Bigfoot Captured on CBS Broadcast?
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 13th, 2007
The following anecdote is from The Blogsquatcher left there by a commenter.
A “Bigfoot” was captured. The evidence exists. I saw a report (mid 1960’s) on CBS news (with Walter Cronkite) showing video of a captured “typical” hairy creature – very human-like. He was bound with what seemed to be chain restraints. He stood about a foot taller that the 4 men who “escorted” him (against his will, by the expression on his face). The report said he was being taken to a secure (but secret) laboratory for testing and examination, and that for humanitarian reasons, his location would not be revealed. I waited for months for a follow-up report, but it never happened. I suggest that “Bigfoot researchers” ought to do a thorough search of CBS News archives. The video was astounding, but I’ve never seen it replayed, and CBS news never mentioned it again. (I’m not making this up.)Mike OK
Was this an account of the Invisible Bigfoot that was examined at Lawrence Livermore Labs as detailed here on Cryptomundo by silvereagle?
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
I think Walter was related to Bigfoot?
Hmmm. Ok….
Well, after skimming over the silvereagle story again, I’m left wondering if Loren or Craig or anyone actually tried contacting Stephen Hawking?
hey craig & everyone, wow this definetly a very interesting… article about sasquatch that definetly be looked & researched etc more. thanks bill green 🙂
And this would be what? The “Lost Thunderbird Photo” of sasquatch lore?
Craig asks: “Was this an account of the Invisible Bigfoot that was examined at Lawrence Livermore Labs as detailed here on Cryptomundo by silvereagle?” Ya’ know Craig, I remembered that thread, and that was the first thing that I thought of. If you want to revisit that thread tho’-duck! It brought to the fore the very controversial topic concerning the nature of our furry friend. Is he interdimensional? Merely flesh and blood? Something else altogether? Quite a lively thread, that one was!
You know, laugh all you want but I remember a ton of reports in like the mid to late 70s about a guy who captured a bigfoot like creature and they had pictures of him. It looked kinda like a huge chimp just more human looking with pointed ears. The guy even named him Oliver or Ollie or something like that. I remember this because back then as an 11-12 yr old I was fascinated with Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. So I wouldn’t laugh at this person who posted about Walter Cronkite because he probably did report what I saw in the paper. That image of Ollie with the weird face and ears is burned into my mind. After the flurry of reports you never heard anything again! Someone out there must remember this!
Timmy Ryan:
His names is Oliver, and he hardly obscure. DNA tests have proven that he is a chimp, albeit an unusual looking, habitually bipedal chimp.
Google “Oliver Chimp” and you will find a wealth of info on him.
The blog quotes that the creature was about a foot taller than the men who escorted him.
This rules out Oliver, in my opinion.
There is quite a bit of information about Oliver here on Cryptomundo including his whereabouts today.
This post has photos of him standing with his trainer, and he is nowhere near as tall as the trainer.
Do you mean Oliver the “Humanzee”? He was just an unusual but still same species chimpanzee…
1960’s would have been the beginning of my time, so I have no recollection of anything like that:) I agree that unless someone can come up with something, Oliver might have been the culprit.
Thanks for the additional info.
If you read what I originally wrote, I never said this Oliver was obscure in fact quite the opposite. I said it was all over the papers about this guy who claimed he had a Bigfoot. Being all over the papers is hardly obscure.
I distinctively remember my class in school reading about this and even posting a copy of one of the articles with that freaky headshot pic of Oliver. (That pic is on one of the links a poster listed previously.)
I also remember originally reading that this guy who had possesion of Oliver was going to allow scientist to examine him to prove he was a bigfoot. Then a few days later there was another article with a pic of the guy walking Oliver to wherever he was going to be tested. The pic of Oliver with the man as I recall showed him walking beside the man. Oliver has a collar on while the man held the chain that was attached to Oliver. Oliver looked about the same height if not a little bigger than the guy as I recall. Though Oliver could have been much smaller in reality. It was just the way the pic looked to me.
Granted I was only like 11 or 12 at the time so the excited mind could have played tricks. But I do distinctly remember it being in the newspapers for a few days then all of a sudden no one mentioned Oliver again. No test results; no nothing!
I was merely stating and now I would put money on it this person is remembering this one particular news item/event. And Walter Cronkite probably did report it on the evening news.
The pic of the guy walking Oliver by the collar to the science lab or wherever they were going was probably filmed by news crews as well as photographed by photographers.
My theory is once the test results were found that Oliver was a mutant looking chimp or whatever and not a undiscovered species, no one cared since it wasn’t the magic moment all of us Bigfoot fans were waiting for. So no one reported it or it was a little tiny paragraph in the newspaper somewhere once the truth was known! Hence the abrupt media coverage stopping.
That’s my 2 cents!
As to Oliver, after the initial flap in this country about him he was taken to Japan where they did a documentary type show, and did some blood tests and stuff, which came out rather inconclusive (I think). After that he fell off the radar for several years until a few years ago, when the dna testing was finally done, determining he’s a chimpanzee. Some of the things that had folks wondering about him were his unusual gait (for a chimp), and his apparent fondness for human type vices such as cigars, plus that somewhat oddly shaped head.
