January 10, 2006
The Pacific Northwest, actually the greater Seattle area, is fast approaching a record rain streak. It stands at 33 days but on this coming Friday that could easily be exceeded. Forecasts predict at least another 5 days to the continuous downfall we are having. I mention this for two reasons:
What is it about the rain that a pattern appears in Bigfoot reports? Does it have to do with thermo-regulation? Food resources? Mineral leaching? Maybe they have to come out of the ground, from their hiding places, for fear of being flooded out? Just kidding on that one.
I have my own theories but I am really interested in what all of you think about this so please comment on the phenomena within the phenomenon.
About Rick Noll
Rick Noll has been actively searching for the Sasquatch since 1969 and continues his pursuit with extended field trips into the Pacific Northwest's most remote regions. Rick has worked with Peter Byrne, René Dahinden, Grover Krantz, John Green, Jeff Meldrum and the BFRO during all this. He helped with many documentaries on the subject including Animal X: The Skookum Expedition and Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science.
Filed under Bigfoot, Bigfoot Hunter, Books, Cryptozoology, Media Appearances, Sasquatch