Bigfoot’s Beckjord Has Cancer
Posted by: Loren Coleman on February 8th, 2007
Bigfoot badboy Jon-Erik Beckjord has released a statement that he has cancer.
In conjunction with this release of information, Beckjord says he is trying to sell, once again, his copy of the Patterson-Gimlin footage of a Bigfoot at Bluff Creek, California, taken on October 20, 1967. The footage is available on most good documentaries about Bigfoot, but, as Beckjord has noted in his past attempts to sell it on eBay for one million dollars ($1,000,000), he feels his copy is unique. How he obtained that copy is not known and not stated. Beckjord, states for the first time, as far as is known, that he will share part of what he obtains from such a sale with Bob Gimlin and Pat Patterson.
As many within the Bigfoot community know, Beckjord has enjoyed obtaining publicity in a variety of sometimes very bizarre ways, often tied to media notice of other personalities.
Jon-Erik Beckjord has been thrown out or banned from Bigfoot conferences. He has been banned from Wikipedia and various email lists and forums for his disruptive postings. Most recently, he obtained media attention for claiming to have taken psychic photographs of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson. If you are unaware of him, here is a sampling of links of past interactions and histories of Jon-Erik Beckjord: Bigfoot Forums on Beckjord; Beckjord banned from Bigfoot Forums; Beckjord becomes Homeland Security expert after 9/11; Beckjord claims he was Mothman via an out-of-body-experience during release of Gere movie; threats of lawsuits; James Moseley on Beckjord’s feuds; Beckjord’s threat of lawsuit against Moseley; Wikipedia on Beckjord; Beckjord on Beckjord; and Beckjord on Tom Biscardi.
Needless to say, I wish cancer on no one, and here’s my best to the guy who has “entertained” us with his antics for years. My wish is for Beckjord to have some painless moments while obtaining a speedy recovery.
The following is Beckjord’s statement (unedited), followed by another one:
Beckjord has cancer
by Jon-Erik BeckjordI have hidden this for the last four years, but things have progressed to a stage that I now feel it is better to tell what is going on rather than to suddenely disappear from the scene.
I have prostate cancer, which in the past took Rene Dahinden from us. (Roger Patterson also was taken by a different type of cancer.) I may have five years, or five months, I am not sure how it will go. Currently, it has spread to some of my bones, and is painful. Some treatments I am taking may save the day, but I am not sure.
My enemies will perhaps rejoice, but my friends may be able to help with good wishes. Collective good vibes can sometimes make lives go further than otherwise. I note I do seem to have a few friends here, and some have shamanistic ability.
My life’s work seems to have worked out well, for I saw today a cartoon (a good measure of public thinking) that showed a little boy opening a mysterious box. When he did open it, it swallowed him up and sucked him into it, and it was labled “Official Wormhole Box”.
Jokes, and articles galore now refer to parallel universes, and wormholes, (connecting passages) and much of this has gone on due, I think, to my pushing the ideas with my websites, writing, emails, lists, and this site. Since 1976. Finally, it has all come together. Bigfoot is there, but not in an normal way. They are travellers of some sort. Ditto Nessie, ufos, aliens, and so on.
To assist in my medical treatments, I am putting up my excellent copy of the Patterson-Gimlin Film, with all normal commercial rights open, for sale, 16mm, since it is in the public domain, and has been so since 1968. It is on EBay, and also on my Bigfoot site. ( Payment of a share of sale will compensate Mrs .P for any loss of rental or royalty revenue.)
A share of the proceeds goes to BOB GIMLIN and also Mrs.PATRICIA PATTERSON, who are also in bad health. Bob had quintuple bypass surgery last year, and Pat is in a wheelchair.
If you count among my friends, and know wealthy persons who have an interest in Bigfoot, f&b or not, let them know of this sale. The original is all snarled up in litigation and is scratched up.
My copy is better than that of the esteemed John Green, better than what Noll worked on, and is virgin – never projected. A direct copy off the orignal, from 1968. IMHO, more important than even the famous Kennedy-Zapruder film. (Sold for $16m.)
One benefit of this health problem, one might say, is that IMHO, Bigfoot has appeared and let us take its photo – three times – in ’06 on an expedition. Of course it may have appeared to let me know my former museum docent had died within a few days, which I did not know.
It may have even been her, in another form.
