Johor Hominid Face?
Posted by: Loren Coleman on July 10th, 2006
Here’s the face drawn by Vincent Chow that everyone is talking about, allegedly drawn from the photographs that Vincent Chow has in his possession.
This new one can now be compared to the two following drawings earlier sketched by Peter Loh. What is graphically shown is the great differences between the earliest head interpretation of what Vincent Chow says he saw in the photographs, and how it was suggested it be redrawn by Peter Loh, through Chow’s corrective feedback, plus now with those of Sean Ang’s. Obviously, the time is upon us to reveal and publish the photographs, instead of continuing this fiasco.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Yes the art work is great but as I said before a real picture is worth a thousand words…..sorry guys but show me the real pictures.
I would suggest that both artists that have sketched the pix of this animal had better get their acts together.
Surprisingly the sketches don’t appear to be of the same animal???
I wonder how many suckers are gonna take the bait!
Um….wow. Every “Johor Hominid” picture that has been published so far has been very different. This is rather interesting. Interesting, but proof of nothing since there is no evidence that these photos, let alone the creaturse they are alleged to depict, exist.
I’m struck by the human-like chin but the ape-like nose.
Looks similar to the planet of the apes dudes you know?
Yeah w/o the pic’s who knows. Every drawing looks different. Something is starting to smell about this whole story. Could start smelling like a tourist trap/hoax thing here. Of course I hope not but let’s face it enough is enough you either have the proof or not. I wonder how many of you out their patiences is starting to WEAR THIN?????
The face sketch was done by Vincent Chow. The sketch of the hand from earlier today was done by Sean Ang.
Also, to harleyb: Sean Ang has mentioned before that he thinks these alleged creatures bear somewhat of a resemblance to the Planet of the Apes characters–but not too much. I showed him pictures of several Planet of the Apes characters, and he said the creatures looked more like Dr. Zaius than Cornelius, for examples.
However, in today’s chat, Sean said that the creatures in the photo look more like the ape-creatures we showed him from Stanley Kubrick’s “2001” than the apes from “Planet of the Apes.” Who knows what, if anything, the creatures are, at this point?
This latest image is clear proof that Vincent Chow can draw.
Is it really proof of anything? I believe both of the sketches that were released today were “traced” from the actual photos. I know for a fact Sean Ang’s was, and I assume Chow’s was, as well.
I wonder if these pictures are of the on set production of those walking with cave-men tv shows.
How about this image is definitive proof that Chow can trace? 😉
That’s a definite possibility, too. Let’s look around and see if we can find some sample pics from those shows online somewhere.
How many pics does it take to get to the center of the Johor Hominid mystery? The world may never know. 😉
for chow’s sake, these pics had better be really clear. like I said before, these could be an ape, mr. hyde and the new one looks like a traditional monkey. for the sake of all cryptid hunters around the world, this better be worth all the fuss, otherwise we will all have black eyes.
Grant me a little poetic licence in entertaining the possibility this is all hot air over nothing.
If such is proved, what do you think the fallout will be for the face of cryptozoology? Let alone the face of the Johor Hominid!
And so the fiasco rolls on.I really wanted these pics to be real so much it hurt but the longer it goes on the more my interest wanes.
Do the people with the alleged photos not realise that the longer this goes on the less interested people will become.
Its getting to a point now where I can see these photos being of Orangutangs and the owners of the material are so desperate to milk any publicity they can can before it becomes obvious to the world that they have nothing just some photos of some Apes in an area where they are rare but I suggest there are no Bigfoot photos waiting to be published. No fortunes to be earned and then back to obscurity for the Johor gang.
Sorry but this is just the way I see it .
We should all be bracing for a let down.
The Vincent Chow drawing reminds me of the prehistoric apes/men of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Ok… the latest drawing by Chow and the second drawing aren’t really that different to me, mainly in the long head hair of the latest, which gives a different impression. Both have a flat, pugged nose, big projecting jaws, and heavy brow ridges. The eyes of the new drawing are different, and seem more realistic.
As for the third drawing, it never looked like more than something out of a low-budget zombie movie.
But, enough drawings… it’s time for photos, if there are really any.
The scale of this face looks relatively small. Like chimp sized. Maybe smaller if that is fur or hair around the face and not an artistic “effect”.
most disturbing to me is a small note on the sketch page of the johor site noting that the drawings are only 70-80% based on the original photograph. that removes almost all of the justification for a strange way to distribute the information in the first place. If each artist only based their drawings on the photos about 70% maybe that explains all the various interpretations. Strange way to present evidence,
I agree the ones holding the supposed photos do not realize — apparently — that continuing to withhold the photos is eroding their credibility.
But hold on this as supposed to be a YOUNG Johar Hiominid face. Young and adults often look somewhat different.
Or maybe I mis-read Johar as Junior. Been having some trouble that way lately
In playing the devil’s advocate for a second here, I will say that the Loh drawings, while displaying Peter’s considerable skill, shouldn’t really be expected to look EXACTLY like the “actual creature” seen in the photos (if there is an actual creature). Remember that Peter drew these based entirely on description alone, which is why we see the various changes as Chow tried to get Peter’s drawings closer to the alleged photos.
That said, the earlier drawing, actually, seems to reflect those more human features we see in the photo-tracing, although the white color and lack of “fly away” hair could have been seen as misleading. In the second drawing the heavily lined face, “crazy eyes” and bad teeth are distracting, and lend the image a more ghoulish appearance, but in this one we see the hair looking more tousled and an even more human jaw, chin and brow, along with larger ears.
Actually, neither look much like the photo-tracing, but then, none of the caricatures I’ve ever had done ever looked like me, and those artists were staring right at me when they did those.
Peter Loh has shown considerable skill in his drawings, but at this point, if Chow is going to release tracings of the photos, he may as well go ahead and release the images.
(Interesting too, the “(c) Vincent Chow” on the sketches. Anyone with experience in copyright law on here? Is it OK to make a tracing of a photo that you don’t have the rights to publish and to then copyright and publish that tracing? Seems like it would be a little like me re-recording and releasing “American Beauty”, but with myself playing drums instead of Mickey and Bill, and then copyrighting it as my own. Can one do that?)