New PA Bigfoot Video Clip?
Posted by: Loren Coleman on January 10th, 2010
What do you think? Why is the year beginning this way?
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Difficult to make a judgement without more info. According to YouTube info with the clip, it was filmed by someone who heard noises around the back yard and went to investigate. Apparently in this part of PA, sightings of a white bigfoot creature had been reported recently(wonder if this can be corroborated?)
The guy who has posted it on YouTube doesn’t seem to have a history of posting fake bigfoot videos anyway. Wonder how he came into possession of the video?
Couple of things I found interesting about the video: red-eye effect from torchlight shows quite large eyes, many cheap costumes would obscure at least part of a human eye. If it’s a costume it’s a good one. Also speed of reflexes of creature quite impressive. It reacts to the light very quickly.
A couple of negative observations: if you heard a disturbance outside, would you automatically take a video camera with you? Were there two people there? One holding the torch, the other filming? Doesn’t seem realistic to believe one person held a torch and video camera while on the look out for a possible intruder. Also why, oh why do these clips end so abruptly? If the creature was on the run why did they not follow after it and keep the tape rolling?
I’m sorry but it really doesn’t make any sense. If you heard a disturbance and went to investigate, why would you shine the torch at the ground a few feet in front of you? You’d point the beam horizontally and sweep it around for the best possible view.
For that matter, would you really go blundering around in the dark anyway? Judging by the spiel that goes with the vid, the film-maker was half expecting to bump into a bigfoot. Bearing in mind that bigfoots are supposed to be anything up to twelve feet tall, and of unknown disposition, wouldn’t you want to find out what was out there first before heading off into the darkness?
It looks like someone wearing a white sheet and hood with holes cut out for the eyes.
How is this bigfoot related?
Frame 31.
Looks good to me, I know I’ve seen them before. Have you ever tried to follow a Squatch? Kinda hard to say the least. Fast as lightning when the wanna be. This one was probably looking for something to eat and got caught in the spotlight. Try carrying a video recorder and a light in the middle of the night going through the woods. You hear a sound then start the video hoping you can catch something. This time it worked. That’s what they look like.
Big ol eyes.
I disagree, Cryptoraptor. I doubt it was a sheet. Not saying it wasn’t a costume, mind, just that it’s not that obvious.
Honestly? Like fmurphy and Alison above, I think it’s most likely a stunt. Though it might be interesting to see if the statement about a white Bigfoot being seen in the area can be verified.
I’ll have to give this one a ‘could be’. The head shape seems right and the large eyes and eye shine would be difficult to manufacture. The creature does move quickly once it is spotlighted, so could be.
However, the fast moving creature is also a mark against the legitimacy of the tape; if its that fast why would it wait to move until it was dead-on spotlighted? Why not simply whisk itself away before it was spotlighted? And why did the tape end exactly there? Why no attempt to follow the creature with the light?
I don’t know. This could be a legitimate sighting.
That was the most staged-sounding “what was that?” I ever heard.
I couldn’t tell you for sure what that was; but whatever it looked like it sure didn’t sound authentic.
Why – the HELL – are you filming almost a full half-minute of forest floor in flashlight beam? And then – with no other cues – elevating the light just in time? So, doesn’t look authentic either.
Plastic bag stuck between the tree branches.
fake to me yeah who “hears a noise” in there backyard and grabs a camera my brother in law lives in rural PA and when he hears a noise he grabs his gun
I replayed this and slowed it down, and, the odd thing was that i see two red eyes, but no mouth or nose…does anybody else see any other features?
>>I’m sorry but it really doesn’t make any sense. If you heard a disturbance and went to investigate, why would you shine the torch at the ground a few feet in front of you? You’d point the beam horizontally and sweep it around for the best possible view.<>If it’s a costume it’s a good one.<>I doubt it was a sheet. Not saying it wasn’t a costume, mind, just that it’s not that obvious.<<
Really? I mean, really???? Good lord. Looks like a sheet, pillowcase, or a piece of cloth/fabric to me, and it’s painfully obvious. To consider this garbage legitimate for a nanosecond tells you why most look at the field as a bunch of kooks, ready to believe anything. It doesn’t really matter that anyone thinks that way, but why give fodder to back it up? Nonsense like this should be immediately dismissed. Sheetfoot, not Bigfoot. It’s a mockery.
