Fayette Bigfoot: Drawings
Posted by: Loren Coleman on July 21st, 2009
Eric Altman, the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society Director, has the following notes to add concerning my earlier posting regarding the new Fayette Bigfoot report.
What is amazing is how populated this area is.
It was on the outskirts of a city, and a few blocks away from the Chestnut Ridge Mountain range, which has a history of reports dating back to the 1930s.
The witness did not say to me that she “saw a Bigfoot.”
She repeated that what she saw resembled to her “a werewolf,” and that the creature had “wolf like or dog like hair on its head.”
Although the witness encounter only lasted a few seconds, I do feel that she did see something and is a credible witness. I am just amazed at the location where this occured and the description of the creature is not typical, especially the face and neck.
I have forwarded (to be posted) a sketch to Loren of what the witness saw that was drawn by Dave Dragosin, under the direction of the witness. ~ Eric Altman, July 21, 2009.
Attached are two sketches from the investigation. One is of the creature drawn by Dave Dragosin as supervised by the eyewitness, and the other is of the car and the scratched area on the driver side quarter panel.
[Caption commentary: Although this drawing appears to show a “thin” hairy hominid, I do not see “werewolf” ears or anything too wolf-like in this rendering. ~ Loren.]
The report on this Fayette Bigfoot is being released with permission of Billy Willard, Sasquatch Watch of Virginia and the sketch has been released with the permission of the witness and Dave Dragosin, via Eric Altman and Stan Gordon.
Photographs will be forthcoming, probably overnight from the investigators, to be published at Cryptomundo.
(For more on how this sighting overlaps with similarly named locations previously noted, also see the “Fayette Factor.”)
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Interesting that it has such a slender neck. Most of the bigfoot descriptions I’ve seen depict a thick “wrestler” neck.
I was expecting a longer neck than that, based on the description given.
Everthing is way too thin for it to be for it to be a Sasquatch, but it also doesn’t have a werewolves hair color, so I’m stumped.
Cryptoinformat i know. i was in that same thought as you
it may not even be Bigfoot but a new unknown creature
or Bigfoot hybrid
Seriously why is it that everything giant that’s ape like has to be bigfoot? shouldn’t we just name them all differently since they all have different description
Bigfoot belongs to California and such, but this creature isn’t Bigfoot.
as Humans don’t you think we have a right to know what lives on our earth????
Don’t you think we should Learn more and understand them.
Still i believe that people in the past saw these creatures as unknown or everyday animal
people in today’s earth may have seen them like that too but didn’t say anything for any of these reason
1. They don’t want to be laughed at
2. They think they’re known animals
3. They’re protecting them
4. They don’t care about animals to the point they don’t care if we see them or not
5. they don’t care about animals to the point they don’t care if they almost endangered
6. They say ” it’s to great to be true, it must be an illusion”
7. They’re unbelievers and scream out “HOAX”
8. They tell people but the people don’t pass it on to others
9. They’re traumatized by it so they don’t speak of the animal (Strange phobia)
10. They ignore the fact it’s there
11. They don’t know how to tell people
12. They don’t speak English…
13. They’re mute
14. People Do not believe them so they don’t tell others about what their friend/sibling/parent/uncle/aunt/cousin/grandparent saw
the animal looks amazing.
If you think about it, the neck isn’t even big on the drawing.
i think that the animal if it’s an ape, maybe be a worldwide animal, like rats and bats and dogs. Apparently Bigfoot “Like” creatures and Bigfoot sightings are worldwide just like dogs, bats and rats.
I think people should always carry a cell phone camera and camera with batteries in it. so they can always be ready for the unexpected. i can’t do that, cause i lost my camera. Pst!!!!!!
Okay, maybe what we’re looking at is a juvenile – perhaps even an adult in recovery from some form of wasting disease.
Maybe it thought it was a goner and was so relieved to be recovering it did its fancy little trunk vault in a fit of exaltation.
