Bigfoot Grabs Deer
Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 10th, 2006
A breaking news item out of Wisconsin says a Bigfoot was seen grabbing a road-kill deer and hightailing into the woods with it. Details on that in a minute.
One of the first eyewitness drawings of Momo.
Wisconsin seems to have had some interesting Bigfoot reports in recent years. The one that happened yesterday, November 9th, 2006, may be extremely unique, but then the state has given us some of the most interesting eastern cases of the 21st century. Take, for instance, there’s the case of Mr. Hughes.
Around 5:15 a.m on March 28, 2000, James Hughes was delivering the little local newspaper, Black River Shopper, along County Highway H, near Granton, Wisconsin, when he noticed a figure standing in the ditch – carrying a goat. (This has always reminded me of the first sighting of Momo in 1972, where it was seen carrying a blood-dripping dead dog.) At first Hughes took it to be a large man, but then he saw it was about eight feet tall and had an ape-like face.
“He was all covered with hair, a real dark gray color, with some spots that looked a honey color. It was walking on two legs, and it was mighty, mighty, big,” Hughes said. In its left hand it held what he at first took to be a goat, but later he wasn’t sure, it might have been a little sheep. When the beast turned to look at him, Hughes said he floored the gas pedal and sped away, very scared.
“I didn’t call it in (to the Sheriff’s Department) until the next day, because people would think I’m crazy. And I don’t drink, I don’t use dope, and I was wide awake,” Hughes said.
Hughes finally did file a report with the Clark County Sheriff’s Department, and a deputy was dispatched to the scene but could not find any large footprints or other evidence.
Hughes’ description very closely matched what has become a familiar Midwestern Bigfoot appearance – overall hair-covered body, with hair six to eight inches long, and the lack of distinguishing facial features. Whether from Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, or Michigan, this “look” has become well-known to cryptozoologists, although most Midwesterns still “think” about Bigfoot, visually, like the PNW Sasquatch, until they see it!
The Sheriff’s Department said Hughes gave a very detailed description, but without tracks or other evidence suggesting a creature was in the area, the hunt ceased. Nevertheless, the report circled the globe, and became one of the top Bigfoot sightings of 2000.
Now comes the report from Steven Krueger of Washington County, Wisconsin. As part of his employment, Krueger goes around the area and picks up road-killed deer carcasses from the roadways. At 1:00 A.M on Thursday, November 9, 2006, Krueger had just loaded a deer into his truck, when he saw what he said looked like a “large black animal, at least 7 feet tall and larger than a bear.”
What happened next was totally unexpected. The thing that seemed to be a Bigfoot jumped into the back of his truck and took the road-killed dead deer.
As Milwaukee station WISN calmly noted: “Sheriff’s deputies responded to the scene but haven’t located the missing deer or mysterious creature.”
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Curious. “Give me back my deer!” Talk about an opportunistic omnivore!
Interesting that it wasn’t too scared of a human and his vehicle to want its food back. Either it was really hungry or it’s lost some fear of humans.
Actually there have been a number of sightings of Bigfoot-like creatures in southeastern Wisconsin and they date back to at least the 60s when the “Bluff Man” was often seen by many witnesses. I also just chronicled a husband-wife sighting of the “Lima Marsh Monster” in broad daylight that was featured in a story in Time Out Chicago a few weeks ago (see my brayroadlog page on This incident did also remind me of the James Hughes sighting. I’ve interviewed Mr. Hughes and his family in person and at great length, and he stated to me that what the creature he saw had in its arms could well have been part of a deer carcass, he just used the comparison of a “small goat” to indicate its size. Large, furry hominoids in Wisconsin are very often observed taking road kill or scavenging deer carcasses, so this seems like logical behavior to me.
Fresh for the picking!
Linda Godfrey
I suppose no one thought to examine the truck (assuming this actually happened) to see if any hairs or trace evidence was left behind?
Am I the only one unsatisfied with the details of Krueger’s story?
“…jumped into the back of his truck and took the road-killed deer” seems pretty open and undefined.
What about a more thorough description of the picture? What of the circumstances? If things did indeed happen in the way, Mr. Krueger certainly would have had a good look at the thing.
No distinguishing facial features? “Ape-like” might that tell us something that is distinguishing?
Responding to elsanto. The only light facing that way would be the bed light and that would only be on if his door was open or interior lights were on remember this happening took place at 1:00 A.M. not too bright out unless you have a full moon. And even then you still wouldn’t get a good look at the animal.
Responding to Delawhere he carries dead deer in the back of his truck. Do you know how much hair is in that truck bed? The only thing I could possibly think of it leaving behind would be foot prints left smeared in the blood from the dead animals.
Also something to think about is if this thing is 8ft tall it has to weigh around 350-400 lbs. at least. Think about it “jumping” into the back of a truck; it could actually do substantial damage to the vehicle if it wasn’t a newer model.
hey loren & everyone, this is definetly a very interesting new article story about a wisconsin sasquatch encounter. ive too have heard similar sightings of sasquatch creatures stealing or killing deers as a food resource. i would be very interested in seeing the police report regarding this wisconsin report. i hope researchers reinterview the eyewitness as well.
