November 21, 2014
Yesterday Dr. Jeff Meldrum broke his silence over what may or may not have been a Bigfoot encounter while he was out with the infamous Todd Standing.
The people that follow Standing blindly, “The Standlings,” took this as full vindication of their hero, the “Toddster.”
This is what Dr. Meldrum stated:
The account offered on Todd Standing’s Kickstart (sic) site is accurate in so far as my involvement is concerned. Following the events that occurred last Fall in Alberta, Todd asked me not to discuss my experience extensively until he the chance to finish the production of his documentary. Therefore, I have said very little publicly and openly about it. I will let him share the details with those attending the summit or the airing of his film in Seattle the following Tuesday. I will say that I did witness and interaction, i.e. Sonya talking reassuringly to something large and heavy that was circling our camp under cover of darkness at the end of a burmed (sic) road. It reacted to her approach and eventually broke from the treeline and crossed the gravel road to the opposite treeline. I observed through night vision an upright silhouetted figure, forward-leaning, arm-swinging, moving smoothly. Was it a sasquatch? I am not certain, but under the circumstances and based on the reconstruction conducted the next day, it strikes me as a real possibility that it was.Dr. Jeff Meldrum 11/19/14
Let’s look very carefully at what Dr. Meldrum stated:
“The account offered on Todd Standing’s Kickstart (sic) site is accurate in so far as my involvement is concerned. Following the events that occurred last Fall in Alberta…”
The statement clearly does not vindicate Standing or prop belief in Standing’s pictures of “Blinky,” and “Puppetface” shown here:
Steve Kulls
Steve had a lifelong fascination with the Bigfoot phenomena since an early age. In 1998 after reading "Monsters of the Northwoods", and learned that there were numerous sighting reports close to his residence in upstate New York. He began to investigate extremely skeptical but soon changed his mind. was the creation of Steve Kulls, aka "The Squatchdetective" Steve launched with a national outlook in December 2005. In September 2006 he created Squatchdetective Radio.
Steve has appeared on numerous local news programs around the country and national venues such as Fox and Friends, and interviewed in print in over 100 newspapers over the last ten years. Steve has appeared on the History Channel the National Geographic Channel, featured on several programs, and authored two book, "Fifty Large," and "What Would Sasquatch Do?"
Steve is a former Licensed Private Investigator, in New York, and a former retail investigator of 18 years, a Firefighter and Paramedic
Filed under Bigfoot, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Expedition Reports, Eyewitness Accounts, Sasquatch, SquatchDetective