July 13, 2006

Georgia Bigfoot Video?

Another new Bigfoot video has popped up. This one has been investigated by Sam Rich at GeorgiaBigfoot.com. Sam has given permission for this to be shared here on Cryptomundo. Apparently this one fell apart rather quickly. The video was initially claimed to have been made on July 5th, 2006 and the domain was registered on June 21st, 2006.

Written by Samuel Rich
Monday, 10 July 2006

GeorgiaBigfoot.com was recently made privy to a video purporting to show a sasquatch that was filmed in Midland, Ga on the 5th of July, 06. Below is a copy of the email submitted to the site from "Jeff" through our Contact Form.

"A friend of mine claims he recently caught a bigfoot on tape in Midland, GA. He started a web site to get the public’s feedback at www.greyrockbigfoot.com"

A visit to greyrockbigfoot.com provided a single web page devoted to the video and alleged sighting. Because of the slow hosting service provided by that web site I have mirrored the written contents as well as the included video here for the conveyance of our visitors.

Below is the text from the website, www.greyrockbigfoot.com, as it originally appeared.

The Grey Rock Bigfoot Account

We would like to begin by telling you that we aren’t even sure if we believe in the creature that has come to be known as bigfoot. We are just two regular guys that happened to capture this strange footage. This is only our account of what happened on our fishing trip in Midland, Georgia on the evening of July 5th, 2006…..nothing more. We just thought this was something that couldn’t go without being shown to the public. More than anything, we want to get feedback from viewers to get their impressions. We welcome any emails you might want to send to give us your take on the events that happened that day.

First, we should tell you who we are.  We will only use our first names because we don’t want anyone to think we are out of our minds. Daniel was the one filming that day.  Daniel had purchased his video camera last year and never used it much. He decided to bring it along to capture what we hoped would be some trophy bass being caught. I(Will) was invited by Daniel to fish with him on Lake Swift that day. The fish had been biting pretty well that evening. We were fishing along the bank getting close to the boat dock pictured above. I had just reeled in a bass and was lifting it up onto the boat when the footage was taken. As you can see, my back was to the boat dock and Daniel was focused on the fish I had caught and didn’t even notice anything at the time. It was not until we were watching the video later that we saw the creature walking along the woods behind the boat dock. I’m not confident myself about what we caught on Daniel’s video camera……watch the video below and draw your own conclusions.


Click Here To View Video
You May Also "Right Click and Save As"

The first thing that became apparent was that our email from Jeff had originated from the same email listed on the web site (feedback@greyrockbigfoot.com). After replying to Jeff’s initial email with our findings he replied and stated that the reason for this was because he had created the web site for "Daniel" and "Will". The relevance of this bit of information will become more telling in a moment.

Back to the video though, as it is after all the heart of the matter. "Daniel" is filming "Will" from a boat on an unnamed lake as "Will" attempts to reel in a fish. In the background there is a largish clearing, dominated in the foreground by a boathouse or other type of building. As "Will" attempts to land his fish we see a dark figure passing from the left of the camera’s field of view to the right. Below are two stills of the figure that have been lightened and enhanced.

Grey Rock Bigfoot Videocap

Grey Rock Bigfoot Videocap

Some immediate observations of the dark figure were made.

1) Using the structure in the center of the clearing as a reference, the figure in question is well within the human range of height.

2) The limb ratio of the figure is also within the human range.

3) The stride of the figure does not appear to be any greater than that of a normal human covering the same terrain.

4) There is nothing distinguishable about the figure in regards to hair, facial characteristics, or other details.

Upon further study of the video it is obvious that the cameraman’s focus is on keeping the shoreline centered during the taping, despite the testimony on the web site stating that neither individual knew the figure was there until after reviewing the tape. The cameraman’s suppressed laughter as the dark figure first enters the clearing is also an indication that the cameraman most likely knew of the subject’s presence in the video during the taping.

Before delving any further into the video itself a brief investigation was conducted on the web site hosting it. The domain name greyrockbigfoot.com was registered on 21 June 06, a full two weeks before the alleged encounter took place. Here is a screen capture of the site as it was originally displayed.

Grey Rock Bigfoot Screencap

Upon the public disclosure of this fact on a bigfoot forum, the web site was quickly altered to remove this information. Unfortunately for those involved in this hoax, not only were we able to acquire the screen capture showing the site in it’s original form, we were also able to save the original HTML archive as well. These facts prove damning in terms of any credibility the video might have possessed. This shows that not only was the website planned two weeks in advance of the alleged sighting, but the hoaxers involved were clearly watching the bigfoot community to see what response their video garnered. As soon as these facts were uncovered any and all investigation into the video itself ended.

For those of you who may have had a sighting or encountered other sasquatch related phenomenon we would continue to strongly encourage you to contact us. For those of you who would attempt such an obvious hoax we would like to give you a stern warning. There are those of us such as myself and others who investigate this subject seriously, and if you are attempting a hoax you will be found out and become the subject of articles such as this one. However, there are those out there who wish nothing more than to be the person to kill a sasquatch and bring in the body. If you’re contemplating donning a monkey suit and attempting to pass it off as a legitimate piece of evidence, then your best luck is that you run into someone like myself, and not the person looking to mount a sasquatch on their wall.

*Author’s Note* – It is not the normal policy of myself or anyone affiliated with GeorgiaBigfoot.com to share any type of personal information, email transcript, or other personal c
orrespondence with the public. All personal information and transcripts relating to legitimate enquires or investigations are kept strictly confidential. The purpose and justification of publishing the information contained in this article is in the hope that it will help to discourage future attempts at hoaxing.

About Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005. I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films: OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.

Filed under Bigfoot, Bigfoot Report, Breaking News, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Eyewitness Accounts, Hoaxes, Public Forum, Sasquatch