January 4, 2013
Oliver was known as baby bigfoot, the missing link and even the humanzee
“I still get inquiries about Oliver really being a Bigfoot.” — Loren Coleman
Today in 1976, a newspaper declared the mDNA results of a captured “Baby Bigfoot,” while unique, the Baby Bigfoot was merely a chimpanzee. Oliver (pictured above) was often known as Baby Bigfoot, but a more modern, and perhaps cleverer moniker, was coined in a recent documentary broadcast on the Discovery Channel. This documentary called “Humanzee,” featured an upright walking chimpanzee named Oliver. For those who have heard of Oliver before, he’s just a chimp according to test results. Chimp or “Humanzee,” Oliver was a remarkable, upright walking chimp who appeared to prefer living and behaving as a human being than a chimpanzee for the better part of his life.
In 2007 Loren Coleman posted here at Cryptomundo, “I still get inquiries about Oliver really being a Bigfoot.” (See When Oliver was Bigfoot)
Oliver’s had a real strange and sordid history. Others have noted Oliver’s peculiar smell, eye coloring, bird-like voice and various mannerisms as being very un-chimp-like. And then there is Oliver’s sense of himself. The prevailing view was that Oliver is simply a mutant chimp. Could Oliver be the result of clandestine genetic alchemy? A mutant or hybrid chimp? Missing link perhaps?
Read the mDNA results from the original 1976 article at Bigfoot Lunch Club
About Guy Edwards
Psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic.
Guy Edwards is host of the Portland, OR event HopsSquatch.com.
Filed under Bigfoot, Bigfoot Lunch Club, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Forensic Science, Sasquatch