Blackfeet Bigfoot
Posted by: Loren Coleman on March 3rd, 2006
Is there new Bigfoot activity stirring in Montana? Bigfoot sightings among Native peoples often indicate a series might soon follow or already might be occurring. Let us turn our eyes to the Blackfeet. And learn lessons from the Sioux.
Caption: At left, Bruce Schildt’s kids stand near a line of tracks their father believes might belong to Bigfoot. The tracks were discovered Jan. 1, when the elder Schildt notified Blackfeet Fish and Wildlife and had them investigate. The best track is the one above. Schildt reports the tracks are about 18 inches long and 10 inches wide, and the stride is around 39 inches. There were 30 or 40 tracks, said Schildt, including one very clear print.
This is at Kiowa Camp, on the reservation of the Blackfeet First Nation, Montana, just east of the Glacier National Park, south of the Alberta border. Kiowa is on Route 49, as you travel west from Browning, Montana.
The Blackfeet Reservation, located in northwestern Montana, has a topography consisting of rolling plains that rise to the forested mountains of the Continental Divide. The land that is now Glacier National Park was ceded by the these Native peoples to the U.S. government in an 1896 treaty. The Blackfoot, once referred to as “Lords of the Plains,” are a confederacy of various groups, one of which, are the Blackfeet who live in Montana. The other groups occupy reservations in southern Alberta, Canada, and are called Blackfoot.
Activity in Blackfeet Country is never quiet but we rarely get to hear much about it. This 2006 incident is remarkable in how ordinary it is, as reported in the Glacier Reporter of Browning:
“I took my kids for an outing on New Year’s Day,” said Bruce Schildt who lives near Kiowa camp in Blackfeet country. “I took them up Cut Bank Creek to play. We were on our way home, but we drove up toward the mountains up by Grandpa’s Lake. Toni Rae found a footprint, and we came back and took pictures and took them to Fish and Wildlife and they checked it out.”
Schildt’s kids had discovered a line of 30 or 40 inch large tracks in the snow. “The footprints looked like barefoot human footprints, but they were about three times as big,” said Schildt. “They were frozen in the mud up there.”
Blackfeet Fish and Wildlife Director Gayle Skunkcap investigated and told reporter John McGill:
“I’ve never seen an official document as to whether Bigfoot exists or not,” he said, “but I’ve also not seen an official document saying there’s ever been any injury to anyone by a Bigfoot.”
Of the tracks discovered by Schildt, Skunkcap said only one looked like it might come from something unusual, but his department is taking no chances. “People are calling and asking if I see one should I shoot it?” he said.
But shooting is likely unnecessary, said Skunkcap, since no record of an attack on any person has ever been recorded. But also, people should consider what they might be shooting at.
“I’d say if you see one don’t shoot because if it’s someone playing a practical joke, you could wind up hurting somebody,” Skunkcap said.
It is putting these tracks in context where we learn more. First, the tracks appear to be similar to the 1958 Jerry Crew cast (below) found at Bluff Creek (near the Hoopa Indian Reservation). At first glance this could make an investigator think someone with a Crew cast copy might be out there fooling around. But it also could point to the reality behind a contemporary continous population of classic Neo-Giants, the Bigfoot of North America, across the northern tier of the USA and southern tier of Canada, in a line from the Pacific Northwest.
Next, let’s examine what happened in 1977, among the Sioux at Little Eagle, South Dakota, 768 miles east of Kiowa, Montana. Over the space of a few months, 28 sightings of Bigfoot were reported. The hairy hominoids being seen appear to match what left tracks recently in Montana.
Janet and Colin Bord summarize these sightings in their new 2006 edition of Bigfoot Casebook Updated. They looked to the work of Mark A. Hall, noted in his “Contemporary Stories of Taku-He‚ or Bigfoot‚ in South Dakota as Drawn from Newspaper Accounts,” The Minnesota Archaeologist, 37(2): 63-78 (May 1978), and his The Yeti, Bigfoot & True Giants, and organized that data in a helpful timeline. Hall and the Bords have shared with us a good overview of this First Nation’s interaction with Bigfoot thirty years ago via the following chronology:
9 Aug. 1977 / Green Grass, SD / Three policemen / At 3 am saw by spotlight 6-7-ft hairy ape-like creature moving in creek bottom. / Eagle Butte News 18 Aug. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.65.
Mid Aug. 1977 / Nr Grand River, nr Little Eagle, SD / Todd Alexander (12), Chad Alexander (9) / Saw ‘long hairy legs’ in bushes / Mobridge, SD, Tribune, 3 Nov. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.65.
Mid Aug. 1977 / Along Grand River at Little Eagle, SD / Craig Two Hearts (16) / Saw Bigfoot / Richard Boeth & Elaine Sciolino, ‘Bigfoot is Back,’ Newsweek 31 Oct. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.65.
