Worst Lake Monster Movie Ever?
Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 10th, 2009
Could this be the worst little dirty pond creature flick ever, or maybe it is the most terrible movie trailer I’ve ever seen?
What do you think?
At first, I thought it was just the music. But then….
Thanks for the suggestion from Patrick Huyghe, and a tip of the hat to io9.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
This is a comedy, right?
The worst movie of this type was a movie I saw around 20 years ago. It dealt with a South American lake monster (one of those “true” stories) which killed several people. In the end the army came out and destroyed it. The creature looked for all the world like something made of plywood with shingles nailed on and had the head of a seahorse. It’s name escapes me now…thank goodness. It was originally filmed in Spanish with English overdubs, and not well done at that.
This kind of reminds me of “Attack of the Killer tomatoes”.
Ok this short movie is bad … but to me the movie “Kraken : Tentacles of the Deep ” was really worst.
Wow, that makes Megalodon look like Lord of the Rings….
You’d think the monster would be frightened away by their acting.
In the laughably bad department (I seek out bad creature movies for the fun of it), I watched one on Megalodon vs. a giant octopus. I think the budget was about $25, most of which went to bad CGI and the rest to bad actors. I think the director was trying for an American version of those Japanese “giant monsters fighting” movies, but with none of the wit of classics like King King vs. Godzilla.
In the overlooked-gem department, try a monster tale called The Burrowers. The creatures are original and well done, the film is atmospheric and beautifully shot, and the story makes good use of the middle-of-nowhere Western frontier setting.
Hi Doug it starred John Carradine and James Mitchum
it was called Monster it was
It Came from the Lake
Monster, the Legend That Became a Terror
Monstroid: It Came from the Lake (USA) (DVD box title)
The Toxic Horror (USA)
Toxic Monster
and yes i have this bad movie in my cryptozology movie collection
Sometimes a film comes together where everything seems to be on par with everything else. This is that film. I hope the camera wasn’t hurt.
Well… uniformly bad acting, terrible sound effects, really bad acting, the “blood in the water” effect looks fake, the acting is terrible, oh, and did I mention that the acting is really, really bad?
These people are such bad actors, they couldn’t convincingly play the parts of bad actors. They’d just look like they’re mocking themselves, or being mocked by the director.
Did this actually come out? Someone should send it to the RiffTrax crew
DVD straight to the dollar bin, then shortly the dumpster out back!
I believe I saw a movie as a child in the 70s called ‘Octopus’ that was rollickingly bad, but that was obviously an ocean-going critter, so I guess it doesn’t really qualify.
The acting in this one stinks worse than a skunk ape in August, true enough. I’m not sure which I find the funniest:
a) the fuschia-colored blood (if the serpent didn’t kill her, her apparent hematological problem would have);
b) the person just off-screen on the right who is slapping the water during the attack scene to make it more ‘dramatic’; or
c) the hand – held perfectly vertical and without so much as a twitch – smoothly descending into the water like the end of a drill team routine.
It’s scary, all right … in all the wrong ways. But I confess that I love watching really awful stuff like this; it leaves me chuckling for days.
Fantastic….looks much better than Transformers 2!
Is there a reason her swim suit changes from blue to black several times? First on the beach and then during the attack.
If she didn’t want to put the wet swim suit back on the second day, the director should have bought her a second identical suit.
And that is the ~only~ reason I can find to call this a bad movie.
That and the script that looked great on paper, without bothering to hear what it sounds like.
Poor lake serpent!
Having to digest that terrible actress… breaks my heart
This is obviously not a REAL movie…
Still, “Come and get it, lunch is ready!” right before the girl is eaten was kind of funny…in a terrible movie, bad acting, non-script, kind of way….
Yes its real i’ve known about it for over a year, it’s nothing compared to the demonic half pig half bigfoot flick I saw! A fun one on the way is the Flock about a colony of surviving humanly intelligent terror birds in California. Giant shark vs mega octopus was a stinker, though it was fun to see Debbie Gibson after all these years. The old seventies octopus flick was an italian feature called Tentecals.
You guys are being WAY too harsh!
The effects are stunning! The acting, brilliant! The scenerio about a huge unknown, man-eating cryptid that’s been undiscovered in a tiny pond for over 30 years, unflappable!
Yep, it does look pretty bad.
My favorite “Bad” Lake Monster movie of all time is Lake Placid, though. Didn’t like it when it came out and I still don’t like it.
Particularly since Ole Annoying Betty White is in it.
Good, funny post, Loren. Thanks for the laugh.
Surely that is just someone’s home movie project, not an actual film for release?
Wow, poor girl. Imagine getting attacked by a piece of driftwood.