March 23, 2010
For every movie that gets made, there are hundreds more that don’t. Over the last few years, I’ve come into contact with a number of filmmakers who tried to get feature films about Bigfoot made, but for several reasons, these projects never ended up never seeing the light of day. Some didn’t progress beyond the scripting stage, while others saw financing fall through before production began.
The Bigfoot Movies That Might Have Been is an occasional series that will profile some of these Bigfoot movies and the filmmakers who were at their helm.
Want to know about a Bigfoot movie that would have featured Peter “Chewbacca” Mayhew in the title role? How about a period piece on Bigfoot from the co-writer and co-director of The Blair Witch Project? And do you want to find out more about the only official attempt to remake The Legend of Boggy Creek that had its original director, the late Charles B. Pierce, involved?
If so, stick around. Thanks to the kind assistance of the filmmakers involved, I’ve got some fascinating stories to share.
(Sean Whitley is the writer and director of “Southern Fried Bigfoot,” which is currently in broadcast rotation on The Documentary Channel.)
Sean Whitley
Sean Whitley first heard stories of Bigfoot lurking in Texas at the ripe old age of four. Several sleepless nights and nightmare-laden years later, he attended Southern Methodist University on an academic scholarship and graduated with a BA in Cinema. Whitley has worked as a scriptwriter and field producer for a wide variety of programs that have been broadcast on The Cartoon Network, The Learning Channel, SPEED Channel, MTV, Spike TV, Starz/Encore, Turner Classic Movies, HGTV, and The Cooking Channel. "Southern Fried Bigfoot" is his directorial debut.
He lives in the Dallas, Texas metro area with his wife Cynthia, a cat named Josh, and two dogs: Speckles, an Australian cattle mix, and Lovey, a Potcake from the British West Indies.
Filed under Bigfoot, Bigfoot Movies That Might Have Been, Bigfoot Report, Cinema News, Cryptomundo Exclusive, Guest Blog, Movie Monsters, Pop Culture, Sasquatch, Swamp Monsters