July 30, 2012
Clifford LaBrecque next to his $85,000 Bigfoot Replica
“Any business man could build a museum for it and make his money back. If I don’t sell it, that’s exactly what I’ll do”–Clifford LaBrecque
Fans, when we first briefed you on this Bigfoot ebay item we were certain Clifford LaBrecque was trying to cash in on a 30 year investment, and we doubted if Clifford knew how auctions worked. When we saw the item has recently been re-listed for $5000 more, upping the price to $85,000, we knew we had to call Mr. LaBrecque to get the details.
“You can’t make a replica like that today for less than $85,000.” LaBrecque said over the phone. Based on what we know about costumes he may be correct. The Hairy and the Hendersons costume cost several million in 1985, adjusted for inflation it is about $3.9M in today’s dollars. Granted, Hairy Henderson had remote control animatronics, but even a Hollywood costume without fancy electronic moving parts would run a quarter to a million dollars today, if it were made by a special effects studio.
As we continued to speak to Clifford Labrecque we realized there really wasn’t a price too big for this statue. Read the rest at Bigfoot Lunch Club.
Guy Edwards
Psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic.
Guy Edwards is host of the Portland, OR event HopsSquatch.com.
Filed under Bigfoot, Bigfoot Lunch Club, Replica Cryptia, Sasquatch