Summer 1977 / Around Spearfish, SD / Betty Johnson & daughters Brenda, Bonnie & Becky / Saw two Bigfeet in cornfield eating corn, one 7-8 ft tall and black, the other smaller with brownish-red body and black face; whistled / Letter to editor of Eagle Butte, SD, News 20 Oct. 1977 from Pauline Johnson, noted Hall(l) p.65.
Summer 1977 / Red Scaffold, SD / Young girl / While at home alone, was frightened by ‘foul-smelling, hairy creature’ / Eagle Butte, SD, News 18 Aug. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.65.
Mid Sept. 1977 / Nr Little Eagle, SD / Chris Howiatow & others /’Big ape’ watched them from hillside as they checked cattle; then ran into brush as they approached / McLaughlin, SD, Messenger 20 Oct. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.66; see also Bonnie Lake,’Bigfoot on the Buttes; The Invasion of Little Eagle,’ UFO Report vo1.5 no.6 p.28.
Mid Sept. 1977 / Nr Cannonball River, ND / Paul Monzelowsky & son / Chased 8-9-ft Bigfoot in pickup truck. It ran ‘as fast as a horse’ and leapt across creek / Richard Boeth & Elaine Sciolino,’Bigfoot is Back,’ Newsweek 31 Oct. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.66; see also Bonnie Lake,’Bigfoot on the Buttes; The Invasion of Little Eagle,’ UFO Report vo1.5 no.6 p.29.
28 Sept. 1977 / E of Little Eagle, SD / Nancy Chasing Hawk, Esther Thundershield, Myron Fast Horse / After hearing howling outside, turned on truck lights and saw tall, hairy animal with green eyes run into brush / Worthington, MN, Globe 4 Oct. 1977 & Pierre, SD, Capital Journal 6 Oct. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.66.
Sept. 1977 / Little Eagle, SD / LeMar Chasing Hawk / Saw eft Bigfoot in bushes; ran home / Bismarck, ND, Tribune 26 Nov. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.71; see also Bonnie Lake, ‘Bigfoot on the Buttes; The Invasion of Little Eagle,’ UFO Report vo1.5 no.6 p.28. c.
6 Oct. 1977 / N of Little Eagle, SD / Phoebe Little Dog / Saw Bigfoot / Pierre, SD, Capital Journal 17 Oct. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.66.
13 Oct. 1977 / SE of Little Eagle, SD / Cecilia Thundershield, Dan Uses Anew, Albert Dog / First two witnesses saw Bigfoot come from woods, and they fetched Dog who saw it re-enter woods. It had long arms almost to knees and walked slouched over / Sioux Falls, SD, Argus-Leader 15 Oct. 1977 & McLaughlin, SD, Messenger 20 Oct. 1977, noted Hall(l) pp.66-7; see also Bonnie Lake, ‘Bigfoot on the Buttes; The Invasion of Little Eagle,’ UFO Report vo1.5 no.6 p.31.
13 Oct. 1977 / N of Little Eagle, SD / Phoebe Little Dog / Saw Bigfoot in cattle pasture, same place as her c.6 Oct. sighting / Pierre, SD, Capital Journal 17 Oct. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.67; see also Bonnie Lake, ‘Bigfoot on the Buttes; The Invasion of Little Eagle,’ UFO Report vo1.5 no.6 p.31.
22 Oct. 1977 / Along the Grand River, Corson County, SD / Four men on horseback / Saw Bigfoot basking in sun; it ran away and they could not find it / Timber Lake, SD, Topic 27 Oct. 1977 & 10 Nov. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.67.
25 Oct. 1977 / Nr Grand River Bridge, Little Eagle, SD / Alwin Ducheneaux / Saw Bigfoot in his headlights around midnight / Bonnie Lake, ‘Bigfoot on the Buttes; The Invasion of Little Eagle,’ UFO Report vo1.5 no.6 p.31.
29 Oct. 1977 / Elkhorn Buttes, N-E of Little Eagle, SD / Verdell Veo (police officer), Jeff Veo (15), another teenage son & officers Bobby Gates & Selvin Arlen / Saw Bigfoot by moonlight and men followed it. Pursuit ended as they had no weapons against Bigfeet 8-9 ft tall (see ch.8)/ Timber Lake, SD, Topic 3 Nov. 1977, & Worthington, MN, Globe 8 Nov. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.67; see also Bonnie Lake, ‘Bigfoot on the Buttes; The Invasion of Little Eagle,’ UFO Report vo1.5 no.6 p.69.
Late Oct. 1977 / Little Eagle, SD / Irene Village Center / Saw Bigfoot in marshy brush / Bonnie Lake, ‘Bigfoot on the Buttes; The Invasion of Little Eagle,’ UFO Report vo1.5 no.6 p.72.
Autumn 1977 / Nr La Plant, SD / Melvin Garreaux / Saw Bigfoot; tracks found / McLaughlin, SD, Messenger 6 Oct. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.69.
