Days of Mothman Malaise
Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 23rd, 2006
Despite strange dark clouds on the horizon, there does seem to be more promising news on 76-year-old John A. Keel’s slow recovery from his heart attack.
Keel, as this Mothman time of year rapidly approaches, is recuperating nicely, still in a New York-area hospital. He may be released today or tomorrow, and then be admitted to a rehab center for a few days of physical therapy.
Details are still emerging about the recent events. Figuring out an exact date for Keel’s heart attack is developing into a mystery unto itself. He apparently had a covert one a few days before he went to the hospital on Friday the 13th. He’s not sure, himself, and by the time doctors noticed something was amiss that weekend, the surgery of October 16th was necessary.
Intriguingly, this is all happening as the first time screening of the "Sci-Fi Investigates" episode on Mothman is set for October 25th. Keel was not involved with that project.
Of course, the unofficial 40th anniversary does occur on November 15th, and there is the recent re-awakened talk of the "The Mothman Death Curse" regarding Mothman documentary producer Lisa McIntosh’s passing.
And now, in the midst of all of this, comes Keel’s heart troubles. It appears Mothman is once again coming to the fore.
I wonder if some cable channel will re-broadcast The Mothman Prophecies for Halloween?
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
In much of America (and indeed the world) this is the time of year when everyone begins to become “drowsy at the wheel”; Maybe the re-emergence of Mothman schtick is simply a natural correction to that, in some way, like rolling down the window to let some cool, fresh air inside.
Then again, I have no doubt that Mothman, like Bigfoot, is kind of a cosmic matrix, and if something happens in one aspect of the Mothman cosm, other aspects, being inextricably entwined, are necessarily dragged to the forefront as well.
Works for me. Bring it on, Mothman!
Boston dude believes in Mothman, but not in Bigfoot??
I hope they show mothman prophecies on TV so I can TiVO it. I have yet to see it.
How can you do a show on Mothman without involving John Keel? He was there and knows the story in detail. He is central to the story. Anyway, I will watch this episode of Sci Fi Investigates if only to see how far off they are on the story.
We still don’t know what Keel’s operation consisted of: ByPass surgery or stent implatation? Either one, however, requires more than a few days of physical rehabilitation.” Medicare allows, and pays much of, 18 weeks @ 3 days/week of cardio rehab and when you are done with that, you get full instructions, including diet recommendations, you should follow for the rest of your life. Also medication to prevent more clogged arteries. How long you live will depend on how closely you follow instructions. Take it from one who has been there and is doing that.
I just had to chuckle when I was watching Boston Rob dismiss eyewitness testimony to Mothman sightings as invalid evidence. I could be mistaken but aren’t eyewitness testimonies used in courts of law across the country as evidence for or against a case on a daily basis? Yes, physical evidence is more supportive – no one argues that – but clearly the question Rob should be asking is not whether the testimony is valid at all – particularly when multiple witnesses come into play – but HOW valid those testimonies are? It’s one thing for a guy to say he’s been kidnapped by Venusians and had alien cornbread for dinner. It’s a whole different cup of tea when 10 separate people tell the same story. And whether or not their stories fit your limited view of what could or couldn’t be reality shouldn’t matter when it comes to the scientific investigation of the evidence – which is supposedly what is a foundation of the show. Survivor and nice guy Boston Rob may be. Smart and objective analyst in my opinion – he is not.
I was thinking about this; is Mothman even a crypto issue? Mothman as seen by witnesses in no way can be an actual animal.
If you read The Mothman Prophecies, you know that a lot more than just Mothman was going on around Point Pleasant at the time. UFOs, poltergeists, mysterious lights, Men In Black, strange phone calls, etc. was involved in the situation.
As Keel points out he thinks Mothman was a physical transmogrification (big word) to distract people from what was really going on there. People would be looking for Mothman in the TNT area and across town, strange lights would be flying over farms and homes.
High strangeness indeed!
Sci Fi’s Mothman Non-Investigation
Read Full Post…and please leave your comments at the entry below on the program..
Boston Rob needs a good smack on the back of the head! Something mommy never did huh? This guy is such a classic close minded jerk! I mean, come on, even if you don’t believe something yourself, at least respect other people’s opinions. Rob is so full of himself that NOBODY’S ideas could have ANY merit. Anyway, TERRIBLE investigation by these hacks. I’m NOT a scientist or Criminal Investigator but, WOW!
I hope they do a weekend “looking” for the Chupacabras, and BR experiences Chupie’s imitation of a vacuum pump first hand, and it deflates his big head.
I am getting old but I want the true sightings I have had with mothman to be told. In 1967, in Western Pennsylvania (Mt. Pleasant area hills) Friends and I drove to an open clearing in the trees on a hill top. A large shadow was suddenly above me. I looked up and at first couldn’t focus because of the sun, outlining the huge body. As I did focus I clearly saw a human like face with glaring eyes on a winged body. It was no more then ten feet above me. The wings were not entirely opened. If any time passed I do not know it. I jumped in the car and drove away. It has visited me 3 times. I am a registered nurse with no reason to lie and look stupid. This thing is the fastest thing that flies. When the Mothman movie and book came out my phone started ringing from those I told about this years ago. Is there anyplace that my informatin should be stored? Mar