February 2, 2010

Believing in Bigfoot

Bigfoot Battalion

(Media Credit: Osazuwa Okundaye)

Sasquatch draws a metaphorical line in the sand and, like other “monster” sightings, beckons the masses to cross the line and assert their belief or stand in opposition to it. Upon reading the word “Bigfoot” most people automatically kick into one of two modes: rabid believer or dismissive.

The majority of people would fall into the dismissive scoffer category, but there are many misconceptions about the majestic primate known as Sasquatch. The perception most people have of Bigfoot exists only in grainy photographs and tabloid papers. Publications like the “Weekly World News,” who tout articles such as “I was Bigfoot’s Love Slave” paint the portrait that the Yeti exists only in the minds of crackpot loonies that photograph shadowy creatures in the more out of focus areas of the Pacific Northwest. But it might surprise you to know that Bigfoot sightings happen all over America, especially in Texas.

One of the first reports from Texas dates back to 1837 in the lower Navidad area, which is northeast of Victoria, Texas. In this encounter a group of men chased down a large furry bipedal creature, but their horses were reported to be so frightened they refused to get close, leading to the creature’s escape. The Karankawa America Indian Tribe, which once hailed from the coastal areas of Texas have stories that told of a tribe of hairy creatures that inhabit the woods that are now called the Piney Woods.

But the question still remains, why do so many people disbelieve so adamantly in the possibility of Bigfoot? Among the many arguments, two stand out in frequency. Some people will say that they cannot believe in a creature that has never been conclusively photographed or captured on video. But to answer this challenge, let us look to another elusive creature, the Colossal Squid.

The Colossal Squid was a creature chalked up to superstitious sailors, conjuring stories of a vengeful sea that held vast merciless creatures. Skepticism was rampant until 2007, when a live specimen was inadvertently captured by a New Zealand fishing vessel off the coast of Antarctica. Previous to this encounter the only evidence that existed was a few severely decomposed specimens – tentacles and beaks found mostly in the stomachs of Sperm whales.

“The most common reason given for discrediting the possibility of an undocumented primate in North America is the absence of a body or other compelling forms of physical evidence,” said Alton Higgins, assistant professor of biology at Mid-America Christian university and board member at the Texas Bigfoot Research Center, TBRC.

But this argument is truly unfounded, according to Higgins because of the habitat that the Bigfoot species seems to favor. Heavily forested areas, with rainfall and dense vegetation do not preserve remains well, not to mention forest scavengers, insects, bacterial and fungal agents that break down and decompose bodies very quickly.

“In my opinion the best evidence exists in the form of the body of sighting accounts that have accumulated since the early days of European settlement,” Higgins said. “These reports correlate closely with the prehistoric oral histories of nearly all American Indian tribes that include clear descriptions of Sasquatch-like creatures.”

Higgins, a wildlife biologist, isn’t the only scientist convinced of the existence of Bigfoot in North America, but for many scientists the stigma that comes from voicing their beliefs on the subject is not worth the ridicule. But support and evidence for Sasquatch exists, with sightings throughout the country. It not too far-fetched to believe that another ape-like species could exist, and like the Colossal Squid, is only waiting for the day when mankind documents it.Richard Creecy
The Battalion Online

Richard Creecy is a senior classics major and special to the Battalion.

About Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005. I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films: OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.

Filed under Bigfoot, Bigfoot Report, Evidence, Eyewitness Accounts, Folklore, Sasquatch