Autumn 1977 / Little Eagle, SD / Hanna Shooting Bear / At night, saw Bigfoot near a mobile home (see ch.8) / Mobridge, SD, Tribune
3 Nov. 1977, noted Hall (/) pp.69-71; see also BAOTC p.93.
Autumn 1977 / Standing Rock Reservation, SD / Mr. & Mrs. Waiter Chasing Hawk / While driving at night, saw green eyes in lights. Thinking it was a deer, Chasing Hawk got out with rifle, but saw 8-ft Bigfoot. Police found nothing when they searched / Worthington, MN, Globe 8 Nov. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.71.
Autumn 1977 / Grand River, Little Eagle, SD / Mrs. Angus Long Elk / Saw Bigfoot by river / Bismarck, ND, Tribune 26 Nov. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.71.
5 Nov. 1977 / Nr Little Eagle, SD / Verdell Veo (police officer), Gary Alexander & others / Surrounded Bigfoot, but it escaped after chase of several hours (see ch.8) / Timber Lake, SD, Topic
10 Nov. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.67; see also Bonnie Lake ‘Bigfoot on the Buttes; The Invasion of Little Eagle,’ UFO Report vo1.5 no.6 p.71.
13 Nov. 1977 / N of Little Eagle, SD / Male driver / Saw Bigfoot on road and drove into ditch / Timber Lake, SD, Topic 10 Nov. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.69.
23 Nov. 1977 / Little Eagle, SD / About 12 women & children / Held campfire party to lure Bigfoot; two seen crouching in brush / Bismarck, ND, Tribune 26 Nov. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.69.
3 Dec. 1977 / Elkhorn Buttes, N-E of Little Eagle, SD / Gary Alexander, Lowell Olson, Keith Olson / Watched two Bigfeet for 3 mins; one was 8-8 1/2 ft tall and dark, the other a foot shorter / Timber Lake, SD, Topic 15 Dec. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.69.
5 Dec. 1977 / Elkhorn Buttes, N-E of Little Eagle, SD / Verdell Veo (police officer)/ Saw 2 Bigfeet / Timber Lake, SD, Topic 15 Dec. 1977, noted Hall(l) p.69.
Late Dec. 1977 / Maddox Road area, Jackson, MS / Robert Trussel / Bigfoot crossed road in front of car, and witness had to swerve. This was at 10 pm, same place and date as previous sighting / Jackson, MS, News 23 Dec. 1977, repr. BSIS vo1.2 no.2 p.3.
Winter 1977 / N-W of Little Eagle, SD / Gary Alexander & others / Saw two Bigfeet while snowmobiling; they looked but did not run / Bismarck, ND, Tribune 7 Jan. 1978, noted Hall(l) p.71.
Let’s hope that the detailed collection of data from what is happening among First Nations people from the Yukon (especially at Teslin) and Manitoba (surrounding the Bobby Clarke video) to these recent events around Kiowa, Montana, will continue to be gathered systematically.
Please note that it has been from Native peoples first that we have seen recent sighting series – from the Hoh Reservation, Washington State, during the flap of sightings in 2000, from the Yukon and Manitoba First Canadians in 2005, or now perhaps from the Blackfeet in Montana this year. If what happened with the Little Eagle Sioux is any indication, an indepth analysis on site in Montana could reveal many sightings that would give us a clearer picture of what’s going on there.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
“Indian Legends” from the BFRO site.
Look at the stride of the footprints. Why would a bigfoot walk almost heel to toe while going anywhere? This looks a little doubtful to me. Judging from the size of the children in the photo, I’d say that’s about the stride of a man with large and probably heavy “booties” on.
Re K.B.’s comment: The article says the stride was about 39″…maybe it’s just a poor photograph? MB
Im from browning and I have the newspaper with this article. Theres been bigfoot investigators around my town recently too asking people questions. My auntie saw bigfoot in glacier national park which is about 15 miles away from the town where I live Browning montana, she was partying with her friends and they were parked by a river, she saw bigfoot by a stream, it kneeled down and drank a few handfulls of water and when it saw the car it took off, she said it ran really fast. There was also a bigfoot sighting in two medicine about 20 miles away from browning and whats strange is its just somewhat forested around the river that runs through the whole place, its mostly just hilly plains and field. I guess bigfoot does wonder out of the dense forests. Ive never seen bigfoot but I remember a couple times near my grandmas house, she lives near the country, I heard really loud thumping in the field behind her house like loud footsteps in the ground, and all the neihbhorhood dogs were barking at something and some ran towards it. I couldnt see anything because there are no street lamps near that field. Ive also heard of a few other people who’ve seen bigfoot in the mountains or near two medicine, some of my moms friends I’ll have to ask her about them. anyways I think its legit
this is a great new article about blackfeet bigfoot. thanks bill green