Archive for the “Forteana”

My Menagerie of Marvels is Here!

Posted by: Karl Shuker on December 9th, 2014

…the publication of The Menagerie of Marvels, whose subtitle, A Third Compendium of Extraordinary Animals, reveals that it is volume #3 in my series dealing with extraordinary animals from both cryptozoology and mainstream zoology.

Read: My Menagerie of Marvels is Here! »

A Cemetery Monster For Halloween

Posted by: Nick Redfern on October 31st, 2014

“Panteon de Belen can boast of being home to more ghosts, ghouls and fiends of the night than pretty much any other cemetery in Mexico – and quite possibly even the world, too.”

Read: A Cemetery Monster For Halloween »

Werewolves: Not Transformed People

Posted by: Nick Redfern on October 25th, 2014

“When people learn that I do think there is a real werewolf phenomenon, many of them assume I mean werewolves of the folkloric and Hollywood variety. That’s to say, people who shape-shift into wolves, or into bipedal wolf-like creatures that are half-wolf and half-human. I should stress I believe no such thing – at all.”

Read: Werewolves: Not Transformed People »

Mothman Over England?

Posted by: Nick Redfern on October 24th, 2014

“Pilots on a holiday jet were left stunned when a ‘flying man’ whizzed past their aircraft at 3,500 feet. The mystery man flew within 100 meters of the plane and left the pilots baffled as to how he was moving through the air, as neither could see a canopy suspending him.”

Read: Mothman Over England? »

Goatman: Flesh or Folklore?

Posted by: Nick Redfern on October 14th, 2014

“Legend says that all across America, a monster lives in the darkness. It lurks on the boundaries of suburbia mere miles from our homes. Huge, foul-smelling, and murderous, it has many regional names but most people refer to the creature by a simple, straightforward name—Goatman.”

Read: Goatman: Flesh or Folklore? »

The Mothman Festival: Reviewed

Posted by: Nick Redfern on September 30th, 2014

“Last weekend I attended, and spoke at, the annual Mothman Festival in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. After no less than a 19-hour drive (with Cryptomundo’s Craig Woolheater), I got into town around 4.00 p.m., Friday afternoon.”

Read: The Mothman Festival: Reviewed »

Bigfoot: A Multi-Dimensional Monster

Posted by: Nick Redfern on September 18th, 2014

“If there is one thing that can be said with any degree of certainty about Bigfoot, it’s that it has an undeniable ‘here one minute, and gone the next minute’ aspect to it…”

Read: Bigfoot: A Multi-Dimensional Monster »

Hunting A Werewolf

Posted by: Nick Redfern on August 6th, 2014

“…a woman saw a six-foot tall, upright wolf-like creature cross her back yard at 1:30 a.m. the night of July 17-18, 2014.”

Read: Hunting A Werewolf »

King Hares and Giant Rabbits – Keeping Cryptozoology on the Hop!

Posted by: Karl Shuker on June 8th, 2014

Closely related to America’s familiar jack rabbits, hares are among the most delightful and enigmatic of British mammals, and down through the ages they have been many things to many people – symbols of fertility, the moon, and Easter, to name but a few. They have also been described in many ways – magical, mystical, […]

Read: King Hares and Giant Rabbits – Keeping Cryptozoology on the Hop! »

Slenderman Stabbing

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 4th, 2014

Ghoulish stabbing raises question: Who is Slenderman?

He’s the Internet’s own monster, a ghoul who lurks in its darkest corners and, like the Web itself, has mutated time and again to suit the dreams and desires of his devotees.

Read: Slenderman Stabbing »

A New Keel Collection!

Posted by: Nick Redfern on May 14th, 2014

“New Saucerian Press proudly presents Searching For the String, a collection of magazine articles and lectures by John A. Keel, the man many consider to have been not only the premiere investigator of all things unusual and ‘Fortean,’ but who was also our own, twentieth-century ‘Mark Twain.'”

Read: A New Keel Collection! »

The Beast of the Bridge

Posted by: Nick Redfern on May 6th, 2014

“…during the course of the evening Lance casually mentioned to me that he had undertaken investigations of a couple of local stories, legends and incidents of a monstrous nature that he felt might very well be of keen interest to me…”

Read: The Beast of the Bridge »

Bigfoot Is Hiding in the Big Thicket

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 2nd, 2014

He’s just very hard to find.

Read: Bigfoot Is Hiding in the Big Thicket »

An ABC of British “Werecats”

Posted by: Nick Redfern on April 29th, 2014

“…we are talking about nothing less than huge, black, bipedal cats. All of which brings us to the world of shape-shifters.”

Read: An ABC of British “Werecats” »

Wildmen in Norway and Selkies on Skis

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 22nd, 2014

Today’s adventure in historic monster-hunting comes from Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, first printed in 1577. It seems to be describing wild men in Norway. Norwegian woodwose?

Read: Wildmen in Norway and Selkies on Skis »

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