New Giant Butterfly Sighting
Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 1st, 2010
Has there been another strange sighting as before, but in Arizona instead of California?
There apparently has been another “Giant Butterfly” sighting, similar to the previous reported one here.
Alpha sends in the following:
Another sighting of the GIANT BUTTERFLY object was seen over Arizona as well this month (October,2010). This one more detailed than the California sighting of October 15, 2010.
If these sightings of a GIANT BUTTERFLY or butterfly type creature indicate that a disaster of some kind is on the way for California, then it seems as though all the doom and gloom about quakes and other disasters isn’t just a ‘California thing’. Those who are making predictions about a big earthquake in California could be correct but thats pretty easy to do since California does get it’s share of quakes and a larger one may (or may not) be on the horizon. But New Jersey/New York and other area’s of the country have been and still are getting quakes as well and are on fault lines all their own. Not too long ago New Jersey and California had dual quakes!. It’s also pretty easy to simply say that ‘Mothman’ can shapeshift into a Giant Butterfly which easily puts the loosely based doom and gloom scenario in the corner of those who happen to believe that the BUTTERFLY sightings are of a negative implication. However, BUTTERFLIES are not symbols of harbinger’s of doom. I guess to those who want them to be, they will be by simply saying any ‘winged’ giant creature is a harbinger of doom. If one researches butterfly symbolism they will find quite the contrary. So for example, if there was a sighting of a gigantic sparrow or a giant hummingbird or a giant dove, it would of course, to those who blab all that doom and gloom stuff, mean that sightings of ANY oversized bird..even a giant hummingbird..would mean disaster is on the way. Of course California will have large earthquakes as the New York/New Jersey area will eventually. As we know there have also been of late, numerous ufo craft related sightings over many cities. Does this indicate a doomsday forecast for Richmond Virginia and the other cities who are experiencing them?. Perhaps the connection to all of them is ‘enlightenment’ of some kind. Of course not so because the doom and gloom scenario sells well and is far more popular. I do believe that some, not all but some of these strange events are harbingers of unpleasent events in our future but to think that all these events and unexplained sightings of strange creatures are signs of evil and gloom is just as foolish as saying that they are all hoaxes and people are making them up. Human beings are in dyer need of enlightment on many levels. I’m not going to say that the sightings of this butterfly type entity which I saw clearly in the daytime sky indicates a messenger of enlightenment or peace on earth, but just like the many crop circles that have appeared around the world all don’t indicate doom and gloom but instead others offer deeper messages for the development of awareness in the Universe and of human enlightenment. Those who say that they absoultely know the answer to the BUTTERFLY sightings and tie them in to Mothman are just going out on a limb. The giant butterfly sightings could be a harbinger of something more benevolent…a messenger of some kind that the world needs more appreciation and compassion for the earth we live on and the many living things on it. It is VERY interesting to note that in the sighting from October 2010 in Arizona shown farther down on this page, the witness was able to see more definition and color pattern than my sighting in California some days earlier. What the Arizona sighting describes is a ‘BLACK CIRCLE WITHIN A YELLOWISH CIRCLE. THE YELLOW BEING THIN AND THE BLACK THE CENTER…on the underside of the wings. Not many flying creatures have this marking under their wings with the exception of the OWL BUTTERFLY. If one views photos of the wings of the OWL BUTTERFLY, it will see that these same markings when seen from below, look like eyes and that is how the OWL BUTTERFLY is able to ward off larger birds. It has the appearance of an owl staring down at them. But my sighting in California and the Arizona sighting were of an enormous butterfly…or an object that looked and flew like one…but the markings of the OWL BUTTERFLY are hard to shake…could this actually be a gigantic owl butterfly?. Whether this creature is indeed an enormous tride and true butterfly..owl butterfly species or some kind of butterfly creature from another realm of reality or some lost cave in Australia, its presence could mean quite the contrary to an unsettling future. Hope?..a blessing of some kind?..a metamorphasis for the earth as a butterfly symbolizes as we enter a new age?..this sort of symbolism doesn’t seem to dwell well with the usual crop of doom and gloomers though but it is just as genuine an offer as earthquakes and disasters. Hopefully even more credible sightings will come in on the giant butterfly with some genuine video or photographs.
Recently, GRANT LAWRENCE expressed his views on the aforementioned.
“I agree with you on this. Often these things can signify different things to different people. It likely depends on your level of spiritual development. The Thunderbird and perhaps your sighting signifies a Heyoka spirit. Which means to see and act in a creative and often different way than the present power structure or societal norms would dictate. As you can easily see, the idea of love and compassion and understanding are at odds with the this society and its power elite. These creatures that we have seen I do believe often signify change. So if you are into a materialistic, commercial mindset then the changes may be somewhat negative from your perspective. Consciousness and matter are connected. There is little doubt in my mind that a consciousness of a group of people has broader effects than just what people say and do. It has effects on all of the life that is interconnected with that group. A Karma if you will that even effects what people see as dead matter. The truth is all alive. I write on these things and there is a few that understand. For the rest, they have no idea. But still I write on them because there will be a few that understand–like yourself.” Grant Lawrence
Hi. I do not normally do this (reporting what I see) since-honestly-I seldom see anything out there but I just saw a huge butterfly/bird today! It is now 4:08 as I am writing this but it happened an hour ago as I went out to take a video of the jet fighter exercise as they always do around this time of the year. I was also expecting something to see; some otherworldly stuff. Maybe a UFO? I said to myself: “come out, come out wherever you are” as I was muttering that & scanning the sky at the same time for the jets with my digi camcorder, I slowly turn around-within 30 seconds after I said that and lo & behold there it is around 10,000 ft above our house. I tried to capture it with the camera but I must be doing something wrong with it that I never had it working. I was able to take a few pics but they are just a speck since my camera is just some cheap Canon Powershot. At first I said to myself: what the heck is that?! It almost look like a hang glider or a similar extreme sports buff but on second & third look-it wasn’t! I didn’t see a human body dangling from the center of the wings w/c was-it seems had a wingspan of 15-20 feet across. I also thought it was an over-sized butterfly with the color of like burnt orange or grayed-orange and it was sooo huge! It wasn’t there when I came out of the house to scan the skies for the jets but it just suddenly appeared right above our house some 10,000 ft or higher. So under each wing-w/c I can see from below-it has a black circle w/in a yellowish circle; yellow being thin & the black being the center and the wings surrounding it was burnt orange. It flapped lightly away from our house (but did not hear it flapping) then turned around as it reached a group of clouds then just glided so fast back towards our house/above me then glided up so fast I can’t keep up of the other details of how it looks. However, I can not see any entity or body on it, just some dark thing in the middle. I can not say I saw a beak for a bird or an antennae/proboscis for butterfly. I guess becasue it was far enough to see the ‘body’ or owner of the huge wings. You be the judge on what it was. If you have seen an outstretched flying eagle, then that is how the wings would look from below. But since there was the burnt orange color and the circles on its wings, you would think it was a giant butterfly. I have not heard of a Thunderbird but just now as I search the net for answers of what I just saw. It can’t be the Mothman since it wasn’t black at all and I didn’t see any glowing red eyes? How it disappeared was more amazing: so it passed above me then just glided up so fast then when it was already near the hilly part of where I live, it just came zooming down, down, down but I wasn’t able to see where he landed since the roofs of our neighbors house blocked my view. But I am sure it came zooming down somewhere the hills. If it where a hang glider, person in it could’ve been dead and I/you will try to find out about it on the local news/net. BUT WHAT WAS IT??? HELP!
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.