The Blue Hill Horror
Posted by: Loren Coleman on September 17th, 2009
What is “It”? For now, it is “The Blue Hill Horror.”
“Shocking photographs of ‘something’ that has washed ashore in Panama is sending chills up the spines of Central American readers for a creature rivaling the Montauk Monster has invaded their land.”
Well, that’s a caption I created of what I imagine some editors are feeling they would like to have written about the photos published this week in Panama.
Instead, here is Cryptomundo correspondent Harris Eisenberg and my rough translation of the text accompanying the images above:
“The finding of a strange Blue Hill creature has awaked controversial among the population, because while some assert that it is a being of another planet, others think simply that it is an animal. Four adolescents between 14 and 16 years of age, discovered it in the Blue Hill Spurt, this past Saturday [September 12, 2009], while they were amusing themselves in the area. According to what they related, one of them suddenly saw the creature leave a cave located behind the water spurt. When it saw their appearance, it began to climb on rocks towards them; one [of the teens] was scared, so he began to stone it and to throw sticks at it, causing it to be killed; then they threw it into the water and they fled.”
Telemetro, September 15, 2009.. (Smoother translation text will be welcomed and used to replace the one above.)
It looks like another mundane animal washed ashore, and a story has been created to explain it.
But what species of animal could it be?
New photo added of the decayed body, allegedly.
Thanks to Alex & Tansky.
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Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
That’s an interesting observation, and there is indeed a similarity. However the eye position is much different. It’s obvious in the cow fetus that the eyes are going to be offset, on the sides of the head. Whatever this is, its eyes are forward facing (and with the claws too, I’m leaning toward sloth, although initially I was shocked and at a loss, for lack of better words, at how otherworldly it looked).
ok, there is a video of the teenagers explaining the sighting. And they didnt say anything about a cave. What they say is that one of them (the second one that talks in the video) was in the water and something touched him, then he came out of the water and all of them started throwing rocks at it until they realize “they have killed it”. The first one talks the story a bit different saying that the “creature” came out of the water. Besides, the photo in which a more decomposed body is shown (the second photo in this post) is said in the video not to belong to that sighting but is shown just to see the differences and similarities of the photos taken by the 4 teenagers and a death sloth.
My guess is that the “creature”, which I think is pretty obvious is a sloth (it even has some hair if you look closely in the photo, up and to the left), was floating dead and they got scared and start throwing rocks at it until they thought it was dead or realize it was already dead. Then they put it out of the water, take some photos and threw it again to the water.
Sorry about my english 😛
Darkshines and others freaked out by these photos (including me), there is actually a pretty interesting hypothesis posited by the Japanese for why these kinds of things are so disturbing.
There is a phenomenon proposed called the “Uncanny Valley,” which refers to a certain point when something is somewhere between barely human and fully human, which provokes a strong sense of revulsion or unease, and a profound feeling of strangeness. If the object is obviously non human, everything’s fine, and if it is practically human, that’s Ok too. But that zone between the two, the Uncanny Valley, can really freak some people out. I’m not a psychologist, but I believe one of the reasons is that the more human looking, but not quite, something seems, the more the inhuman elements jump out and disturb us.
The Uncanny Valley originally was used to refer to humanoid robots, but it can be applied to puppets, dolls, mannequins, zombies, and anything else that somewhat resembles humans.
That is just my two cents trying to figure out just what it is about these images that disturbs me, others, so much.
As for the creature in question, I think it is a sloth too.
Sloths can actually swim very well, but not very fast, but they often swim faster than they move on the ground. There is really no doubt that this animal is (or was) a sloth. The overall shape of the body, the shape of the head, the typical claws, the fact that sloths are very common in this region. The background story of the children which allegedly killed it, is most probably untrue, because this animal was surely already dead for some time when the photos were taken. So you should not be too fast with posting comments about the “poor animal which was stoned to death”. The fact that the tongue is swollen and partly out the mouth also indicates that the body was already partly decomposed from the inside.
Parkus already posted a link to a site where a sloth fetus in formalin is shown. This pictures shows very well the similarity to the carcass:
The overall proportions are of course different, because this is a fetus and not an adult sloth, but as it is not covered with hair too, you can much better see the similarity of the body and head shape. Sloth heads look very strange, and in earlier times they were even described to have human faces, and actually in some regions of South America people use them to create faked shrunken heads for tourists. So there is no wonder that a creature which has at least a very fague similarity to a human being (at least without fur), irritates so many people.
That changes everything. Instead of it charging the kids, it was just floating by, assumingly already dead. This could also explain lack of lesions on the body. If it was already dead, blood is not flowing, thus no bruises would appear on the corpse.
