Can we demonstrate Bigfoot migration based on natural disasters? |
After the ecosystem of Mount St. Helens recovered, many plants and animals returned, evidence suggest Bigfoot did not–at least not in the numbers that once existed.
A friendly reminder that we have one of the most anticipated hopsSquatches this weekend. When I mentioned the topic and the research to Dr. Jeff Meldrum, he was intrigued enough to perhaps publish it in his research paper. Get the details before the rest of community at the next HopsSquatch June 15th!!! Thank you for all your support!!!You will not want to miss this HopsSquatch. You will see compelling evidence that Bigfoot has migrated! Using seven independent databases, the dates of natural disasters and the history of human infrastructure, Colleen Meacham has been able to determine several insights to Bigfoot behavior and habitat.
DATE: Sunday, June 15th
Like any living thing, Sasquatch needs a place to live, breed and raise a family. In Environmental Sciences we call this a habitat. In order to address the needs of Sasquatch we need to understand their habitat and their place in the ecosystem.
The project that will be presented will explore potential Sasquatch habitat. The presentation will also look into if changes to the habitat from human interference or natural disasters can affect the behavior of Sasquatch. Finally, are we in danger of loosing Sasquatch before we’ve found them?
About Guy Edwards
Psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic.
Guy Edwards is host of the Portland, OR event HopsSquatch.com.
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