Of Manatees and Bigfoot
Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 12th, 2006
Autumn Williams put Whitehall on the television programming map. But what Bigfoot activity is happening there today?
I’ve been gone for a few days, since Wednesday. I checked out the manatee situation in the Hudson River, New York. The big critter appears to have moved on, with no new sightings. But you never can tell. I had to go see for myself. I did not see a manatee but lots of the Hudson. At one spot, I crossed one of the most attractive suspension bridges in North America, the Mid-Hudson Bridge, and marveled at the vastness of the water below. It is easy to see how a river monster or a manatee can get lost in there.
Land monsters perhaps are easier to find.
So, I wanted also to poke around Whitehall, New York. Whitehall is known as the birthplace of the U.S. Navy, but in terms of cryptozoology, it is a site of much alleged activity, some would even call it a "hot" spot.
First, you have its location near the tip of Lake Champlain and obvious links to Champ history. Whitehall’s media was the source of spreading the "wanted dead or alive" notices on Champ in 1873 and 1887.
I hereby offer $50,000 for the hide of the Great Champlain serpent to add to my mammoth World’s Fair Show. You are authorized to draw on me for any sum necessary to assist in securing the monster’s remains.
So said P.T. Barnum to the Whitehall Times of Whitehall, New York.
But in recent years, Whitehall appears to be gaining more significance as the unofficial NY State Bigfoot Capitol.
For many decades, Whitehall was the hometown of both Bob and Paul Bartholomew (Bob moved out of town to Australia, got a Ph. D., and writes books in which he now debunks Fortean phenomena). Whitehall still turns up in books on Bigfoot mostly because of their early work and a series of sightings in August 1976 on Abair Road.
In 2003, Autumn Williams, during the series Mysterious Encounters, visited and highlighted Whitehall and Paul’s Bigfoot investigations.
Paul’s work has been ongoing on the Bigfoot front. In January 2004, he tried to get the Whitehall Bigfoot protected locally. After meeting with the mayor and local council, he told the media at the time:
I proposed a protective ordinance for these creatures in the Whitehall area which would protect these creatures under the law, and it would also recognize these creatures. What was sighted out there [on Abair Road, Whitehall, in 1976] was a large creature, 7 to 8 feet tall, walking like a gorilla hunched over, making a sound like a woman screaming. While it was a landmark case, it was just one that forms a chain of sightings which goes back to the Algonquin and Iroquois.
Paul Bartholomew had asked them to pass a resolution that would make it illegal to shoot a Sasquatch. The idea is mostly symbolic, he said, adding it would be a step toward bringing notoriety and tourists to the area, much like the lake monster Champ does for Lake Champlain. He said the proposal is similar to one Port Henry, New York officials passed to protect Champ.
On February 5, 2004, Paul Bartholomew was able to get the Whitehall village board to approve the resolution that makes it illegal to hunt Bigfoot in Whitehall, New York.
"It’s a way for the community to embrace the phenomenon," Bartholomew said at the time.
It appears to have worked, as it was easy to get people in Whitehall to talk about Bigfoot during my brief visit. Indeed, the recent Whitehall BFRO expedition there at the end of July 2006, seems to be an example of a mostly tourist-oriented "hunt" for Bigfoot taking place there because of the resolution. The BFRO was not out to kill a Bigfoot, needless to say.
I like the Bartholomews, so don’t take this as anything personal, but I really dispute whether this location is one of the true hotspots for Bigfoot sightings in the country. I think it is a nice town, a good tourist destination, but there’s no real on-going activity. The hype is based upon the one 1976 series, the good work of the Bartholomews, the uniqueness of another "don’t kill Bigfoot" resolution, and the visits from the people from the Outdoor Life Network, BFRO, and Cryptomundo (lol) that is keeping the fame alive. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it is not a fertile area for lots of current Bigfoot sightings.
Bigfoot sightings in New York State may be as rare as manatee encounters.
One mystery that was unfinished from my visit in Whitehall was about some large sketches of hairy hominoids I was shown.
I need to discover more about a local artist who makes unique poster-sized drawings of Bigfoot, Yeren, and Yeti. I want to track down more information on him and how to obtain his art. The shopkeeper (who only had her own personal copies, none for sale) didn’t have contact info, and only knew that Eric M. lived in Whitehall.
Anyone have any hints on this Whitehall Bigfoot art angle?
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Even if this is not a hot spot there is no arguing they have some good reports that can not be passed over as a hoax.
He is out their somewhere. This I am 100% sure of. But CHAMP well that is another story all together in my view.
To find out if these elusive creatures exist need to maybe find remains or even a body. Manatees they may be wonderful creatures, thet aren’t one of my favorites. Rivers and lakes may hold unknown creatures hiding away from science, let’s not forget the huge CATFISH. Manatees are no match for giant marine reptiles that may possibly still exist from the dinosaur ages. Especially one of my favorite dinosaurs the MOSAURUS, which may exist in Lake Okanagan.
Umm..What did you say Loren? You said something about some one having a big foot? You have to quit including Autumn’s picture with these articles she’s very distracting.
Hmmm – no ongoing activity in the NY Adirondacks? I don’t know how or why you came to that conclusion, but you are either misinformed or lacking information.
Ongoing witness reports would indicate quite the opposite. Perhaps there are numerous reports you are not privy to as well others that are available you have simply glossed over or missed? I would say your statement is emphatically wrong.
Reports continue come in from the central, southern and eastern adirondacks. Either we’ve got generations of folks with vivid imaginations making sincere but mistaken reports or something more dynamic is happening in these woods.
And no, I am not a BFRO researcher…