Hail fellow travelers and may we be well met. This is my first post and I must say I haven’t a clear idea of what this corpse may be.No amount of time in the water will take out the teeth; though it apparently has not been in the water that long because there are no predatory markings on the corpse. Alien? We can’t get that lucky. This is probably just another newly found animal species.
notice in the first picture the right arm is hanging from the rock.
in the second picture Both arms are flat on the ground?
Well, for starters, the creature is hairless, and the snout is more pronounced. It appears to be larger than a sloth, and the post photo appears to be an actual carcass of a dried up dead sloth. (bait and switch) It may be an experiment gone wrong. There is a very famous laboratory/institute there in Panama that is dedicated to the various creatures that are found in South America. Who knows what goes on there?
I’m sorry coastlistener63, but have you even read any of the other comments here? It has already been pointed out that the creature does indeed have hair, if you look at the top left of the first picture, and that the carcass in the post photo was not of the same creature, but is the carcass of a sloth shown for comparison. So other than people mistranslating the Spanish, where is the bait and switch?
Well, as you have so eloquently pointed out, there does seem to be some hair. The bait and switch is that whomever posted the picture of the sloth carcass, is apparently trying to deceive us by indicating that it was the same creature after a prolong period of time. There was no mention of it in the original story.
I think Parkus nailed it with the link to a preserved sloth in formaldehyde.
Dj Plasmic Nebula pointed out the difference in how the arms lay between the first set of pictures and the last one.
In addition, it appears to me a different background. The last one is a more solid boulder whereas the first one was on a boulder with cracks. The last picture is a smother background, of slightly different color, but the color issue could simply be a case of different exposure on the camera.
It appears to me that someone moved the body to different locations.
I have to agree with pretty much everyone here, it definitely looks slothlike.
But, then again, I am somewhat creeped out. I recently read an article on monster sightings, and the top ten scariest and all that, and the backstory to this, and its overall appearence bears a striking resemblance to the homo hadalis stories. Of course, the name was pawned from the novel, The Descent, but still, the stories and reports scare the heck out of me.*shiver*
In short, they were described as cave/underground dwelling, white/pale skinned creatures who would occasionally be seen above ground, walking on all fours. Their almost always described as humanoid, and without eyes, or seemingly blind.
Recently I read an article on these complete with a photo of a statue depiction of something similar to the homo hidalis, something along the lines of cave dwellers, and them finding statues depicting humanoid cave creatures with knives, and the article was along the lines of how they couldn’t figure out who (or what) had carved the statues.
Either way, the likeness to the stuff I’ve been reading, and this photo is very eerie (Although, I am sure its just coincidence). But one has to admit, the resemblance is freaky (creature comes out of cave, is ‘assumedly’ hairless, looks like something that could have lived its life underground, has dagger like claws, and is all in all, humanoid enough to creep people out, and as mystery_man wrote, humanoid enough to cause the Uncanny Valley reaction) well, I’m sort of glad that I live in Canada and not Panama at the moment.^^
Even though I’m sure its just coincidence, I thought that might be something to put out there, for a creep factor, if anything.^^
I watched an episode of destination truth and they investigated this creature. The description in this photo is false though according to the show.
The kids were actually playing by a river when the creature emerged. Not the sea.
I though the creature was a sloth when i first saw it too, but im open to the idea that it is a new species we have yet to discover.
actually the team on destination truth labeled it as either a diseased sloth or a mutated sloth.
There are sloths in panama…
if you want to watch the video to see their evidence here is the link…
and make sure to choose the video about the cerro azul monster!
i hope this helped you guys out!
This “Animal” Looks as if its deaf n blind, Of course it has been in the water, n possibly decayed some. But after reading that it came from a cave that makes since. Like a bat.. Unfortunatley the kids killed it wen they did, bc i could have been reported, n possibly found n studied. But mayb now there will b a search, Of course i am a realist. N I believe if we havent found it before then we should let it b, its thrived on its own this long. Humanity has no reason to interviene. Saying this creature is real of course.. Last night i watched a show on Animal Planet about Mermaids, (Same senerio) Teenagers found it as well, washed up on a beach alive. I would classify this in the same group… As my opinion, Ill believe it wen i see it further.
Corissa_Hall, if you’d bothered to read the previous comments, or even use a little common sense, you would know the story about the kids killing this thing is complete BS. Also, you are commenting in a forum seen all over the world, not typing a text message to your “BFF”. You might want to think about maybe spelling words the way they’re actually spelled.
Here ya go and it is a sloth