Rene’s Film
Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 27th, 2009
Ask yourself, who was behind the camera in the following image from a home movie?
M. K. Davis or an associate allegedly authored the “yellow lines and arrows” comments on this image from Rene’s film.
“The man identified as Bob Titmus is not him…Titmus was then living on the British Columbia coast…and was not in touch with what was going on.” ~ John Green, August 24, 2009.
In the background of the discussions lately, (see here and here), is that M. K. Davis and associates have implied they are working with, at least, one “secret film,” allegedly one which the imagined Bigfoot shooters and those engaged in the “coverup” don’t want you to know about.
Some of the chatter, across emails and hinted on the Internet, was that Davis had found something remarkable, people would be shocked when he showed them what he’d found, and he and others would shake the Bigfoot world with their next “release.” When people begin making logs and shadows into ribcages, you never can tell what surprising things will be said next.
The problem with Davis’ newest extension of his theories, of course, is this “film” has been mentioned in print for years. It has been well-known, historically, to those involved in the Bigfoot search for a long time.
“There is a good account of the occasion on which Rene’s film was made in the chapter ‘Blue Creek Mountain’ in On the Track of the Sasquatch.” ~ John Green, August 24, 2009.
One of the reasons it is called “Rene’s film” is because Rene Dahinden took it in the general area when he and John Green went looking for tracks, during the summer of 1967.
Few people realize how close some of the locations discussed are to each other, sometimes merely on the other side of a mountain (see map below).
Due to Green’s and others being alerted to renewed BF activity in the area in the late summer of 1967, Patterson and Gimlin then went into the Bluff Creek site in October and stumbled across what looks like a female Bigfoot.
Then later, with Jim McClarin, John Green went to the exact P-G filmsite and took comparative photographs and other images. Davis et alii may be using any and all of those too.
But the recent discussions have been hard for some to follow. Therefore, I pass along a reader’s questions that might be in your mind, and John Green’s summary response.
See those two items below, along with some helpful scans from one of John Green’s early books.
I’m a bit confused as to the order of events listed here.
I take it that “Rene’s Film” is the one featuring John Green, the two riflemen and the tracking dog named “White Lady.” The account of this event in John Green’s book “On the Track of the Sasquatch,” was recorded in the “BLUE CREEK MOUNTAIN” chapter. So was Rene’s “dog film” taken during August of 1967 at the same time as the Blue Creek Mountain tracks were being cast? Or was it shot sometime afterwards? The foliage is very green in Rene’s footage so it seems possible that it could have been shot in August of ‘67.
I’m confused about the dates because John Green states in the article (cited here) that, “The owner [of the dogs] had been along on the FIRST TRIP and had SEEN THE TRACKS at ONION MOUNTAIN.” (Side Note: I guess there was more than one dog on either the first trip or the second [or both].)
Does anyone know what Mr. Green meant by “FIRST TRIP?” Was there a trip to Onion Mountain prior to August of 1967 with multiple tracking dogs? John says they found tracks on Onion Mountain during this “first trip.” Did this Onion Mountain trip occur sometime BEFORE the Blue Creek Mountain trackways were cast in August of 1967? Is it possible that some of the casts we study today were made from the Onion Mountain tracks discovered during this first trip?
On the back of Dr. Meldrum’s copy of Onion Mountain cast #CA-19, it says, “Onion Mt. Aug. ’67”. On the back of Dr. Meldrum’s #CA-20 cast it says, “Bl Ck Mt” but it displays no date. Characteristics found on these two casts seem to suggest that they’re a near perfect left and right match. They also appear to be taken from consecutive tracks in the same trackway—and indeed they are numbered as such—but someone has listed them as being from two entirely different locations BCM & OM. Is it possible that the famous CA-19 and CA-20 were actually cast on two separate dates at two separate locations?
If anyone here can help cure my confusion, I’d sure appreciate it!
M. K. Davis or an associate allegedly authored the “yellow lines and arrows” comments on this image from Rene’s film.
“I can’t understand how anyone could imagine that frames in which all the leaves were green were exposed at the same time of year as frames where all the deciduous leaves were red.” ~ John Green, August 24, 2009.
John Green’s response:
The dog owner, the dog handler and I drove to California late in August 1967 hoping that the dog could follow tracks I had been told about on a road on Onion Mountain, a high point on the west ridge above the Bluff Creek valley. The tracks were too old to be any use. I don’t remember making the casts from those tracks, but I expect it was done on that trip because I did not expect to come back.
The morning after I got home I was notified of new tracks on a road under construction crossing the top of Blue Creek Mountain, another high point farther north on the same ridge, and later that day was able to fly there with Rene and the dog handler. There was only one dog “White Lady” a white Alsatian, which, contrary to one of MK’s now-vanished posts, was a tracking dog, not an attack dog.
Again the tracking attempt failed but we stayed a couple of days waiting for someone the British Columbia Museum was sending down, and during that time we checked out a report of tracks right beside Bluff Creek, at a place about a mile south of where the Patterson movie was later taken. This was where Rene shot the film MK mistook for part of Patterson’s movie.
I don’t have a record of dates or even the number of days involved, but the first trip was at the very end of August, by the time the second trip was over it was early September. Most of the Blue Creek Mountain track casts were made on the last day, as we had been saving the tracks for the museum man to see, and there are a number of them given to people who we had dissuaded from making their own casts before the museum man came. ~ John Green, August 26, 2009.
There is a basic point to all this that apparently hasn’t registered yet, and indeed did not occur to me until I saw MK Davis’ picture presentations.
The whole scenario of a family of sasquatches being slaughtered, as presented by MK and established independently, so he claims, by David Paulides, has nothing to do with Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin at all.
MK, who certainly does exist, and Paulides’ “experts”, who perhaps don’t, were not finding things that don’t exist in the movie Roger Patterson took, they were finding them in a movie Rene Dahinden took, at a different place, with the leaves green instead of red, with different people in it, and with no relationship whatever to the Patterson movie.
Of course I have been aware of this massacre nonsense for many months, but didn’t realize I was supposed to have a role in it until Al Hodgson forwarded to me an e-mail in which Paulides said:
“I actually got my hands on a fairly old copy of the PG film, full framed with segments on it nobody has seen. It is in the experts hands and many of our impressions of what actually occurred is playing out. I actually believe that John Green and Gimlin are harboring a very, very dark secret, really.”
Turns out that what MK and Paulides got their hands on was a copy of spliced documentary footage used along with lectures by Rene and myself back in 1968, so if anyone did any slaughtering it would presumably have been Rene and me. (And obtaining physical proof that Sasquatch exist certainly wasn’t something we would have covered up. It was exactly what we were hoping to achieve.)
MK and Paulides were both aware I was in the movie. It would have saved everyone a lot of trouble if either of them had chosen to ask me about it. ~ John Green, August 27, 2009.
John Green forwards the following scans of some pages from On the Track… to assist those who haven’t read them. (The images may be enlarged by clicking on them.)
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Thanks much for helping to facilitate and clarify this discussion, Loren.
Mr. Green should also be commended for his willingness to respond to this convoluted situation with such timeliness, honesty and detail.
Much respect.
Thanks for the clarification, Mr. Green.
I guess this brouhaha will go on for a while…