July 10, 2009
First posted 11 August 2007; updated July 10, 2009.
This is addressed to less than 5% of the people leaving comments at Cryptomundo. But for that minority and the curious, you might wish to read it to get your comments on-site.
Although the bloggers at Cryptomundo have spent hours replying to various individual emails to a few registered readers (numbering in the tens of thousands as of 2009), people are routinely surprised to not see some of their comments after a blog or their submitted remarks edited to bring it up to Cryptomundo standards, if time allows.
First, it is suggested you read the “Terms of Use” statement, again, slowly. That has elements needed so your comments will see the light of day here.
This posting is an attempt to give a reminder of some other things you can do to assist your comment through the process to be uploaded under a blog.
First of all, although some people seem to not believe it, the Cryptomundo hosting site is not managed by blogger Loren Coleman and does employ high quality software and editors to catch certain keywords that automatically throw some comments into the “must be moderated” or “automatic deletion” bin. Because this site is a kid-friendly site, in general, most forms of profanity are screened out at the point of originally coming into the site.
During the screening process, and the regular moderating that occurs, some posts are instantly removed, and others may be tagged for additional reconsideration or deletion.
There is a long list of reasons that some posts never are displayed. Common reasons for deletion and/or non-approval of comments include but are not limited to the following items:
Spam email
Personal material
Negative remarks which discourage others’ comments
Divisive political comments
Making inappropriate racist, ethnic and sexist comments
Noting past comments have been deleted
Mentioning moderation
Referencing comments not present
Commenting about another blog with no link to posting
Referencing another blogger, out-of-place
Sharing personal information (e.g. an email address or personal url)
Divisive religious comments
Expressing biased data
Passing along misleading info
Posting false information
Noting as fact opinions
Divisive cultural comments
Placing a link in a comment or not embedding it (needs editing/approval)
Quoting another’s work without a citation
…to name a few.
Comments to Cryptomundo may be deleted, edited, and moderated for a variety of reasons and such actions are completely at the discretion of the administration, the technical editors, and the writers at the site. Comments to Cryptomundo become the property of the site, as noted in the “Terms of Use,” and may be used and elevated to the blog-level, if deemed appropriate and newsworthy.
Requests for reasoning on selective individual decisions cannot routinely be given due to the volume of emails, comments, and readers who use our site.
We hope you find the above insights and parameters helpful, and you use them as yardsticks before sending in your future comments.
Cryptomundo Admin
Filed under Breaking News, Cryptomundo Exclusive, Cryptozoology, Public Forum, Twilight Language