I will be pushing hard to finish my book, “Sex,Lies and Bigfoot”, to get it out even in a very unpolished form, a very rough edit. Later, I can fine-tune it. Lots has happened since 1975.
I’ve been around a long time, done a great deal, upset lots of people,and I will do all I can to stick around and keep on trying to unravel these mysteries, including why we are here, and where we are going. I may soon know, but hopefully, not too soon.
Still here, Jon-Erik Beckjord
Beckjord followed the above with a later message. I’m not sure what he is conveying, entirely here. The “false alarm” does not appear to be about the cancer overall, however. Once again, the content is unchanged.
Maybe false alarm.
by Jon-Erik BeckjordI had been lifting some thing very heavy very often from my car, with one arm, and did not think about it.
Then my left collarbone muscle ached like hell, my left rib muscles hurt often, and so did left hip and thigh.
I decided to stop interacting with this heavy object, 50 lbs, and finally, most of the aches are gone, 80%.
The other problem still is ongoing, but I am taking Curcumin pills, as per some good advice, and my own PSA is going down.
I also appreciate the kind messages, and I am reading them slowly.Jon-Erik Beckjord
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
I think the second release may have been in response to people writing and commenting on the “cancer” pain. I think he’s saying the pain may have actually been caused by lifting a heavy object repeatedly instead of the cancer (or a combo of the two). And PSA stands for Prostate-Specific Antigen, which is a protein that is measured in the blood to determine whether cancer is present. High levels can possibly indicate prostate cancer, but not always. The fact that his levels are going down may mean it’s not actually cancer after all or that if it is cancer, there is hope that he’s getting better.
Well. You either have cancer, or you don’t. “Maybe false alarm?” If prostate cancer has progressed far enough to be “in the bones”, doctors can not only see it but also diagnose it from various tests and scans. Something is odd here.
Cancer is awful. No matter who gets it. One year ago we buried my fiancee, who had died from horrifically fast-moving pancreatic cancer. He was an apparently healthy person with a minor twinge in his back at Thanksgiving, was diagnosed with cancer December 15th, and died February 6th. He suffered brutally during the brief time that the cancer was killing him.
I would not wish that on my worst enemy.
But neither should anyone make light of cancer, or pretend to have it for sympathy or monetary reasons. I hope that Mr. Beckjord is not doing that.
I sincerely hope that Mr. Beckjord does not have the disease, and if he does have it, that he recovers completely and uneventfully.
Not knowing much about this guy at all (I keep my sas research to evidence, not sideshows), I still feel pain when I read anything like this.
And not for just this reason, but my identical twin brother died a year ago Valentine’s Day. He went far less painfully than your fiancee did, kittenz, but just about as fast. In fact, he knew it was cancer only a couple of weeks before he died. Not much notice. But from what I saw and heard, if I’m going with cancer, I’d want to go his way. And of course when it’s your identical twin, you know you have the blueprints.
I’m really sorry for all who suffer from this disease (or, more accurately, the host of diseases that this is). I’d trade scientific confirmation of any and all cryptids for an end to it. I know that.
Sometimes you wonder whether to take what people say at face value or not. He makes himself to sound like he deserves a place of honor among bigfoot notables and that he has paid his dues. I’m curious what percentage he would give to Mrs. Patterson or Bob Gimlin. I wouldn’t wish cancer on almost no-one (except maybe terrorists, child molesters and maybe a few others). I say just donate your film to someone highly respected within the bigfoot community for them to study and share the info with the rest of us little people.
As terrible as that experience was for me, I cannot even imagine how it must have felt for you to lose your identical twin in such a way. My heart goes out to you, and my prayers for your continued good health.
Maybe this isn’t supposed to be a cancer thread. But that’s what brought it here. And cancer certainly seems to be a cryptid of sorts, doesn’t it?
My connection with my brother was more a cellular, a biological one than a shared-lives one. I live in his room now (he rented from me, the biggest room in the house! :-D); I wear his clothes, sleep in his bed…I thought, why give all his stuff away? It all fits, and every time I put it on I remember him. He and I had similar tastes in reading…and almost totally divergent book collections! I may never get through his.
These and other things have made it easier, not harder, on me. My memories of him are fond, and the Irish wake we tossed for him one of the best parties I’ll ever go to. There really wasn’t a dry eye in the house, and I hope to get sent off the same way.
