Having Trouble Reading Cryptomundo?
Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 14th, 2011
Craig Woolheater, who owns and does the admin end of things at Cryptomundo, needs to see your insights on how the CM looks. (He was in Ohio for the weekend.)
I’m getting lots of complaints via my email and FB contacts about the pages here. I want to survey folks reading this site to discover if your browser is still having trouble with the Cryptomundo page.
Leave comments below.
Thank you.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
It only looks bad when you use Firefox. Microsoft Internet explorer works fine.
I use Firefox, and I was going to say it looked buggy, then I logged into wordpress and suddenly it looked normal again. I blame the chupacabras of course.
Yeah, the main page, articles, you name it, they all look terrible in Firefox, that is, when not logged in. When I am logged in, everything looks exactly as it should.
i was about to comment that it looked awful on all of my browsers (firefox, explorer, safari), but as soon as i logged in to comment, it looked fine again.
not logged in: a BIG MESS
logged in: OK
i logged in and out a few times on each browser to verify this, and it seems like this is the behavior
I also noticed that as soon as I logged in it started to display properly
I’m on Internet Explorer, and when I call up the site, the page looks scwewy.
But when I click on a blog, it comes up in the style to which I have become accustomed.
No big, in other words. I’m surfin’ it.
I use Google Chrome as my browser. When not logged in, text runs off the left margin into the dark background image. Also, at the top of the screen, there is text displayed that looks like it should be in images for links. When logged in, everything is fine.
Same comment as others. Lousy until I log in and then it’s fine.
Ok this strange the website has looked off to me for days now. So much so I thought you had changed the format or layout of the website. But when I log into word press to say something about the problem, the website has gone back to normal now. Weird.
Using FF and it is not formatted correctly until I log into WordPress.
page is funky and everything seems to be blown out or expanded. some words are chopped off on the left of the screen and I can’t be sure I am able to view all of the page content, logging into the site rather than going there just by the browser helps some but it still doesn’t look normal.
I have Internet Explorer and all the pages seemed stretched. The text runs clear out of view.
I’ve got the same problem. In Firefox, not logged in, the page is spread out all over the screen. When I logged in, all is fine. I thought the site had been hacked.
I agree with most comments. I am using internet explorer. Looked odd until I logged in, then everything looked normal afterwords.
Once i logged in it went back to normal for me also
Same thing on my Mac and iPad Craig.
In Safari and Firefox for about a week now.
Was going to about to comment on it but, as others have said, WordPress seems to refresh the positioning of the slices back into their proper format.
Then it stays good the next time I open the url.
I’m another Firefox user who, like John Kirk, semillama, amh 1219, et al., finds the screen “expanded,” with the beginnings of words disappearing into the blackness on the far-left edge of the screen – VERY IRRITATING!
As others have stated, logging-in to post a Comment reverts the screen’s appearance to “normal.”
While I enjoy the opportunity to add my two-cents-worth on a variety of topics at Cryptomundo, being compelled to Comment, in order to read the blog in a legible format, is a bit much… 😉
Honestly, although I would continue perusing Cryptomundo even if I had to read it upside-down and backwards, I hope you’ll get this “format thing” sorted-out soon!
Thanx for letting me rant; I feel better now.
Honestly, wasn’t even going to weigh in because I’m in serious need of an updated computer. For a span of time, I had trouble loading the thing, but now it’s leveled out. Sometimes I can’t get the pics, but again, that’s my system…as soon as I join the 21st century in computers, I doubt I’ll have any issues.
Incidentally, usually I use Explorer, and sometimes FF. And yeah, logging in, usually takes care of business.
I’ve never had a problem with Safari. I use the RSS feed to see what’s posted then jump to the main site.
Same as above for me – logged in, everything looks good – not logged in, Firefox and IE9 display as stated above. That’s with Windows 7. With Ubuntu, Firefox does the same.
Had similar problem in Google Chrome as Firefox. Logged back in and it is fine now. :o)
The problem seems to be based on whether you are logged in or not. It looks to me like non-logged in people are seeing a version of the site with incomplete CSS, or perhaps some sort of mobile version of the site.
I have to agree with everyone else, as soon as I logged in my ff issues went away.
Yep, looks screwy until logged in. The text is too far left into the brown border and the first letter of each line can’t always be seen. That’s alright, keeps us on our toes!
I have a different problem–lots of times it just will not load Cryptomundo or says it cannot find the site. But I am having problems with my internet provider who is apparently clicking the service on and off when it gets too busy, and they won’t answer my repeated requests for help. Thinking about not paying my bill this month …
I second the “I’ll read it upside down and backwards if necessary” remark, but hope you can figure it all out. All the advertising probably makes it difficult, but you gotta pay the bills, I guess.
I too once I logged in to post brought everything to normal again. It was terrible before.
Yeah, I was having the same problem as everyone else, both on Internet Explorer and on my Droid’s browser as well. But once I logged in, everything appeared normal.
The tiny amount of the page used for crypto stuff, compared with the space devoted to ads and the space wasted on borders and wallpaper do make it hard to find the news. I’d prefer a plainer and simpler format with no ads.
Oddly, I’m having the same front-page problem with “Earthfiles”.
wuffing: “I’d prefer a plainer and simpler format with no ads.”
You DO realize that the ads help pay for the C/M Site, right?
Firefox now working with the site. Thanks for fixing! Yo! What up Craig!! ;p
Yes, have been struggling to read the text at the left edge of the page. The text seems to have shifted a few spaces to the left so it runs off the jagged edge design into the dark color of the background. I thot maybe you had just changed the page design. This is the only problem I have noticed. After reading the other comments, I looked again after I logged in, and all was o.k. Weird.
fuzzy responds @ wuffing:
You DO realize that the ads help pay for the C/M Site, right? I was expressing my opinion. How do similar popular sites survive without them?
As of Sunday 15 May 18:43 the non-logged in version of the site looks like crap; fonts are wrong and poorly re-sized, text runs into the margin, etc. After logging in thru WordPress, all is normal. While this may work for us, any new viewer is going to come by and see an amateurish mess (no dis on the webmaster, just stating fact) and may not take it seriously and move on. Not sure where the glitch is in the script, but hopefully it gets fixed soon. The more new blood in here the better!
Logged in just to say everything looked off, and when it reloaded with me logged in, it looked fine again! Sounds like that’s happening to everyone.
Using Google Chrome
Looks wacky until I log in, then it is just like usual. I think it started sometime last week around Wednesday.
Yup! Use Google Chrome. Looks wonky until I log in. Once logged in, it’s gravy.
As others have said, logged in OK, not logged in not OK.
But, I’ve also noticed, logged in or not, the home page always looks bad (text stretched across screen to the right, elements rearranged, etc.)
On a Mac using Firefox v4.0.1.
I use Firefox too, and the pages look messed up. I too logged into WordPress and suddenly it looked all normal again. It is obviously being caused by our Alien Overlords.
Using Google Chrome, the design of the site is completely borked. The side columns and navigation are missing entirely. The article text runs off the margins on the page.