Getting Worse and Worse ~ New Claim: “They’ve Got The Bodies”
Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 27th, 2012
I’m not even going to dignify this with a summary of the “story” about Justin Smeja having “the bodies of the two Bigfoots that were killed at Mt. Haskell, California, in the Sierra Nevadas on that cold and fateful fall day on October 10, 2010.”
Go read the whole melodrama over at Robert Lindsay’s site, if you wish, here.
These claims remain unbelievable and not at all good for hominology.
This is not going to turn out well, I’m afraid.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. In this case, I’d say that involves either letting Jeff Meldrum examine the bodies, or shutting up about the whole thing because there aren’t any.
Wow. Just…wow.
I read the article…very “Squatchy”. Me thinks there are Sasoons afoot.
“But what if…” is a game for 9 year olds, when they don’t receive the answer they’re looking for.
Lets see it…if its the real deal, whats the problem? Those georgia boys didnt waste anytime going on tv with a rubber suit…lol
Is that rib eye with fresh grilled rosemary potato?
Isn’t announcing this just the same as spreading the fire?
I really am not a big fan of Robert Lindsay. Actually, no, I can’t stand the stuff he puts out, and his rumors.
That entire article was so ridiculous that I don’t even know where to start so I’m just not going to bother. I need some brain bleach.
I appreciate you not propagating the worst part of “current Bigfoot news.” I also declined to run the story at Bigfoot Lunch Club.
Worse than anything else, THEY’VE GOT BOBO TOO!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I’ll still keep up the faith on this one, as grim and goofy as it now appears, because one of these times the motherlode will be discovered. But I tell ya, if Biscardi enters the picture, I’m closing the shutter.
And so it goes!
Should probably wait to hear from the people mentioned in the piece, there is always a big difference between Robert Lindsay writing something and the truth.
So that would make a lie of the so called lie detector test then wouldn`t it ? Makes me realise why i place no store in such tests.
I’m afraid that one of these days, some “Headline-Seeking Nut” is going to kill one of these enigma-type homanoids for greedy profit & fame. It’s up to world governments to protect these endangered animals.
“What shall it profit a man
If he should gain the whole world
And lose his own soul” _MARK 8.38
Ok, so… since Melba used a bagel, what’s the point of the bodies? I’m confused, someone make me a flow chart… It’s now not related right?
Oh wait, Justin is in the new Spike show isn’t he? He wants the 2 mil! He’s gonna bring them two spank’n new bigfoot costumes on ice….
LOL…. ooh…. they have a body. I believe these schmucks, like i believe OJ simpson.
talk is cheap.
prove it.
I swear, bigfooters as a whole make it comical… these people are absolute bozos…. real proof, its shown, not talked about.
I am convinced the only reason Loren posted this was to include the photo of the steak dinner, which I find hilarious. Reminds me of the video that spoofs the cell phone popcorn “phenomenon” several years ago.
Two words: Georgia freezer.
…and for what’s in that freezer:
“I can now report that no less an authority than Bobo Fay himself has said that two bodies were indeed retained from the Sierra Kills aftermath at some point, either on that day or most probably later.
Bobo was at a recent Finding Bigfoot meeting for the show he is starring in. Someone asked him about the Sierra Kills and asked why no bodies were retrieved from the site.
“No!” Bobo replied. “You don’t understand! They’ve got the bodies!”
This means that according to Bobo, both bodies from the Kills were retained at some point and are apparently being kept locked away somewhere for safekeeping.”
No less an authority than Bobo Fay!?!??!
And the credibility of “Finding Bigfoot” sinks another big notch. Not that there are many notches left.
“This is not going to turn out well, I’m afraid.”
I couldn’t agree more. I was cautiously optimistic when this whole Ketchum story started. Now, I’m starting to suspect shenanigans.
How is this any different from ol’ Ketchum’s claims regarding the Bigfoot DNA? I mean qualitatively, this story and the DNA story are the same thing: claims of physical remains.
The only thing worse than stepping in a big steaming pile of squatch is tracking it through the living room. This story is that big steaming pile. And Bobo has it all over his Timberlands.
So basically what we have here is the fact that Bigfoot flesh is made of blueberry bagels right? All this time we have been told they were doing analysis on a Bigfoot “steak” now it’s been released they used a blueberry bagel for testing!? How much BS are they going to pile on this crap heap? I called BS on this back in 2010 I just didn’t know much BS was going to be slung around by these nuts. Now we have bodies because a guy named Bobo says so? Where’s the credibility in that? Come on!! Melba is already getting run through psycho coals by the media due to the” DNA”results form a blueberry bagel and rightly so. A Michigan blueberry bagel has the same DNA as we do! WOW! GEEZ.
So I want to know, why hasn’t Matt Moneymaker dropped into Lindsay’s blog and tore out a few throats or attempted to like he tried to here (and tore off more than he could chew) when Finding Bigfoot aired.
I mean I can’t think of a more deserving chap of Matt’s wrath as Mr Lindsay.
When Bobo said “can I talk to you after” he really meant “can I talk to you after because I am being mysterious in front of the public because I need to keep ratings going on my show.” There are no bodies and Ketchum is a “quack.” This is grocery store magazine type science here folks. HOLD ON….a snow flake just fell and I think I may have some “angel DNA” on it. Currently under peer review….until then…. pass the STEAK.
Logic would lead one to reason that “if” there are indeed bodies or a body as is rumored, there is a valid reason to not disclose publicly.
If DNA determines these “bodies” to be of the Genus Homo, then those responsible for the demise of said “bodies” would be subject to accusations of Homicide…the act of killing another human, Genus Homo.
Homicide is not always a punishable act under criminal law, and is different from murder from a formal legal point of view.
It is a huge “IF”, but “IF” there are bodies, the legal mess that would entail would pale in comparison to the moral and ethical realities of public opinion
What would Roger Patterson think of all these nuts?
Pretty embarrassing.
Logic would lead one to reason..that if the original story was not even a joke..then its just another hoax.
Logic would also lead to the following scenario.
You kill several none human animals..fame and $$$$ would follow..there is nothing on earth that would stop you coming forward, instead, you make a complete fool of yourself and come up with nothing.
Logic would suggest..that your hoaxing. 🙂
“if”? 🙂
There is no evidence..nothing..never will be from this rolling debacle..
Sigh..”IF”..anyone believed the original story…they should have just hang up their hat and left the field.
Following that..”if” they still believed the original story..and now think there could possibly be bodies..then its understandable why the field is so pathetic.
Its appears to be stuffed full of dumb hoaxers/egotistical “researchers” and people on the sidelines with beyond zero critical abilities. 🙂
The whole thing is truly cringe inducing.