SasWhat: Kids Talk About Bigfoot

Posted by: Shannon LeGro on February 3rd, 2015


Episode 34: Kids Talk About Bigfoot

This week Mark and Seth talk with 11 year old, Andy Matzke about his take on the subject of Bigfoot. They also read a letter from listener, Joseph Young who interviewed his 8 year old daughter about what she thinks of Sasquatch. If you’re interested in how kids view the wacky world of Squatch then this is the episode for you!

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Shannon LeGro About Shannon LeGro
My name is Shannon LeGro and I've been researching the paranormal since I was a teen, having had my own experience which started me on this path. And for the past several years, a focus on the phenomena that is Sasquatch. I strive to bring a fresh perspective and an open mind to the most intriguing mysteries in our little known universe. Visit my site for more information and the latest episodes of Into the Fray.

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