Exact Description of Mawas
Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 11th, 2006
Talking To Vincent Chow on the Appearance of the Johor Bigfoot
From the private collection of photographs that Vincent Chow has been shown, he has now described, in some detail, how he says the Malaysian Mawas or Johor Bigfoot appear to him. The following is a collection of the various statements from Chow of their descriptions.
While we all can debate the reality of the photographs, what and when they will look like when and if they are released, the drawings and descriptions can be accessed and analyzed, just as we do with eyewitness details, in our feeble human attempt to understand what we are dealing with now. Needless to say, I want to see these photos as much as the next person, but I am not going to neglect that the data is piling up, in the meantime, on the Malaysian front. I’ve always found it best to digest my meals a little at a time, and eat slowly.
Vincent Chow’s Descriptions
Mawas seem to be scattered in numbers and often leave footprints after their forays into areas of human settlements (fringes of forests, villages, orchards, stream sides, pond-sides etc.). Sightings reveal a tall individual, height variously estimated between 8-10 feet. Females are shorter , have hairy breasts, smaller heads. Juveniles 4-5 ft. Very pronounced ridge on eyebrow.
Colour darker compared to reddish-brown adults. Reports of sounds made by them to be guttural and low to high pitch. No record of causing harm to domestic animals or humans.
Males:. Arms strong and feet large.
General morphology indicates that they are not anywhere near to ape but more to Homo sapiens.
Little resemblance to the orang hutan (the real mawas).
As a tropical species, it has adapted to the high humidity and temperatures by wearing a thinner coat of fur or hair as compared to the Sasquatch.
Male: tall, est. to be 8-9 ft. Face looks human but nostrils rather flared, eyes , relatively larger than ours, double eyelids. face charismatic and with deep intense stare. Rather handsome but face wrinkled. Upper lip thinner than lower.
Chest sparsely hairy as well as areas where joints are found esp. limbs). Barrel-chested. Genitals: penis and scrotum very visible. Penis hooded.
Illustration: Drawing by Harry Trumbore, from The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates by Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe. © 2006.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Very good article Mr. Coleman. One question though. You stated when and “IF” the photos will be released is their some thought they could not be? In early articles it would be when the book is published has their been a change by Mr. Chow? Are you still going to be part of the book? I do wonder why Mr. Chow has not offered to let you get a glimpse of a photo or 2 since you could be a part of the book? I know I am really just wanting to know everything now but paitence will be well worth it if this is the real thing.
You stated no harm to humans or domestic animals another question to be this size 8-9ft as claimed has Mr. Chow stated what their diet may consist of? Only veggies and fruits seems hard to believe some meat would not be part of their diet? I hope you keep us informed on the situation their and it makes our wait well worth it.
I hope this comes to fruition, but I’m gonna just have to wait to see the pictures. I believe they’re out there, just not so sure the pictures are
Sorry I may be mistaken but I was under the impression that the Mawas where fish eaters.
Fish being a great source of protein would help explain the size of the Mawas as there calorie intake must be very high.I know that there are lots of other vegitarian large animals but these seem to spend there entire life eating.From what i can gather the mawas seem to spend all there time wandering away from humans!
Fish or no fish I believe animals could achieve this size on a vegetarian diet. Think about nearly all the largest land animals we know from the past and present have been herbivorous. Gorillas, Pongids and to a lesser extent Chimps and Bonobos are able to grow to a substantial size from fruit and vegetation. I did here about the fish and that isn’t that surprising considering the geography and similar opportunistic carnivorey in some primates.
I still think this is just more hype over nothing at this point. Loren, I’ll ask AGAIN, because you frankly keep ignoring the question every time I ask it: WHY can’t the photos be released? If Chow can give us these allegedly detailed descriptions of the photos, isn’t it simply a small step forward to release the photos themselves?
And, as another poster just asked (and I asked earlier), what’s with the use of “when and if” now?
I beg you, PLEASE stop hyping this unless there’s something new to add.
Okay, let’s see…I keep expanding everyone’s information base on this as I learn more and more, and yet I am criticized for not answering questions even though I have been doing exactly that by writing more and more on this story. One man’s hype is another person’s enhanced data collection, I guess.
You cannot make everyone happy all the time.
I’ve said it in many ways, in many forms, and more. I don’t have these photos to release, Chow does not either. If someone is in control of the photos, has the copyrights, and there’s the chance of verifying, learning more, and actually getting even better photos, why rush the process? Certainly considering the tone and lack of patience of some people here, I’m happy that we have Vincent Chow on the case, who appears to have the right mix of intelligence, patience, and good relationships with the locals to obtain good intel and info.