Whatever it’s reason for doing it, given the context, it was a very unanimal-like form of behaviour, full of human-like bravado.
But then I always say Bigfoot ain’t animals – they’re people.
DJ Plastic Nebula I think may be on to something in that this may be a “hybrid.”
As to it not having “wolf” ears—
Could be true indeed, but we also don’t know if Wolf Beings have not been interbreeding with other species as well—so that the ears of the “hybrid” may be different than standard wolf ears. “Out there,” I know. Anything’s possible. 🙂
Still tend to go with Odingirl’s previous post that this may be a “paranormal” creature. Bu that’s just me.
DJ, the only reason rats and dogs have a worldwide distribution is because they have been moved around wherever humans have gone. It’s hardly a natural occurence in those examples you gave.
Okay, this may sound odd, but there are repeated mentions of dog men or werewolves in the comments on this article and many say that this beast doesn’t match the typical description of a werewolf. Since werewolves primarily exist in movies and folklore, what do we consider to be the typical description of such a creature as pertains to cryptozoological sightings? I mean, I know about the beast of bray road and have read of other sightings, but really, what is the standard description? I assume a dog-like head for starters, which would be quite a distinction from any bigfoot description.
Judas – well, in general, seeing as werewolves have most of their history deeply rooted in horror novels and the like, I think most of us try to avoid serious discussion of them as real animals, owing to a lack of a precedent for people turning into anything, werewolf or otherwise.
I absolutely agree, Cryptoinformant. I’m not claiming to readily believe in the phenomena, myself. But there is some history of sightings and many people have made comments regarding the physical characteristics to be expected of a werewolf. I’m just curious if there might be some official consensus of what physical description we’re talking about, other than the one we see in The Howling or Harry Potter or whatever.
There are always exceptions to the rule. It may have been a young female or an old specimen that was underweight. A leaner neck does not discount it from being a Bigfoot.
CryptoInformant 2.0:
You’re right in saying “werewolves” are classified as being of the “horror novel/folklore” kind. A werewolf traditionally has been considered as a human having the disease of Lycanthropy, which causes the sufferer to shape-shift into a wolf-like being. In which case one needs the break out the old Silver Bullet, so to speak.
However, the definition of “werewolf” has now been expanded to include beings that are seen in a semi-regular basis around the world (most famously in Bray Road in Wisconsin) that have wolf-like characterisitcs to them. Dogman is often included in that.
Apparently these are Wolf Creatures that were BORN like that, not CURSED with Lycanthropy. Apparently they may be a result of an alternate path taken by “evolution”—sort of like Sasquatch.
Maybe we need to categorize “them” more stringently for clarity’s sake (I’ll take the term “Wolf Monster” or “Wolf Being,” personally)
but (for better or worse) they are now conveniently designated with the sobriquet “Werewolves.”
Which is not totally wrong, anyway. Koala Bears are NOT Bears. Horseshoe Crabs are NOT Mollusks/Crabs. Pterosaurs are not actually Dinosaurs. Yet we have no problem labeling them as that. “For convenience’s sake”. Maybe there will come a day when we will call them something else. I have no problem with that.
There has never been a report of these creatures ever going after humans, as far as I know. Animals, yes. US, no.
In fact, they seem to be indifferent/wary of us and avoid us like the plague, going by the ovewhelming majority of reports of witnesses.
So THESE beings are not from “horror novels” or “supernatural folklore,” CryptoInformant 2.0, and deserve to be talked about like any other cryptid.
Just because they are CALLED “Werewolves” doesn’t mean they are THOSE kind of “Werewolves.” 🙂
Cryptidsrus – Thank you for that, and I agree that the less-traditional “werewolves” – which, if they exist, are most likely somewhere between wolves and bears as far as their evolutionary relations – are worthy of discussion, but something should be done to separate them from the traditional sort, a name-change being the easiest.
Until someone finds something catchy enough, I’ll most likely be confused every time someone mentions werewolves in a cryptozoological setting.