Neil Arnold and the Essex Lion
Posted by: Nick Redfern on August 28th, 2012
Neil Arnold (on the right, in the picture above) takes a close look at the “Essex Lion” saga and offers us a voice of clarity in this deeply surreal affair!
Neil kicks off as follows:
“Okay, so the rumours circulated that there was a lion on the loose near Clacton in Essex. How many more stories like this are going to be followed up by droves of police officers and reported on my drama hungry papers ? It’s a sorry state of affairs, and it’s hysteria that makes a mockery of my research because when investigators, as usual, find no evidence of the lion king, everyone starts laughing and saying that there are no large cats roaming Britain.”
And here’s where you can find Neil’s full post.
Nick Redfern
Punk music fan, Tennents Super and Carlsberg Special Brew beer fan, horror film fan, chocolate fan, like to wear black clothes, like to stay up late. Work as a writer.
The folks clearly saw something out of the ordinary and were obviously spooked.
Nick Neil when you factor in the veritable flotilla of helicopters supposedly deployed not to mention the supposedly huge number of special ops type coppers and crack rifle units borrowed from other police forces (or so some hostile commenters on the story I’ve read’ve stated) then the only justification for such an over the top reaction’s a fear some terrorist group might be using the story as a cover during the staging of the Special Olympics.
But since they can’t be arsed to check out once a month incursions of unidentified flying objects in our airspace why would they be bothered by the possibility an Al Qaeda unit [or’re they the ones who’re our friends now?] were crawling on their bellies to London covered over by a lion skin?
The thing about these stories is they all boil down to the idea Joe Public’s an idiot who can’t tell the difference between a cat licking cream from a bowl and a Martian stepping out a flying saucer.
They also exaggerate public reaction and to this day I’m still trying to track down online all these thousands of American hillbillies and yokels who supposedly believed The Body Found wasn’t a mockumentary and claims it was are just coverups.
It might all be a coincidence of course but I’m less and less convinced of that possibility when each day which passes seems to bring another story selling the idea people who promote the paranormal’re hazard to the public’s mental health in the same way cigarettes harm the lungs.