Let’s be of the mind to take this story and encounter at face value and true. What use can we make of it?
Well, it means we can easily and quickly put the whole BigFoot debate to bed. No more speculation no more Blobsquatch Photos.
The Animal is used to Mr Krueger and his truck, it also associates it with free food. So let’s fit his truck out with a suitable Camera and food and go get the Pictures.
There should be world breaking CLEAR Photos and a captured BigFoot in no Time.
Interesting report and I would like to hear more.
No problem with the bigfoot taking the deer or showing no fear of the human in close proximity.I don’t equate bigfoot avoidance of humans with fear of humans.
I would like a lot more detail on how bigfoot “jumped”into the back of the truck. Flat footed jump, one hand on truck for support and body do the side to swoop over the side to get in or a running bound into the bed of the truck.
Could the witness be misquoted on this point?
Wouldn’t it be more likely that a bigfoot would simply step into the bed of the truck or simply reach into the bed and pull the deer to itself without ever actually getting in the bed of the truck?
Couldn’t it still have been a bear?
Looking for hair or prints on and in the box of that pickup the sooner the better might be advisable.
Well apparently this is something bigfoot do, searching for roadkill, which is probably why they’re often spotted walking along roads. I agree this gives people in this type of job an ideal opportunity to get one on film. Remember to bring that camera! It’s definitely worth checking the truck for any possible evidence.
I suppose that Bigfoots/feet might have different personalities. And some more agressive than others, as in this story. I do not believe that Bigfoot naturally has a fear of humans. Perhaps they learn to avoid humans as they grow older, with expirence. Perhaps they learn to hide from humans by watching the actions of their elders? With this story one has to ask why Mr. Krueger would make such a thing up? I’m sure that since he deals with deer, he knows his animals and could ID a bear.
On the surface this story sounds true. Animals do become agressive when food is involved. Just see what happens when one enters the fishing hole of an Alaskan Kodiak! If this is a true story, then it demonstrates an agressive nature or side of Bigfoot and does not surprise me at all. Researchers in the field need to keep this in mind, as some in the past actually believed they would someday shake the hand of Bigfoot. They might think twice before extending such a limb of welcome!
I’m sure that Mr. Hughes would be real excited about trolling for bigfoots. I have this hilarious image in my mind of every good ol’ Swede in Wisconsin driving down the backroads dragging a dead deer very slowly behind the truck. A Gary Larsen cartoon in the making.
I too have the impression that bigfoot, if it is a real animal, is mostly shy and elusive, if not afraid of humans. If it wasn’t, there’s a good chance it would be discovered by now, especially as humans encroach evermore into the their habitat. However, it is true that animals can become aggressive when food, offspring, or territory are involved. I’ve seen normally docile creatures become quite bold in these situations. Just try reaching into a normally timid dog’s food bowl and you’ll see what I mean. Perhaps this bigfoot would not normally have acted in such a way, but this guy comes and takes the road kill out from under its nose, basically steals it in the creature’s mind, and that provoked an aggressive reaction. Perhaps the Bigfoot didn’t jump into the truck, but rather gave it a good offensive thump. That could feel like something jumping back there. Of course this is just speculation, I would have liked more details in this story.
elsanto Says: (above)
“…jumped into the back of his truck and took the road-killed deer” seems pretty open and undefined.
Doug replies:
The Fla. Skunkape, many times, have knocked down fishermen at the river banks and snatched their string of fish.
One fisherman threw his fish in the truckbed and jumped in the cab to protect himself, and a Skunkage grabbed the fish, and rocked the truck to scare the poor guy into speeding off.
He didn’t say it was a bigfoot. True. It’s a large, black mammal that is at least seven feet tall.
Looking back at the new post, it seems like this size is within reason for a bear. Interesting course of events.
I am reminded of some stories about hunters finding broken-necked deer in the woods, with missing livers. They found a few, as I recall, but mostly with just internal organs missing, such as the liver and the heart. Related, maybe?
As is often stated in other “scientific” endeavors, the more we learn the more questions we have, or the more we don’t know.
I wonder how long Mr. Krueger has been picking up road kill as part of his employment (animal control officer? Game Warden?) and why would he be picking one up at 1:00 in the morning? Is this his normal shift, or was he called specifically to retrieve the carcass? If he has been doing this for several years, has he ever had an encounter with BF before?
There is and can be much speculation as to BF’s nature or behavior but I prefer not to make too many assumptions. Simply because this large animal was not afraid to take the deer in this incident does not necessarily mean that it can be baited into doing it again.
I once hit an elk which totaled my truck and I took the time to put the elk out of it’s misery as it was obviously beyond being able to recover. I subsequently learned that there was no law where I live that would prevent me from doing what I felt I had to do but if I had put any part of the animal in a vehicle and drove off I would have been guilty of poaching. Now, if BF proves to be humanoid we now have a new class of poacher to deal with.
How many other laws might this humanoid be breaking? Crossing international borders illegally? And who will set out to arrest these lawbreakers?