Pete Loh’s Latest
Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 11th, 2006
Pete Loh in Singapore writes that the first sketch he attempted, according to Vincent Chow, has the hair a bit wrong. Chow says the hair on the shoulders is much longer and hanging. Loh just sent this third sketch incorporating the second sketch’s facial features and the longer shoulder hair. Have a look.
Here’s the first and second drawings of what Chow is saying he’s seeing in the photos. This is not an exact science, but would like to let this unfold in front of you all so you can share, from the inside, as this develops.
Of course, like all of you, I’m waiting on the photographs, but in the meantime…this is better than complaining.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Looks a bit like the De Loys Ape.
Thank you for keeping us informed….very interesting….perhaps a leaner version of our beloved sasquatch….
Get some rest….especially after a left coast late night radio show…
all the best…
ole bub and the dawgs
Hmmm…I don’t see the resemblance to De Loy’s, really. It looks more like a gorilla to me.
Interesting, looks a little like Giganto without all the hair. We are certain it’s Bipedal?
Thank you Peter for keeping us in the loop.
Bennymac, I don’t think we’re “certain” about anything involving this story just yet. 🙂
I certainly hope someone is certain about something.
I just have a boatload of questions, like everyone else, and I’m trying to be patient.
jjames2, what’s your opinion, think we’re in for a let down?
This is certainly the first picture I’ve seen that shows a “bigfoot” type hominid with a visible six-pack. He does look lean, nearly ripped. If this is accurate then it seems to imply an animal closer in nature to humans than to the great apes. From what I’ve seen most apes have a more pronounced and even pendulous belly area. I’m also reminded of posts regarding the faking of Bigfoot films by a professional special effects artist and his (purported) use of water bags to recreate the swaying belly of an ape or apeman. This creature seems to be very different from that.
Wow, what a difference the hair makes. The top sketch looks MUCH more animal than the human looking creature seen in the first two sketches.
Against that full moon setting, it also looks like some kind of were-ape.
If and when people eventually decide these photos are nothing special, maybe Peter can consider turning all these drawings into a comic book.
Bennymac, yes, I feel like we’re in for a letdown. That’s why I’ve been expressing my opinion that the photos should either be released now, or there should never have been ANY discussion about them. At this point, with every “new” piece of information, sketch, etc., that is released, people’s expectations/imaginations run wild. By the time these photos are released, there’s no way that their “reality” (whatever that might be…) will match people’s expectations…
Well, judging by the general result — Bigfoot is still a tabloid critter — the Patterson film must have been a letdown.
Any photos — any one photo — approaching the clarity and quality of Patterson should be regarded as a breakthrough.
But — again given the treatment Patterson got — it is by no means a slam dunk that a release of one, some, or all of the photos now would serve any purpose at all. Were I the holder of the pix, I’d most definitely wait until the pictures had the book behind them before I put them in the public’s hands.
Once again, look what happened to Patterson. Maybe HE should have waited to do a book.
You’re right–I don’t think the Patterson footage is clear at all. If that’s the level of quality we’re talking about with these pictures, their owners are in trouble with the public at large, I’d wager.
While it is a fascinating topic to dwell on for anyone who’s interested in crypto studies or just nature in general, I would like to direct your attention to the more pragmatic approach relating to this issue and please contribute whatever you can so that good folks like Chow and his organization (Malaysian Nature Society) can continue to thrive and awe us with their fine work.
Please help out or the very least check out the links above to see for yourselves.
At least when Tom Biscardi asked us for money, he had the dang thing trapped in a cave.
LOL. This is a joke, of course. For those new here or don’t know about this fiasco, allegedly TB’s associates never had a captured Bigfoot despite the alleged claims that he was going to allegedly show photos or footage of the thing allegedly “next” week, even though people allegedly subscribed to his site so they could allegedly view those alleged photos. George Noory and I joked about this alleged incident last night, because George has banned this person for life from Coast to Coast AM for allegedly not returning everyone’s money.
Good ole George. I have always like his show since I got hooked on it when I was a paper man in florida. I’m new here, so is there any place on this site for general discussion, like our own experiences, instead of going off topic on these threads?
A look at the new sketch I see more animal than human. And thanks Mr. Loh for keeping us updated. I can only imagine how hard it is for to report all of this and not have seen the photos. I hope it is worth the wait.
Bring me evidence, no more pretty drawings!
As Jeremy_Wells commented in another entry here on Cryptomundo concerning the photos:
If I may make a suggestion. If you aren’t happy with the Mawas/Johor Bigfoot commentary, skip these posts until the photos are released.
