September 21, 2012
When I saw the photos, I got goosebumps. Not only were some of the tracks perfect, there were so many of them and they were very fresh!
I immediately contacted Derek and begged him to answer my questions and he was very gracious to accommodate me this morning!
The story begins with a couple of men looking for a good fishing spot discovered hundreds of prints with a 4-5 foot stride. They immediately left the area and emailed Cliff Barackman. Cliff is on break from filming Finding Bigfoot right now and was enjoying time away from society and did not reply to the email. The fishermen then contacted the BFRO and investigator Scott Taylor was dispatched to conduct the investigation.
Scott graciously shared the find with Derek and Paul from the Olympic Projects. Guy Edwards was there, Thom Powell showed up to gather some casts. Dr. Meldrum was contacted and will probably be making the trip to the location this weekend, however, the tracks are now beginning to deteriorate due to weather changes.
Derek was able to find a starting and ending point of the tracks and it is speculated that the creature was headed towards an abundant blackberry thicket.
The process has been thoroughly documented and we are sure to learn some very important behavioral information from this discovery.
Thank you BFRO researcher Scott Taylor, Davide Ellis, Richard Noll, Derek Randles and all others who share information so freely with all of us!
photos courtesy of Derek Randles
From Derek Randles:
I would really like to thank Washington State researcher Scott Taylor for the way he handled this amazing track line. With Bigfoot evidence, a lot of researchers have a tendency to keep very quiet about what they have for fear of others swooping in to take the spoils and grab the glory. In my opinion Scott has set a new precedent with the way he handled this event. Information was shared and proper documentation happened. I think this is the way research should, and does work. This is one of the best examples I’ve seen in my 27 years of BF research where many have come together to collaborate and share findings. It’s very simple, more can be learned this way. Scott, I applaud you actions here, and hope that we can all take the example you’ve set and run with it. On behalf of the Olympic Project, thank you., Derek Randles
Derek Randles of the Olympic Project, Cliff Barackman of Finding Bigfoot and Guy Edwards of the Bigfoot Lunch Club.
Sharon Lee
The Bigfoot Field Reporter's Mission is To promote and share research, information and events regarding the existence of the unlisted humanoid species known as Sasquatch or Bigfoot;and to help further education and understanding to the public regarding the species, throughout the United States of America.
Filed under Bigfoot, Breaking News, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Footprint Evidence, Sasquatch, The Bigfoot Field Reporter