April 15, 2011
(Team of Researchers Left to Right: James “Bobo” Fay, Matt Moneymaker, The Skeptic, and Cliff Barackman)
The official title of Animal Planet’s newest Sasquatch series has been announced: Finding Bigfoot.
Here are some of the descriptions around the net.
Finding Bigfoot, a new entry that follows the efforts of a small but eccentric team of researchers on the hunt for the elusive creature.C21 Media
Finding Bigfoot looks at four eccentric but passionate members of the Bigfoot Field Research Organization as they hunt for the Sasquatch.RealScreen
“Finding Bigfoot”: This show follows a group of intrepid Sasquatch trackers in the Pacific Northwest who have made it their mission to find this elusive creature. Hey, this sounds like kind of a stretch for Animal Planet because no one knows if (a) Bigfoot is human, (b) Bigfoot is an animal or (c) if it even exists (which is doubtful). Next thing you know, Animal Planet will make a show about mermaids.”xfinity tv
You may remember our full coverage the Animal Planet series as it began filming in North Carolina.
Guy Edwards
Psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic.
Guy Edwards is host of the Portland, OR event HopsSquatch.com.
Filed under Bigfoot, Bigfoot Lunch Club, Bigfoot Report, Sasquatch, Television