Ok, I’ll shut up now.
I appreciate your efforts to call attention to new items that you come across. Your efforts are important, and valuable.
However, this present “news item” doesn’t rise to that level. This is from another blog. Had there been a URL link to a newspaper article, or a magazine piece, or a book, that would have made this a lot more helpful.
Quoting other blogs for alleged new information (especially of a dimly recollected remembrance, that may not even been accurate at all) isn’t the way to go.
Cryptomundo would then become (even more than it is) Rumor Central. I also don’t like the posting of Youtube Videos of obvious performance art and badly done hoaxes here. It severely dilutes the aims and purposes (as I interpret them) of what Loren is attempting to do here.
But as it is, I think that this item about something from the 1960s Walter Cronkite thing needs a lot more substance behind prior to any more work being done on it.
I will say, that if this ever actually was a news item from the 1960s on CBS News, it would’ve been often reported long before this, in many venues. That is one of those types of news items that many people would remember, and some would have coralled.
Since it hasn’t been up to this point, I think that pretty much says the Fat Lady has sung on this.
Just my two cents.
If 4 men could not control a gorilla having about the same height as the men then I don’t think they could “escort” a taller, more massive Bigfoot against his will. I enjoy seeing artlicles like this or reasonable Youtube vids on Cryptomundo.
Response to:
He stood about a foot taller that the 4 men who “escorted” him (against his will, by the expression on his face).
I don’t want to be redundant, but criticizing this site for putting up less than scholarly ‘articles’ on cryptids seems unwarranted. This is both an informational and entertainment site, it’s not the Academy of Applied Sciences. If they were to only post new sightings there’d be gaps of days or weeks of no postings and the site would quickly fade into oblivion. These filler posts are harmless – did anyone *really* think a Bigfoot capture made the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite? But it was interesting to determine what might be the origin – our old friend Oliver the walking chimp. Sure, we all want M.K. Davis to release a P/G bombshell, but we should be grateful to have anything to read & enjoy on a daily basis. I appreciate the research they do to come up with a new topic every day.
I believe I read, many years ago, that the CBS Evening News did a story on the Skunk Ape, and that Uncle Walter’s reaction to the story was less than flattering.
The report said he was being taken to a secure (but secret) laboratory for testing and examination:
This is why I hope a live BigFoot is never ever brought into society. Why does man have the need to poke and prod every new species discovered? Why can’t we just live and let live? I guess it’s just in our nature to dissect every new thing that comes along. What a shame.
You said “After the flurry of reports you never heard anything again!”
Then: “once the test results were found that Oliver was a mutant looking chimp or whatever and not a undiscovered species, no one cared since it wasn’t the magic moment all of us Bigfoot fans were waiting for. So no one reported it or it was a little tiny paragraph in the newspaper somewhere once the truth was known! Hence the abrupt media coverage stopping.”
Oliver never really left the spotlight from the 70’s to the present.
Also, the DNA test results were done on two different occasions (1996 and sometime around 2004 I believe). Results from both tests were shown on the Discovery channel, if I am not mistaken.
The CBS/Walter Cronkite report discussed on Blogsquatch happened in the 60’s.
Oliver didn’t really get any national publicity until the 70’s.
The blog reports that in the video, the figure is much taller than the men escorting him.
This event could not have been Oliver.
A quick check of the Vanderbuilt TV news archive shows this but it only goes back to 1968
1 03/21/1973 Slave Labor / Florida Evening News CBS 05:44:50 pm 02:50
2 12/01/1977 South Dakota / Bigfoot Evening News NBC 05:54:30 pm 02:30
I don’t know the original poster, but I do know that sincere, smart people have fallible memories just like the rest of us, especially when decades are involved.
That said: How could anyone take this claim seriously? It would not have appeared only on CBS. It would have appeared on every network and in every major news publication that watched the CBS news. It’s beyond reason to expect such a newsworthy item would have appeared only on this one source, even in the pre-Internet age.
We can dismiss this report from our thoughts.
If the story appeared on CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite at all, it was filler for a slow news day and meant to add a little humor to the broadcast. I grew up listening to Cronkite, He was deadly serious about his broadcast journalism, although once in awhile he added a little levity by reporting an “off beat” news items. Trying to demonstrate the existence of Sasquatch by going back 40 years to an unprovable Cronkite broadcast is pointless at best and highly suspicious at worst.
I’ve actually heard of this. I remember a caller on the Art Bell show asking Robert W Morgan about it specifically (Kronkite, 60’s, escorted in chains, then no followup story). Morgan wasn’t familiar with the story, and I remember it because you have to admit that it is peculiar. Is from a show a looong time ago, maybe somebody could dig up the audio from an archive?
just consider this a ‘slow news day’ in bigfoot land…;>)
Maybe it was just filler but, like it or not, if it actually DID air with Cronkite it’s a neat little tidbit if nothing else.