January 7, 2013

Today in Bigfoot History | 1811 | First Mystery Prints Documented

Bigfoot Lunch Club

Postage stamp commemorating David Thompson’s Life and reputation as a mapmaker

Today in 1811, marks the first recorded account of overly large foot prints in North America by a non-native person. The honor goes to David Thompson, a British-Canadian fur trader, surveyor, and map-maker, who was known for keeping detailed records. On January 7th, 1811, Mr. Thompson found curious tracks in the snow near Jasper, Alberta. He described the tracks as 14 inch long footprints 6 inches deep in the snow.

You can read David Thompson’s journal entry at Bigfoot Lunch Club.

Guy Edwards About Guy Edwards
Psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Guy Edwards is host of the Portland, OR event HopsSquatch.com.

Filed under Bigfoot, Bigfoot Lunch Club, Evidence, Expedition Reports, Footprint Evidence, Sasquatch