November 16, 2012
Cliff Barackman during a recent visit to Springfield High School
“It won’t take long, a few years tops, these things are real, and soon everyone is going to know about it.”Cliff Barackman, Finding Bigfoot co-host
Cliff Barackman, co-host of the TV show Finding Bigfoot, seems to up the ante regarding the timeline for Bigfoot proof. At the risk of reading too much into the video, Barackman seems to talk with a confidence of an insider, as if he has knowledge privy only to a few. Click the following link to read our previous coverage of Cliff Barackman.
Watch the video below and read the companion article.
About Guy Edwards
Psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic.
Guy Edwards is host of the Portland, OR event
Filed under Bigfoot, Bigfoot Lunch Club, Evidence, Finding Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Television, Videos