November 21, 2012
At one point it seemed that the New York Department of Environmental Conservation was protecting Bigfoot, now it is shattered
In October 2012 we posted an article titled, “NY Dept of Environmental Conservation: Do Not Harm Bigfoot“, in that article we announced how the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (NY DEC) used loose language to “protect” Bigfoot. Essentially shielding any harm to Bigfoot in New York State. Apparently that loose language was too loose for Peter Wiemer of the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo.
Upon the announcement of the $10 million dollar Bigfoot bounty and unsatisfied with his first correspondence with the NY DEC, Mr. Wiemer, on October 26th, 2012 wrote a second letter requesting explicit language to protect Bigfoots from being harmed.
This forced NY DEC’s hand, they gave Mr. Wiemer explicit language, although not in the direction he requested. In the response dated November 6th, 2012 by Chief Wildlife Biologist, Gordon R. Batcheller, stated, “This mythical animal does not exist in nature or otherwise… However, the simple truth of the matter is that there is no such animal anywhere in the World. I am sorry to disappoint you. However, no program or action in relation to mythical animals is warranted”.
So now we have gone from NY DEC using loose language to, perhaps, protect Bigfoot, to using explicit language to marginalize Bigfoot. See visual aide below.
From this to that
You can go to Bigfoot Lunch Club and read the entire response letter of the NY DEC Denying Bigfoot.
Guy Edwards
Psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic.
Guy Edwards is host of the Portland, OR event
Filed under Bigfoot, Bigfoot Lunch Club, Conspiracies, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Sasquatch