Paranthropus News
Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 10th, 2006
The following news release is shared here, as I consider the fossil candidate Paranthropus more compelling than Giganthropithecus for what is reported in several locations as "Bigfoot".
I discussed this debate about these two fossil species here on Christmas Day 2005, please see “Bigfoot: Gigantopithecus or Paranthropus?” Not too many people read that blog, probably, as there were a lot of other things happening on that day, but the 22 comments there are some of the longest and most thoughtful I’ve read.
The following University of Colorado study give more food for thought, every pun intended, for considering the significance of Paranthropus.:
Varied diet of early hominid casts doubt on extinction theory, says Colorado U. study
An upright hominid that lived side by side with direct ancestors of modern humans more than a million years ago had a far more diverse diet than once believed, clouding the notion that it was driven to extinction by its picky eating habits as the African continent dried, says a new University of Colorado at Boulder study.
The new study shows that Paranthropus robustus, once thought to be a "chewing machine" specializing in tough, low-quality vegetation, instead had a diverse diet ranging from fruits and nuts to sedges, grasses, seeds and perhaps even animals, said CU-Boulder anthropology Assistant Professor Matt Sponheimer. The findings cast doubt on the idea that its extinction more than 1 million years ago was linked to its diet, he said.
Paranthropus was part of a line of close human relatives known as australopithecines that includes the famous Ethiopian fossil Lucy that lived over 3 million years ago. Lucy is regarded by many anthropologists as the matriarch of modern humans.
"One line of Lucy’s children ultimately led to modern humans while the other was an evolutionary dead end," he said. "Since we have now shown Paranthropus was flexible in its eating habits over both short and long intervals, we probably need to look to other biological, cultural or social differences to explain its ultimate fate."
A paper on the subject appears in the Nov. 10 issue of Science. Co-authors include the University of Utah’s Benjamin Passey and Thure Cerling, Texas A&M University’s Darryl de Ruiter, Ohio State University’s Debbie Guatelli-Steinberg and Julia Lee-Thorp of the University of Bradford in Bradford, England.
Roughly 2.5 million years ago, the australopithecines are thought to have split into the genus Homo — which produced modern Homo sapiens — and the genus Paranthropus, Sponheimer said. Paranthropus stood about four feet tall and probably weighed less than 100 pounds, and its pelvis and leg structure indicate it was bipedal. Although the brain to body-size ratio in Paranthropus robustus is slightly larger than that of chimpanzees, "Paranthropus was not a mental giant," Sponheimer said.
The researchers used a technique called laser ablation to examine teeth from four individuals collected from the Swartkrans site in South Africa which contain isotopes of carbon absorbed from food during each hominid’s lifetime. Since trees, shrubs and bushes produce a different carbon isotope signal than grasses and sedges, the team was able to determine that Paranthropus was often dramatically altering its diet over periods ranging from months to years.
"This is the first study to paint a portrait of an early hominid eating its way across a varied landscape," Sponheimer said. "None of us involved in the study dreamed Paranthropus would have had such a variable diet over thousands of years, much less in just a few months time."
Sponheimer speculated some Paranthropus individuals were moving back and forth between forested areas rich in fruits to a savanna and grassland landscape, perhaps along sedge-rich waterways. Since there also is evidence of year-to-year diet variation in the teeth, the team speculated the movements of Paranthropus may have been based to some degree on rainfall-related food variability, including the onset of droughts which can cause individuals to consume foods not normally preferred.
"We’ve never before been able to see dietary change within a single individual’s lifetime," Sponheimer said. "It’s like having a motion picture running over months and years instead of just having one still image."
Swartkrans is a renowned early hominid cave site containing remains of both Paranthropus robustus and early members of the genus Homo, he said. The cave is of high interest to archaeologists because it contains both bone and stone tools used by early hominids — including bone digging sticks thought to have been used to obtain termites or tubers — as well as one of the earliest known records of fire. The site contains animal bones burned at temperatures consistent with controlled fires.
While anthropologists are confident that the varied diet of early homo species — including meats and a wide variety of plant species — helped to propel the line into a successful run on Earth that continues today, the notion that an overly specialized diet doomed Paranthropus to extinction in a changing environment is now in doubt, he said.
So what ultimately led to the end of the line for Paranthropus? It could well have been direct competition with Homo — which was becoming skilled in extensive bone and stone technology — or it could have been a variety of other issues, including a slower reproductive rate for Paranthropus than for Homo, he said.
"One thing I do believe is that we need to seriously re-think the reason behind the ultimate fate of Paranthropus," said Sponheimer. "This ‘who done it’ or ‘what done it’ mystery is not likely to be resolved any time soon."
