October 6, 2015
So i was sent a weird video today.. I don’t know for sure what it is.. But I feel like this is just a person in the woods.. The guy who filmed it says “It is real” so here is the footage I was sent.. Please comment let me know what you think. #TeamRogue
About Bill Brock
Bill Brock is the host of Discovery Channel's Monsters Underground, where he and his team are hell-bent on proving the existence of monsters living beneath the earth's surface. During their underground investigations, one wrong move could turn the cave into their tomb. But the most dangerous threat of all is the pitch-black darkness and the risk of coming face to face with a cave creature - such as the shape-shifting Aswang or the bat-like Olitiau - and not seeing it until it's too late!
Brock's Team in Maine are known as “Team Rogue”, they travel the Northeast in search of Cryptids and the Paranormal. Team Rogue investigated the Turner Bigfoot sighting where a young man filmed what some say is the best Video since the Patterson/Gimlin Footage! The team has investigated multiple sightings in Maine and New England.
Filed under Bigfoot, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Eyewitness Accounts, Pop Culture, Sasquatch, Social Media, Team Rogue, Videos