July 4, 2013
Dr. Matthew Johnson Launches Team Squatchin’ USA Website
What could be more patriotic than Bigfoot? |
As Team Squatchin’ USA continues to gain momentum as a
Facebook group, there became a growing demand for Dr. Matthew Johnson (Dr. J) to create a storehouse for the evidence he has gathered at both his Southern Oregon Habituation Area (SOHA) and his Washington Habituation Area (WAHA).
TeamSquatchinUSA.com became the online home for storing and organizing his research data.
With a name like Team Squatchin’ USA and the Red, White and Blue motif, the Fourth of July is an extremely timely date to launch the website.
Even though Dr.J has a lot planned for the future of the website there is already plenty to explore. Here is a quick guide to the website so far.
DR. J’s Encounter (http://teamsquatchinusa.com/dr-js-bigfoot-encounter/)You read articles and watch videos regarding the encounter that started the personal journey for Dr.J and also transport yourself back to the time when his encounter was covered by USA Today and Coast to Coast AM with Geroge Noory.
Southern Oregon Habituation Area (SOHA)
You can see a slideshow of the pictures, but we are really excited about the audio. Listen to the whispering juvenile.
There is a lot more where that came from. Check out the other SOHA Recordings.
About Guy Edwards
Psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic.
Guy Edwards is host of the Portland, OR event HopsSquatch.com.
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Filed under Bigfoot, Bigfoot Lunch Club, Breaking News, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Eyewitness Accounts, Folklore, Footprint Evidence, Pop Culture, Sasquatch