When the giant squid was finally captured on film, it wasn’t some questionable, three-second near glimpse. There it was, alive and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. When they caught the coelacanth, there it was. Not a half-rotted corpse that really couldn’t be identified properly on first blush, not an ambiguous blob of a picture. That’s what I’m waiting for with any of these creatures.
clearly this is a fake, everyone knows that all bigfeet always kill there albino offspring , I mean really , who among us hasn’t stumbled across the carcass of a dead albino baby bigfoot, where I lived in Vancouver you could barely even walk in the woods for all the dead baby albino bigfoot bodies.
Looks like a guy in a suit to me. It was looking toward the person with the light and camera, and if it had any concerns about staying away from him, it wouldn’t have waited for the light to pan onto its face before ducking away. You can see a person with a flashlight from pretty far away before they are able to pinpoint you in the dark.
Why is the year starting this way? Or, more precisely, why do we keep getting crap like this? Because there are people out there who are desperate for attention, and you keep giving it to them.
I froze the video around 30 sec mark and if it you get the right clip, you can clearly see that it is a mask. The face and the eye holes with the plastic looking contour and perfect symmetry are a dead give away.
Another complete fraud not worth anyone’s time.
Oh puh-leeeeeze. More youtube crap for the Very, Very Gullible.
That looked GREAT! Not knowing how “real” sasquatch behave, how could I say whether or not the creature in the video “acted like” a real squatch?
I can understand walking with the flashlight pointed nearly straight down while walking through a dark woods. I can’t say I understand the choice to post 30 seconds of that and then only 4 seconds of “the sighting”.
As to the videographer saying “what was that” (or whatever he said), it did sound a bit staged, but I remember walking through some pretty heavy woods at night almost 20 years ago and hearing a sudden breaking of branches and heavy, thudding footprints a short distance away. I think I turned to my friend and said precisely, “What was that?” So, who knows.
I thought the creature looked really good. As someone else said, if it’s a costume, it looks like a pretty darn good one!
Overall, I think it was staged with someone in a good costume. I would love for this to finally turn out to be “the real thing” ™
If you stop the vid at 00:31 you can see a line at the neck which suggest to me a costume. Real fur or hair would blend, the eyes seem too large and there is no visible mouth or nose. What hominoids( other than monkeys) do you know of that have a fur covered face?????
Looks promising, I’ll admit. However, I’ll ultimately have to put myself in the “skeptical but not totally closed-minded” camp.
Although I would not go so far as to call it a “plastic bag stuck between the tree branches” like Red_Pill_Junkie declared.
Funny post, though. LOL. Though you KNOW better than that, Red_Pill_Junkie!!! 🙂
If this is a fake (which there is a good possibility it is), I tend to think of this more as a costume than a sheet. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Good “production values,” though. Achieved a moderate level of scariness.
@ cryptidsrus: Yes, I admit I was being lazy with that comment >_<
Must be some kind of costume. Next time they should try using some highly reflective material in the eyes, that gives the impression of light being bounced back by the cornea of a living animal —that would’ve been a nice effect 🙂
Looked like a pillow case with eye holes, get real…literally!
If you saw something like that in the woods wouldn’t you continue to try and film it. Staged all the way…….
Fake, rewinded it like 100 times around the time the face appears and turns. Not Bigfoot like. They dont sway away. They would turn there bodies off the angle. Not to let there faces be seen. Those who have seen multiple fims can see this is fake. The movement is costume like.
I caught a good stop at 31 seconds, with a clear view of the face and the eyes were completely dark–like when you wear a mask and it’s set back just enough from your face—no pupils reflecting light, yada-yada-yada.
I have to say, YouTube has not been a friend or a boon to cryptozoology.
Technology is a fickle goddess….it may help us get good evidence of cryptids some day, but who will know amidst the avalanche of hoaxers, goofballs and peole who love a good scare….sheesh
i hope researchers can contact or email these people to ask them questions about this new pa white sasquatch filmfootage it looks authentic but im not ready to say hoax yet. this film is very interesting & worth the debate about it 🙂
Hokey set up and dialog aside, the absence of ANY red-eye effect, or eye-shine WHATSOEVER, is damning – not at all what one would expect from a nocturnal critter! The “eyes” are merely black holes in the “face.”
I have a Grim Reaper mask that I trot-out for Halloween to scare the TOTs. It has black-mesh screening over the eye-holes, giving the illusion of empty eye sockets while allowing me adequate low light vision, and I suspect we are seeing something similar here.
If I had to put money on it, I’d say it’s a guy in an ape mask.
Last year there were reports of a white bigfoot in carbondale pa. They had a news story about it on
Yea I would have to agree that when your walking in the woods at dark and run into a creature behind a tree, I think you would yell something besides whispering “What was that?”