December 1, 2016
Check out the new video episode of Monster Men… I talk with the guys about my new Monstro Bizarro book, the Boggy Creek Monster documentary, and more!
We are thrilled to welcome Lyle Blackburn back to Monster Men. Lyle is a renowned author, musician, cryptid researcher and now co-producer, narrator and star of the new “BOGGY CREEK MONSTER” documentary. He is also a contributor to Rue Morgue magazine. His new book, MONSTRO BIZARRO, is part of the impressive Rue Morgue Library collection.
You’ve seen Lyle on cryptid documentaries on Destination America and other channels. He was also featured on Monster Men’s first ever two-part episode, where we discussed his books THE BEAST OF BOGGY CREEK and THE LIZARD MAN. Check out Monster Men episode 58:
Monster Men Ep. 58: Lyle Blackburn Pt. 1- Lizard Man of Bishopville
Monster Men Ep. 58: Lyle Blackburn Pt. 2- Beast of Boggy Creek
Lyle tells us all about the fascinating case of the Boggy Creek Monster that inspired the 1972 movie, The Legend of Boggy Creek. It’s a story that still resonates today with the people of Fouke, Arkansas and continues to grow as sightings continue to be reported today. We also get some behind the scenes stories of what it’s like to be a part of a movie/documentary. We also get a quick look at some of Lyle’s crazy horror memorabilia collection. It’s simply amazing.
We also discuss his new Rue Morgue book, MONSTRO BIZARRO, which covers real-life monsters and cryptozoological legends like the Chupacabra, Jersey Devil, Boggy Creek Monster, Momo, Mokele-Mbembe and more! Plus Cryptid Cinema, Monstrous Museums, Monster Toys, Real Case Files, Cryptid Television, Photo Galleries and more!
We love having Lyle on. He’s a great guy and a kindred spirit with the Monster Men. It was hard to stop talking, with him. We could have gone on all night about cryptozoology, horror movies and old TV shows.
You find all things Lyle Blackburn at his website and find links purchase BOGGY CREEK MONSTER. You can also rent BOGGY CREEK MONSTER on Amazon Prime.
You can purchase MONSTRO BIZARRO at the Rue Morgue site.
Lyle Blackburn
Lyle Blackburn’s research and writing on the subject of legendary creatures and unexplained phenomenon has been widely recognized as some of the best in the field of cryptozoology. His previous books, including The Beast of Boggy Creek and Momo: The Strange Case of the Missouri Monster, offer a balanced view of the subjects while delivering gripping accounts of real-life mysteries.
Lyle is a frequent guest on radio programs such as Coast To Coast AM, and has appeared on television shows such as Monsters and Mysteries in America, Finding Bigfoot, and Strange Evidence. Lyle has also been featured in several award-winning documentary films, including Boggy Creek Monster and The Mothman of Point Pleasant.
For more information, visit Lyle's website at:
Filed under Bigfoot, Books, Chupacabras, Cryptid Cinema, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Jersey Devil, Lizard People, Mokele-Mbembe, Monstro Bizarro, Movie Monsters, Museums, Podcast, Pop Culture, Replica Cryptia, Sasquatch, Small Town Monsters, Swamp Monsters, Television, Videos