I can’t imagine losing a fiancee, though. I hope as many good memories and mitigators are there for you as are for me. You never get over it. You go on. You’re even happy. But you never get over it. And no one who’s not been there can quite understand it.
God bless you and what you bring to the board. Life offers solaces, in its way. Guess we can’t knock it.
I’ve lost too many loved ones to Cancer. Mr. Beckjord is entertaining, I wish him good health and peace.
omg is this true about erik beckjord if yes i hope his cancer goes away & he gets better. i too have lost alot family to cancer. thanks bill
I can’t afford to buy the video tape to assist you in paying your medical bills, Erik, but I can send along my good wishes for your recovery. We have all lost someone close to us from this dreadful disease so can certainly be empathetic. You are in my prayers.
Before you judge anybody, “they” say you should walk a mile in their shoes.
(Then, when you do judge them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes!)
Beckjord and Biscardi (The Beckardi Syndrome? The B/S? TBS? Bisjord?) are two of many individuals who have affected phenomena research in many weird ways over the years – how many people became attracted to and interested in Squatch because of some outrageous statement made by TBS?
So, while we can criticize, remember that their works are a part of the whole Squatch picture (and others), just as your critique is. Be gentle. TBS has affected many folks along the way, even in Pinole.
Wishing God Speed, either way.
Hey, fuzzy: The Buscarjord Syndrome! I can dig it. Agree with most of what you said.
Beckjord has always have been as odd as a bag of hair. Why should his infirmity make him any different?
Loren: Good bio on J-E B
Jon-Erik: Keep fighting. This is one argument I hope you’ll win.
DWA and Kittenz, I was very saddened to hear of your news. I feel you two were very brave to share such personal pain with us here on Cryptomundo. I just recently lost a cousin to cancer myself and although we were not extremely close, he was still family so I can relate a bit to how you feel. You two are truly regulars on this board and I always look forward to reading your posts. My deepest condolences go out to you for your losses.
Thank you for your kind words, mystery_man.
Let me echo Mystery Man’s sentiments, including my sincere condolences for your losses, and add that, if Beckjord has cancer, I hope it hasn’t metastasized and entered his bones.
My Grandmother, who effectively raised me, died of kidney failure related to complications from bone cancer in 2003, which had metastasized from an earlier breast cancer that went undiagnosed despite obvious evidence on her mammograms. Bone cancer is THE most painful cancer to suffer from, and it is still odd to think that I and my family were relieved, happy even, that my Grandmother died when and how she did, rather than hold on longer and see her truly suffer from the agony of this disease. The desire to see your loved ones die so that they don’t suffer is what I would never wish upon anyone.
mystery_man: thanks for the words. They were much appreciated.
However you make your name, mortality is the great leveler. It’s truly a shame that nothing works as well to make people treat each other better.
I read that Beckjord has cancer. Maybe so, maybe not. I told him 2 years ago that he had a problem in his stomach area and should receive medical attention quickly.
Beckjord and I have had an ongoing feud for a number of years. Oh, we started out alright, but then he went wacko one day and started posting all sorts of ugly stuff about me and my family on the internet.
He even went so far as to pay for personal information about me. His intent was to smear me and in the process he made false comments about my wife and kids on the internet. Well, we all know about the threats that he launches against those that do not have favor with him or debate his theories. It is not a matter of Beckjord debating opposing views, with him it is a matter of sliming people.
So, if he wanted a fight instead of a debate then I was going to use tools to try and destroy him like he had tried to do to my family over the internet.
I will not get into the ugly details but suffice it to say that he posted the most vile things about my wife and children on the internet.
I had to go psychic on him. I utilized a skill that my family has had for many years,,,,maybe a skill that has been resident in my lineage for hundreds of years.
I channeled his Mother. She came on very strong outling some ugly things that occured when he was young. I was not so low that I outlined those on the internet as I was not going to go as low as he did about my family.
I did though tell him about the cancer that was growing in his loins. It was made very clear to me. His Mother did not tell me that it was prostrate cancer, but only revealed that it was in his stomach region and that it was going to kill him in due time.
She went on to reveal that he would need to see a Doctor immediately. That was 2 years ago. He scoffed at me. Now he states that he has prostrate cancer. Maybe and maybe not.
I have been in the BF shadows for 2 years now. My bigfoot encounter was used by him to validate that it was a “shape shifting” entity.
Either he really does have cancer,,,OR he is trying to draw me out. He is confused as his nemisis has been absent for 2 years.