BC Bigfoot Video?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 5th, 2007

Another purported Bigfoot video shows up on youtube.

This one is titled sooke bigfoot.

i filmed this on the way to work,winter 2006.tdlaat

About Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005. I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films: OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.

25 Responses to “BC Bigfoot Video?”

  1. mitchigan responds:

    Looks like Bigfoot taking out his trash.

  2. Lykaon responds:

    I dunno. It seems suspect to me. First off, there’s no other information to go with it. If I filmed Bigfoot on the side of the road, I think I’d have more to say than “I filmed this on my way to work in 2006.”

    Also, who randomly records their trip into work?

  3. dre222 responds:

    I agree with Lykaon on the filming your own driving. The part that I think is most suspect is how he was able to drive in that weather and see the “creature” and have time to precisely zoom in.

  4. punydevil responds:

    While driving on snow slicked roads, I often like to film my surroundings. Lucky me, this day there was the elusive and super-intelligent Sasquatch, the one who has evaded capture for all of eternity, hanging out by the side of a major thoroughfare like a short-order cook waiting on the Green Line to the Morristown Denny’s.

  5. MïK responds:

    It looks like Bigfoot was getting his mail. Could ya post the address, and I’ll mail him for more info.

  6. DWA responds:

    I haven’t even looked at it yet.


    You can tell with all of these. All you have to do is read the writeup submitted with the clip. They’re all either


    or, um, hey, filmed this on the way to work.

    Think. You saw something that shook your world. You’re uploading the video (you actually had the presence of mind to video it? You actually HAD A VIDEOCAM THERE?) to…

    …um, Youtube.

    And THIS is what you say.


    Hmmmm. Maybe I just won’t even look at it.

    I want to know what’s up with the Peguis, Manitoba video from March. Now that one might be a sasquatch.

  7. Imaginary Friend responds:

    Yes, I often like to juggle a camera while driving on slippery winter roads, and I can zoom in at the speed of light. *eyeroll* Did anyone else notice how fast the zoom worked? It’s so fast I can’t get a clear shot of the “thing” by stopping the movie.
    Funny thing, though, how this camera is perfectly stable in the car until it actually zooms in on the “creature,” and then it wobbles like nobody’s business. Did this person not get a picture as he passed by? Or did he slam on his brakes just in time to miss the shot of the century.
    It is rather a rather picturesque blob, I’ll grant you.

  8. DWA responds:

    OK, looked. Time for the Oscars.

    Here are my nominations for this one.

    1. Most Effort Made to Shoot Worst Bigfoot Film

    2. Largest Coat, Short Feature

    3. Most Obvious Why-Would-He-Do-That-Oh-THAT’S-Why Pan

    4. Keep Yer Freakin’ Hands On The Wheel

    5. Prettiest Snow, Fake Bigfoot Film

    6. Nicest Alleged Bigfoot Nest

    And the envelope, please.

  9. showme responds:

    Maybe he was filming ahead of time, so he could show his insurance adjuster what happened when he slammed into the car infront of him. “Bigfoot distracted me.”

  10. Darkwing2006 responds:

    It’s someone in a heavy coat shoveling snow, you can clearly see the snow fall off the shovel on the enhancements over at the BFF.

  11. fmurphy1970 responds:

    I’m always suspicious of any clip that is cut short. Why didn’t he keep the camera rolling? Or doesn’t he want anyone to see what the object really is?
    It’s got fake written all over it. These fake Bigfoot videos are really getting me hacked off!

  12. Ceroill responds:

    Hmm. When I click on it, the film freezes at the 1:05 mark, though the counter continues.

  13. sschaper responds:

    I’m used to snowy and icy roads, and that guy is a menace. That road is icy under the snow. And he’s trying to juggle a camcorder?!

  14. darkshines responds:

    Strange how the road and filming is perfectly flat, docile, subdued drive. And then as soon as the “blobsquatch” comes into view, the camera goes mental. Smells like a fake.

  15. Sunny responds:

    anybody notice that the same use posted a “Sasquatch” video that earned him a 0 in his film class?

    Something’s fishy in Denmark.

  16. sausage1 responds:

    Behind the figure you can just see a car and a house. I think Darkwing is correct and this is someone clearing snow. Clearly squatch is keen that the kids should not miss school.

    I even know who it is, it’s the poster’s friend. How else would he know to (a) have a camera already filming and (b) aim it at something so far away as to be almost invisible at first?
    Why are no other drivers stopping or reporting this? A couple of cars even go past on the same side.

    Pretty unconvincing.

  17. DARHOP responds:

    Really don’t even think this is worth a comment, But I made one anyway…

  18. crypto-hunter465 responds:

    Better quality than many, but who films their drive to work? Instantly I was already thinking fake there. Oh, and amazingly, the camera is steady until “bigfoot” comes into view. Wouldn’t the cars in front of him/her have seen the “bigfoot” too?

    A no brainer. Hoax.

  19. Bob K. responds:

    Ceroill-yeah, that happens to me too.

  20. bill green responds:

    hey everyone very interesting new possible sasquatch filmfootage that definetly needs more research study investigation etc done to it. good evening bill green 🙂

  21. Late Night Visitor responds:

    E-Z 1-2-3 Formula, free of charge:

    Bigfoot + YouTube = Fake.

  22. jodzilla responds:

    Looks real to me.

  23. sschaper responds:

    Well, my videography skills aren’t so good, though I’ve got sharp lunar images hand-holding a still up to a 10″ dob.

    When I try to zoom in rapidly at an animal I see, I have the same problem with the wobbliness and trying to find it. Zooming slow works a whole lot better.

  24. CryptoGoji responds:

    Why in the flaming nine hells would someone record that trip to wherever with those type of road conditions!?

    Really, some guy in a coat and either walking to the mail or taking out the trash. Next one please.

  25. mystery_man responds:

    Appropriate title for the clip. “sooke Bigfoot”. Well, the footage certainly “sookes”. Groan.

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