July 23, 2012
My latest post for Mysterious Universe, The Game of the Name, begins like this:
“In her newly published title, Real Wolfmen, Linda Godfrey notes: ‘Author Jim Brandon wrote in his 1983 book The Rebirth of Pan that there exists a curious worldwide repetition of location names associated with odd happenings. He calls it a “network of name and number” and wonders whether certain names based on old, powerful words somehow attract unknown entities and unexplainable events.’
“Although such possibilities are often dismissed by those of a closed – or at least significantly less than open – mind, it is a fact that when we go looking for curious names and weird connections, we most assuredly do find them. I’ll share with you just one of many such examples from my files. And, as this case demonstrates, it’s not just place names, but the names of people too, that come into play when we delve deep into such matters.”
And that goes for Cryptozoology, too…
Nick Redfern
Punk music fan, Tennents Super and Carlsberg Special Brew beer fan, horror film fan, chocolate fan, like to wear black clothes, like to stay up late. Work as a writer.
Filed under Books, Cryptozoology, Forteana, Lair of the Beasts