Bigfoot in the Midstate?
Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 10th, 2009
What do you think? What do you see? Where is it in the moving footage?
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Why does it not surprise me that Tom Biscardi’s name is now tied to this. Why on earth would anyone seeking credible knowledge into the subject get someone like him involved. Any intrigue and fascination that i had about the story has now gone out the window.
It has possibilities, I’ll admit…Who knows???
But it is still too “funny” for my taste.
Biscardi is attached to it. So it’s immediately suspect.
Biscardi? I’m out. No matter what the evidence, I don’t even want to bother postulating about anything that he’s attached his name to.
Why does the media keep using him like he’s some sort of trustworthy source?! He’s a joke!
We need to look at the evidence no matter who backs it. Biscardi is an opportunist and hoaxer so obviously that should matter, but evidence is evidence.
To me it appears to be a tree stump. The proportions of the “Creature” intuitively seem out of sync with a real animal. The grunt does sound like gorilla vocalizations I’ve heard.
I think the sound should be analyzed more, and more details of the encounter need to be explored.
On a scale of 1 to 10 as convincing evidence goes, in my opinion is at maybe a 3.
“Why does the media keep using him like he’s some sort of trustworthy source?! He’s a joke!”
Sneaker98: Probably because the media wants to keep this topic a joke. ‘Nuff said.
Even before I saw Biscardi in the news item, honestly, I saw nothing in the video. Even the picture. Yay blobsquatch?
I solo through-hiked the AT this summer (well, 1000 miles of it).
I ran into half a dozen bears, several snakes, found one large cat paw print, and lots of mice and bugs. No Bigfoot.
I admit to having one really strange instance of feeling I was being watched in Virginia and some loud agressive hoots and calls that followed. Still not exactly sure what it is.
There have been sightings along the AT, including those in Glastenbury Mountain (The Bennington Monster), so it can’t be completely dismissed.
To me this doesn’t look like Bigfoot at all, It most closely resembles a tree stump or Blix from the movie Legend. But that’s just my opinion .
The still frame shows 2 forked trees, a thin, pale (silver?) trunk between them, a thin, near-horizontal branch going across the frame and a log lying across the ground.
Nowhere in the animated portions of the clip do you see these features. Is that convenient editing so as not to give a moving context of the still frame? Or just oversight on the part of a newsroom editor who couldn’t care about getting the details right?
Secondly, the colouration of the “bigfoot” matches that of a tree stump seen in the opening frames.
Taken together, I’d be inclined to believe the “bigfoot” is a tree stump and the sounds the witness reported had nothing to do with a bigfoot. Plenty of animals make weird noises that you mightn’t be expecting from them.
you’d have to have been pretty close to the alleged bigfoot to capture that shot of it, and yet for some reason the bigfoot chose to remain completely still, *facing ninety degrees away from you, the videographer who is crashing through the undergrowth*.
Again, not typical behaviour of any animal.
It reminds me of Paul Compton’s photo of a yowie taken near Glen Innes using a trail cam, which I also believe is a tree stump.
Biscardi’s involvement tarnishes the validness of this report I feel.
What I’d like to know is how can Biscardi even show his face again after the Georgia bigfoot fiasco?
It looks like a dead tree to me. If it was a living creature I’m sure we would have seen some sort of movement. I didn’t see anything at all until they zoomed in on it in a still photo. I’d say it was a good case of “matrixing” where the human mind takes random shapes and arranges them into a familiar form such as a face or outline of a body. I’ve done it while deer hunting, there were a couple of times I could have sworn I was looking at a deer when it was just a random arrangement of shadows and bushes.
I don’t see anything… I guess I lack the most important thing… imagination. 🙂
It’s probably nothing more than a leaf.
This video was discussed by one of the researchers of the BFRO, here. He wrote : “The full video showed that it was nothing more than a leaf hanging from a tree”.
I guess T.B. is just out for some publicity to sell something.
I have to admit , apon further inspection, the light seems to bounce off the object as if it were moving. It even seems to turn around at one point. It’s indeed intersting but cannot be substantiated for lack of more footage. The real kicker was that charlatan Tom Biscardi. As soon as I saw him I thought ” SCAM” and i will continue to do so until more can be brought forward. The nerve of that Biscardi guy!
the footage was too choppy for me to even think there might be something “alive” in there. Not to mention almost 3 minutes of the choppiness? Come one!
I always get excited when something new comes up regarding Bigfoot – but, then the name Biscardi comes up too – tells me not to waste my time and get excited… I don’t understand why if someone might have some potentially new information that they would allow someone like Biscardi to get involved…
Oh, just stop it. Please just stop it.
“This guy came to the BFRO with his full video and it was a lot of nothing. The full video showed that it was nothing more than a leaf hanging from a tree so when the investigator called his bluff he asked for his dvd back and went to Biscardi with it. We all know where that’s going to go now.”
Done and done.
“This is the real deal” – Tom Biscardi.
Oh dear. Stop it. My sides are hurting from laughing so much.
The guy is an idiot, if he thinks this is a bigfoot
Typical. People felt deceived when Biscardi promoted a monkey suit hunted by 2 guys of Georgia, put the suit into a freezer and dropped some animal instestines on it. Disgusting.
This was a cheap trick, so cheap that people now have trouble believing in any of Biscardi’s stories.
It always gets me when news readers act the way these two ladies do, their supposed to be unbiased for petes sake.
Some have suggested because Biscardi is involved it is dodgy, But i don’t think he has any original involvement but rather Biscardi will hear this story break like us and jump in his car and try to get himself involved for his own gains and attention. Plus News researchers probably don’t know his background well and will just pick the first “expert” that shows up.
I can see a Ape-like creature with a bare face but as mentioned the imagination can do things, also i did see movement in the centre of the trees in the video.
I don’t even care about Biscardi. He could be standing right there, next to it….if it’s obvious that what he’s standing next to is an animal, and that it isn’t human.
But can I just offer one piece of advice to all you out there with video cameras? Or cameras of any kind?
Thank you.
“This is the real deal.”
This clown is a shameless as he is clueless. He’s an even bigger joke than that video, because he’s much more persistent. No wonder we are not taken seriously.
As long as the media remain oblivious, they will fall prey to nonsense over and over. Intelligent discussion of any of these topics in the general population will remain rare.