Nessie: A 2012 Review

Posted by: Nick Redfern on December 28th, 2012

Water Horses Loch Ness

Glasgow Boy (at his Loch Ness Mystery blog) provides us with an overview of what went on in the world of the Loch Ness Monster in 2012.

He tells us in part…

“…it is nearly the end of the year and a good time to look back at what has made Loch Ness Monster news nationally and internationally as well as a personal view of the perennial mystery of Loch Ness.

“The first thing to say is how quiet things have been at Loch Ness in 2012 compared to the previous year. In 2011, we had the Rowe and Jobes photos, the Atkinson sonar contact and various sightings such as the Hargreaves/MacGruer head-neck sighting. In fact, perhaps because it was quiet, the Atkinson sonar story was rerun again in 2012!

“But this year only one story hit the media headlines both nationally and internationally and that was the George Edwards photograph. The fact that this picture turned out to be a fake leaves us with a fairly echoing void as far as the media is concerned. As a result, any alleged Loch Ness reports have to come in under the radar of ‘normal’ reporting.”

Nick Redfern About Nick Redfern
Punk music fan, Tennents Super and Carlsberg Special Brew beer fan, horror film fan, chocolate fan, like to wear black clothes, like to stay up late. Work as a writer.

5 Responses to “Nessie: A 2012 Review”

  1. dconstrukt responds:

    hate all the hoaxing going on… the reines sonar stuff was super interesting… i mean the dude had to have some reason to keep exploring….

    there’s just such a long history of sightings of something….

    curious to hear more educated opinions on the loch ness monster…. its really interesting, i remember reading stuff about it as a kid…

  2. silverity responds:

    Some say a giant eel, some a modified plesiosaur, others a long neck seal or giant salamander. Others explain it away in terms of logs, wave effects, hoaxes or misidentified animals. If it was that easy to be fooled by natural events, why are more lochs and lakes not producing “monsters” in Britain and beyond?

  3. wuffing responds:

    Posted by: Nick Redfern on December 28th, 2012
    “2012 was a good year for Nessie!”

    “The first thing to say is how quiet things have been at Loch Ness in 2012… this year only one story hit the media headlines both nationally and internationally and that was the George Edwards photograph. The fact that this picture turned out to be a fake leaves us with a fairly echoing void…”

    I wonder what would make a bad year 🙂

  4. dconstrukt responds:

    i hear eels…. a massive sturgeon or fish.

    i guess no one really knows how deep the water is? or if it connects to something else underneath? or what.

    could it be a deformed fish or something? is that even possible?

    i mean, what the hell does it eat? how does it live THAT long? if it reproduces, there’d have to be a few of them at least to keep on going….

    but then wouldn’t you see them if they have to surface? or do they need to surface?

    so many questions.

  5. silverity responds:

    What makes a bad year? 2012 was pretty quiet, most years might average 10 sightings, so it’s not a beast that’s given to public displays .. which suggests an ability to breath water and stay away from scientific eyes quite easily.

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