April 19, 2007

Sasquatch Niche, How Might Sasquatch Live

If Sasquatch had a large sized population, what might we see that we are not now?

  1. We would have more sightings and track finds then we do now, forest workers and visitors would be seeing them more. If they numbered as many as black bear we may still not be finding bones but we would be seeing more damage caused by them. If they were as numerous as deer or elk then we would be finding bones… or we would be seeing an increase in population for other animals like porcupines.
  2. We would be seeing more resources being utilized by them. More foraging of eatable flora, more fishing, more gathering of insects and amphibians. A larger population would impart within tribal knowledge of such resources, just like fishing areas for grizzly are in Alaska. This would congregate the animals or focus their presence at specific times and places.
  3. We would be seeing more reports describing behavior. The animals would not be so fast in moving off when finding themselves if safer numbers.
  4. We would be seeing more reports of multiple creatures in each instance. A larger population doesn’t mean that death gets reduced… it means that there are more infants.
  5. We would have more competition between them and other animals including humans. Berry patches and fishing grounds would get discovered and utilized more.
  6. We would have more films, video and still images of the animals. With more and more people on this planet and more and more availability of photographic means (from cell phones to digital cameras the size of a pack of napkins), people would be recording the encounters if there were more of these creatures.
  7. We would see more of the pattern embracing their niche. The animals would essentially stop being cryptic in its life story.
  8. We would be able to predict their occurrences or presence more often or more reliably.
  9. We would have developed a successful capture of an individual or at least have a much better chance of finding one dead from natural causes.
  10. We would be seeing more infant Sasquatch.
  1. On the edges of human habitation and environmental impact.
  2. Designated wilderness where human vehicular transportation is limited as well as environmental manipulation.
  3. Protected watersheds gated off from the public and with limited use.
  4. Native American lands that are undeveloped and protected.
  5. Areas that have equal amounts of surface in X, Y and Z. Areas that contain hills, mountains, cliffs, slopes, etc. This can effectively multiply a given area its actual usable surface. A flat 20 by 20 square mile tract of land can contain 400 square miles if flat or almost 1000 square miles if mountainous.
  6. Swampy and boggy areas.
  7. Areas with good, reliable, unimpeded water sources.
  8. Coastal areas.
  9. Areas with potential unmonitored food resources such as herds of ungulates, bivalves, small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and insects.
  10. Areas that have potential shelter.

Rick Noll About Rick Noll
Rick Noll has been actively searching for the Sasquatch since 1969 and continues his pursuit with extended field trips into the Pacific Northwest's most remote regions. Rick has worked with Peter Byrne, René Dahinden, Grover Krantz, John Green, Jeff Meldrum and the BFRO during all this. He helped with many documentaries on the subject including Animal X: The Skookum Expedition and Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science.

Filed under Artifacts, Bigfoot, Bigfoot Hunter, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Eyewitness Accounts, Folklore, Fossil Finds, Sasquatch