most people polled don’t think Bigfoot will be captured. Part of the answer, as I pointed out, is past history: It hasn’t so far, and there’s little reason to think it will be any time soon.

  14. fuzzy responds:

    Keep repeating it, Ben – sooner or later it will become fact, right?

  15. windigo responds:

    How long do true researchers of Sasquatch need to pursue their quarry before they finally realize that the Native American assertions about them are much closer to reality than the merely zoological perceptions that the world of academia subscribe to?

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