Monsters of Patagonia
Posted by: Nick Redfern on July 31st, 2012
I have not yet seen this recently published book – Monsters of Patagonia by Austin Whittall – but, I intend ordering it this week. The blurb describes it as “…a guide to its giants, dwarves, lake creatures and mythical beasts.”
Nick Redfern
Punk music fan, Tennents Super and Carlsberg Special Brew beer fan, horror film fan, chocolate fan, like to wear black clothes, like to stay up late. Work as a writer.
It’ll be a neat book I’m sure. Patagonia comes from the word Patagon, which, though heavily debated, is believed to mean “Big feet”, in reference to a Giant Indian Tribe that was supposidly encountered by magellan and other Europeans. They where probably exaggerated encounters with the Tehuelches (Indians which averaged about 6 feet tall, still gigantic to Europeans a little over 5 feet tall). Also probably inspired as well by giant Dinosaur fossils, which are abundant in Patagonia (Argentinosaurus, 100 ton dinosaur, for example, was found there)