“When and where,” “when and why,” and “when and if,” are useful cautionary phrases I often employ when I am on this side of an investigation. I’m actually a positive but realistic investigator. 🙂
I agree with Loren’s comments…. patience is a virtue which transcends forebearance….take a child fishing….
I’m much more concerned with the Mawas and their dwindling habitat…than demanding photographic
They trust Loren enough to share information, photos and preface their book.
IMHO…this should be more about “Mawas” and less about “us”…
seeing is believing….
ole bub and the dawgs
Ole bub, the people in control of the photos have not show them to Loren–or to Peter Loh.
See new item
Good morning JJames….not sure that matters…eventually they will….then it will matter.
patience is a virtue….seeing is believing…
ole bub and the dawgs
Perhaps why we seek these creatures has superimposed itself upon our perception of them in advance of meeting them and this, in of itself , not only taints our expectation,
It also places an undue responsibility upon them to fulfill our expectations.
Ibn Al Arabi commented: “Do you not see how dreams through the eye of which imagination is perceived-see what will come to be before it exists, what has been and what there is at the time? Which presence other than the presence of imagination possess such all comprehensiveness?
Everyone falls in love with something, only falls in love with it after actualizing it in his imagination, setting up an image for it in his imaginal facilty..”
Photographs of this image aside and their availability, perhaps the existence of these creatures has already been confirmed by our need for them.
If I may make a suggestion. If you aren’t happy with the Mawas/Johor Bigfoot commentary, skip these posts until the photos are released.
I’ve tired of watching Moneymaker make a fool of himself and so that is what I am doing with any “crypto-catfight” posts from now on.
Photos aside, we’ll see them when(and if) we see them. What we do have to work with is several very hard working cryptozoologists and an oral history that covers a period of years. the very tenacity of the stoy argues in favour of there being something out there. With patience and luck we might actually find out what it is. What isn’t going to help is impatience. Unless these creatures are near extinction, which is more than possible given the small habitat they are said to live in, then time is not of the essence. Sure we’d like to know right now but that’s just not possible. It’s probably better to continue the research and get the info right than to rush into anything or try to force someone to give up evidence. If it turns out there are no photo’s then all we’ve lost is a little of our time.
“Chimps and Bonobos are able to grow to a substantial size from fruit and vegetation.”
I may be mistaken but I don’t believe Chimps are exclusively herbivores… in fact I am under the impression that they can be quite vicious carnivores at times.
Chimps have been proven to be carnivores. I was just asking if Mr. Chow had said anything relating to thier diet. And Loren I do thank you for your reports on this matter. But at the same time the amount of question will always grow. I think you are doing a great job. But it is human nature to ask questions with out being degrading to the reporter. Just as I am sure you have already asked Mr. Chow 1,000s of questions on this matter yourself.
Sorry may be I was unclear, I think if you read my original post I did address this issue of chimps and Bononbos – referring to them as herbivorous to a lesser extent than most other great apes (“opportunistic carnivorey in some primates”) and chimps especially do eat the meat of other primates and even competitive co specifics after territorial battles. Studies also have shown the degree of such behaviour to be variable in different geographical populations – perhaps a relation to the aggressive non aggressive big foot blog?
I would imagine that the person/s who have been studying these beings for 11 years have developed quite a bond, and concern for their well being.
Obviously exploitation for money isn’t an issue, or these photos would have been publicized world wide by the owner by now, and sold to the highest bidder. As we all know, should the pics be genuine, they’re worth a fortune.
That being the case, and were I in their shoes, I’d insist on a guarantee from the government that both the Mawas, and their habitat be protected, before offering proof to the world.
In order to do that, I would assume they’d need to prove the Mawas’ existence to government officials first…We may receive confirmation, one way or another, before the book is released, yet!
Mr.Chow is likely balancing a very delicate situation at the moment. One wrong move, and the owners could easily pull out of the deal, and return both their research, and photos to obscurity.
After following the Bobby Clarke case so closely, I was amazed at how intense and complicated this kind of situation could be. Aside from obtaining scientific verification of the evidence, there’s dealing with the mass media (which can be an absolute nightmare), contract negotiations, lawyers, financial advisors…The list goes on and on. IMHO, both they and the Mawas are safer taking their time, and handling the situation properly.
As many here have said, my main concern is for the Mawas (should they exist of course). I’m relieved Mr.Chow has access to Loren’s experience and know-how, and I personally appreciate both Loren and Pete’s efforts to keep us up to date on the latest news.
If this doesn’t pan out, what the hell! It’ll have been a fun ride while it lasted!
Good afternoon Annie….
Agreed…excellent commentary…much obliged…
all the best…
ole bub and the dawgs