The study was funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Research Foundation in South Africa and the University of Colorado at Boulder Dean’s Fund.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
I realize this comes more under the “absence of evidence”, but wasn’t Paranthropus rather small to be considered a candidate for Sasquatch? My understanding is that none of the known evidence suggest an animal any more than five feet at the most. Am I wrong?
If this animal did not die out, could a million years of evolution make it 8-10 feet tall and 400-800 pounds with a lot of hair?
That is a leap, but stranger things have happened in nature.
Paranthropus may be a candidate for Florida’s Skunk ape however, the size and lack of intelligence should take it out of the running for consideration as to the identity of bigfoot.
That is a really good theory, and it is a good suggestion about it evolving to a greater weight and height. But if this is what happened, shouldn’t there be fossils of an evolution like this?
Is there any evidence that Paranthropus actually migrated from Africa to other parts of the world? Somehow I do not think this is the line of Bigfoot. Gigantopithecus still makes more sense to me.
Dreamkeeper: fossilization is a VERY VERY rare process. We may just not have found the appropriate fossil evidence yet.
Still, yep, like others here, I find Paranthropus a teeny bit teeny for the sas. Giganto still seems a better fit.
I’ve got to agree that Giganto was just too specialized an ape to evolve into something like a sasquatch (a yeti is more likely). A pre-human hominid like Paranthropus would work just fine IMO, especially as it would be along with similar megafauna evolutionary trends.
It does not seem to me that this is enough time for it to have evolved so drastically into the form that we recognize as Bigfoot in such a relatively short amount of time. There would have had to be some remarkable reason to cue that kind of development and considering the evolutionary courses of the other animals it shared its habitat with, it doesn’t seem very likely that it would evolve this kind of great size so suddenly. What would be the adaptation needed for it to develop this way while others in the same niche did not, especially if it was doing so apparently well in the form it had? I don’t feel it is feasible. Indeed, many animals from that era have evolved into smaller sizes. It could be a candidate for some of the other smaller hominid sightings that occur in Africa and the southern united states, though. And if they had survived into modern days, could be a candidate for Mr. Coleman’s theory on the skunk apes coming over on slave ships. These would have been very curious to the Europeans and they might have been captured as pets or even slaves themselves.
Alright, after reading all the posts here and on the other one, I’ll weigh in with my measly 2 cents. A lot of evolution can take place in a million years, and size is one of the easier changes to make, as someone mentioned on the other thread regarding Key Deer. Morphologically, BF seems to have more in common with Paranthropus (Or Homo, for that matter), however the path from Africa to the Americas for any paranthropus is decidedly absent, as far as science has been able to determine.
Another poster on the other thread mentions the possibility of convergent evolution, Giganto having adapted in a similar manner to Homo and thus picking up several similar traits, but then discounts this because these traits stack up upon each other to become more and more improbably. I disagree. He mentions more traits that African and American vultures have in common than BF/Homo, and there’s no doubting that THESE are the result of convergent evolution.
Until we have a specimen to really examine, this is little more than pure speculation. For my money, the jury’s still out, but I put my hopes on Giganto. How fantastic would it be to discover a separate line of primates convergently evolving what we like to think are exclusively “human” traits? Not only are we not the center of the universe, but we are clearly not the end-product of evolution, so much, in fact, that nature would have to do little to evolve something similar after we foolishly destroy ourselves.
Anthropomorphically speaking, is Bigfoot Nature’s “Plan B”?
Size is an easy jump to make, but why? That’s what I want to know. Why would it evolve in such a fashion? Animals just don’t evolve for no reason. What would be the catalyst for a size jump in the last million years? A size increase is a big risk as it increases a need for food. Would that be the best bet for this species? I think more along the lines of Giganto myself, although this is mere speculation.
Hi all, this is my very first post ever, but I felt compelled to comment on this one. I think Paranthropus might be a bit of a stretch to associate with Sasquatch and their like. Has anybody ever given serious consideration to Meganthropus A/Sangiran 6, discovered in Java in 1941. It is believed to be related to Homo Erectus but was truly huge in size. Meganthropus has been estimated as being nearly eight foot tall (or larger). At various times this candidate could have walked all the way from Java to North America (during periods of lower sea level). Not to mention Java is very close to the Himalayas (Yeti), Australia (Yowie) etc. Just my 2 cents worth , thought it might be worth considering.
Interesting candidate, Manxman. I never really considered it before, but I do think it is definately possible it could be Meganthropus.
hey loren wow informative new article about paranthropus very interesting indeed. bill