More Massacre Evidence
Posted by: Loren Coleman on September 3rd, 2009
Another photo making the rounds from M. K. Davis and associates, which demonstrates beyond any doubt within their minds that they have found definitive evidence proving a Bigfoot was killed at Bluff Creek, is shown here:
The in-slide commentary, by Davis, of course, appears to overlook various facts, such as this is from “Rene’s film,” taken in August 1967, and that there are more horses than just Roger Patterson’s and Bob Gimlin’s in the world.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Since the apparent lack of common sense from the MK Davis camp, seems to suspiciously have no end in sight, perhaps there is a closely held secondary hidden agenda by MK Davis’s financial backers/handlers. All in my opinion, of course!
Oh stop. Just stop it.
MK Davis is mistaken in only this one point; that’s not a horse turd. It is unicorn excrement.
Make it stop!
If no one is already making a “Made-for-SciFi-channel” movie of the “Bigfoot Massacre”, maybe we should all get together and make one. Clearly there is a market for this. The plot: Big-business logging interests massacre a family of bigfoot, and the lone survivor goes on a quest for vengeance, taking out the loggers one-by-one. One lone, noble cryptozoologist tried in vain to get the evidence out to the world to stop the killing, but he’s not taken seriously by anyone until it’s too late. Good stuff. Maybe Lance Henriksen could be in it.
Somebody is definitely full of “horse turd”. I personally prefer the term horse apples or road apples. 🙂
Perhaps I should elaborate on my previous comment.
This is evidence alright. Evidence that horses are used for travel by people in these sorts of locale, and that these horses indeed do defecate.
Horse turd? Really? That’s the smoking gun? MK Davis, you can’t be serious.
Stop. Just stop it.
Face placed firmly in palms!!
Do I yank all my hair out at once? Hair by hair? Video it so you can see it right here on Cryptomundo?
Who IS this guy? And what FUELS this activity?
MK. MK. Please. Take the P/G stabilization, can the speculation, and run to the bank. THAT way. Please. Thank you.
The Horse Turd picture is a fitting end to this inane topic!! 🙂
I agree john5… a fitting end. If it would only be an end to this kind of stuff… *sigh*
All I can say is I’m glad we’re not back – o, say – three or four hundred years ago, because this is the very stuff which fuelled outbreaks of witch and heretic burning in days of yore.
At the moment M.K. seems merely content to burn effigies/profiles of Patterson and Gimlin, (and anyone he deems their co-conspirators); but, going by the amount of open hostility that seems to be building up towards him – most, if not all of it, entirely justified – I wouldn’t be that surprised if I was him to find enraged hordes of bloodlust filled ‘Bavarian peasant’ types heading his way bellowing, “The monster must die!”
But it only takes a quirk of fate – or a weakness in a suitable cranial blood vessel – for things to end up the other way round.
And yet people keep asking, “If the aliens’re really here, then why don’t they come out of hiding and openly communicate with us?”
We can’t even communicate with each other – oy vey!
Any picture with the title “horse turd” just makes me smile.
Other than that, all this crap about MK is just stupid BS.
(Wow, I stuffed three fecal references in two sentences. Maybe that accomplishment is proof of a bigfoot massacre! Makes about as much sense as anything that fool has spewed out of his ignorant mouth.)
ROFL! 🙂 Spot on Robb! When all of this started, all I could think was “I bet Syfy’s going to make another terrible Sci-Fi-Original Movie based on MK’s Sasquatch massacre theory!” According to my super scientific calculations, Lance Henriksen, Corin Nemec, Stephen Baldwin, Kari Matchett and Laura Harris are the actors most likely to appear in this film. 😉 Sorry M.K, but when they said Imagine Greater, I don’t think this is what they had in mind…
I’m suprised that he didn’t claim it was a Bigfoot turd … Well, they ARE big, and no one has seen a sample of it to say for sure?!
Seriously, it is a very frightening conclusion in a series of increasingly demented theories.
I don’t think I can say anything to top the latest photo…I think it speaks for itself…
Please let me apologize in advance for contributing to this continued nonsense, but one point comes to mind: If there was a killing, massacre, etc., and Patterson, Gimlin, Green, et al, were trying to cover it up, wouldn’t it have made more sense if they had spent the next several years DEBUNKING the Patterson-Gimlin film as false, rather than exhaustevly traveling around the globe sharing evidence of these animals’ existence?
Based on this picture I think we finally have seen the absolute truth behind this story. Thanks to MK we now know those two hunters are really a sasquatch and the mothman in disguise. This horse turd is evidence that they work for the Mafia and this is a cover up on a hit they did on the real hunters, who obviously threw spaghetti at the Don and disrespected him. Amazing! Now we can all rest easy knowing the truth behind this madness.
Oh my Lord! It’s a piece of horse crap! What a damning piece of evidence…
To quote Rene Dahinden’s comment on a suspect pile, “Horseshit!”
I’ve heard of people divining the “truth” from tea leaves, chicken entrails, and that sort of thing, but this… this is Craptastic! Why are these geniuses fooling around with a decades-old controversy about something that obviously had no effect on the world even if had happened outside their twisted imaginations, when they could be solving important crimes? I’ll bet they have to hire someone just to take all the calls from desperate detectives and stumped cops the world over.
What is going on here? Have we lost all touch with reality. I feel like someone is yankin me
Well my girl and I were riding on my 1938 BMW sidecar on the horsetrails of Mullholland drive. We saw a ton of evidence of “The Bigfoot Massacre” in large steaming piles! We have now nicknamed this location “Poop Mountain”. My girl is on poop patrol everytime we hit that local on the bike. “Poop 3 O’clock!” “Poop 11 O’clock!”
It’s evidence that a horse, much like a bear, does crap in the woods and the wheels of promotion roll on. This guy is trying to sell a story, whether in the form of a book or film or what have you. The more outlandish the claims get, the more attention he brings on himself. Look at Octomom(sounds like a cryptid, no?), Jon & Kate, and all the other horribly bad SciFi Channel monster movies that Hollywood keeps handing millions and millions to. Why wouldn’t they buy a concept of a Bigfoot massacre?
Where did the red car or is it a pickup and the logging trailer come from? Between the bushes behind the guy on the left. Just wondering.