I will add the following:
No one is forcing you to read the entries here on Cryptomundo with Peter Loh’s drawings and what is taking place in Malaysia. You can choose to not click on them. However, others would like to know the latest updates regarding what is going on in Malaysia.
And we here at Cryptomundo will continue to report on it.
No kiddin’, Chymo.
Those of us who want to be titillated get to continue to be! Isn’t that what this site is about? Isn’t that what an interest in this subject is about? The what-if?
I can’t get over how many commentators here sound, for all the world, like Linus in the pumpkin patch, after the Great Pumpkin has let him down, yet again. Or like the grownup who still hasn’t gotten over that long-ago day when he found out there was no Santa Claus.
Have some fun with this stuff! Keep those artists’ conceptions coming, Pete! We love ’em! This is Cryptomundo, not Mope-o-Mundo….!
It’s Chymo and his brethren I’m sort of addressin’ here. Have some FUN with this, OK?
Yes, there’s enough places that are NOT publishing Peter Loh’s drawings and are NOT talking about Bigfoot, so rest assured folks this is a location that will be a safe zone for publishing anything I find interesting, newsworthy, and potentially enlightening in the realm of cryptozoology.
As far as setting rules on what I should post here on the Malaysia Mawas and related drama, I wish people would save their energy in that regard. 🙂
I’ll probably just start deleting those messages as off-topic.
Thanks to those of you who spoke up for me! Really appreciate the encouragement 🙂
But hey, I’m fine with the criticism. It happens. Not all of us are romantics like DWA 😉
I quote DWA:
“Those of us who want to be titillated get to continue to be! Isn’t that what this site is about? Isn’t that what an interest in this subject is about? The what-if?”
Thanks, DWA!! That made my day 🙂
‘Hopeless’ romantics, aren’t we?
The best blogs usually welcome open polite discussion on all subjects, & avoid becoming a coffee-klatch club with true believers all patting each other on the back & agreeing with one another all the time. You don’t get any decent discussion like that.
I totally support Cryptomundo & your work, Loren. I have followed the subject since I was very young, & have you on my shelves as I speak. I’m also absolutely dedicated to rationality. If I’m ever critical, I try to make my criticisms salient.
It just strikes me that there are *a lot* of posts about the Malaysian animals & the book. To my mind the situation looks poor. Why is it getting so much airtime?
Chymo: no intent to jump and dump.
It’s just that, with crypto being dissed just about everywhere else, a crypto site doesn’t seem the place to do that. Too much. Enlightened skepticism is welcome, indeed essential. I’d have a real problem with anyone saying that Peter’s illustrations (as great as they are), or the blurry OR “sas shot,” are proof, or even compelling evidence, of anything new under the sun.
Chymo, search Yahoo! or CNN. Nothing about this there. (Very little about the abundant actual scientific discoveries going on in places like New Guinea.) There’s almost nothing anywhere in the mainstream press. But it’s a breaking story! and one with more smoke (as in, indicative of fire) than normal, and with huge ramifications for the way we humans look at the world if it pans out. Peter’s bulletins remind us of that. And it is of much greater importance to the world at large than who’s survived to the next round of “Idol.”
Skepticism I get. But cynicism, well, not really, not here. Save THAT for CNN.
Grasshopper, er, Borneoman, you have much to learn.
1. Mother Nature doesn’t need “saving.” Once she’s gotten rid of us, everything else will come back, better than ever.
2. For those of us who pretty much know Man’s Doom Is Sealed (or at least the fun’s gonna be over soon), the only slim slim hope we hold is that discoveries like this might alert a critical mass of people to revolt against the high-speed overconsumption that’s eating up Mother Nature, Current Version.
In other words, this is bigger than sending money to Malays to lick envelopes. The sooner the cryptids start coming out of the woodwork…well, the sooner we’ll see whether it makes any difference.
Sorry, but there’s yer Reality Factor.
Although those of you who think it will work, lick away.
Yellow eyes? Wow that looks creepy! No wonder the Aborigines call them Ghost
hi craig loren and everyone i see their is updates about the latest malaysia sasquatch info or activiy every day but i realy injoy reading it and looking at the drawings of the malaysia sasquatch. looking forward on the 2 new books comeing out next year im a very patient sasquatch researcher. i would like to email or contact the malaysia researchers just to be friendly talk with them about their sasquatch research. thanks bill 🙂
I’m going to go blind looking at the Florida skunk ape photo if I don’t see a Malaysia picture soon!