Déjà Vu Davis
Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 9th, 2006
"The word is out! Yes we are saying Bigfoot is human, and we think we have proved it….Everyone said it was an ape or creature or something else. No, it’s a human being of some sort. A very large human at that. It could be one of the oldest races in existence. Clues are in the movie…You be the judge. Man in a suit – Miocene ape – no way!" – Pat Holdbrook, November 2006.
"All the images and explanations will be in Holdbrook’s movie. I will be glad to preview with anyone the images, if they are willing to come to me to see them as I do not think it proper to release them to the internet with Holdbrook’s film not yet finished." – M. K. Davis, November 2006.
"The movie that Pat is making will contain the images and explanations….I’m no circus barker." – M. K. Davis, November 2006.
"We will release photos of Bigfoot in a book that will be launched soon." – Vincent Chow, August 2006.
"Asking to see the photographs is like asking for Angelina Jolie’s unpublished baby photos. You have to be patient like the rest." – Sean Ang, July 2006.
"What could happen is that it will finally open the eyes of the world and challenge all theories that Homo erectus is extinct (definitely not in Johor). I am not in a hurry to please the skeptics and cynics but doing it more for serious researchers who know the value of the presence of Homo erectus. The distorted views and imageries of Bigfoot as a monstrous ape to entertain man’s follies and satisfy the ego, and as an object to be viewed with abject ridicule should never be condoned." – Vincent Chow, May 2006.
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Reflecting on the recent M. K. Davis announcement that the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot is only human, Cryptomundo reader David Cole commented: Quick! Someone draw us a sketch of Patty’s eyes!
Child Lara: [looking at her drawing of Yetis] Just because no one’s ever caught one doesn’t mean they’re not real.
Lady Croft: That is very true, but perhaps they don’t wish to be found. I’ve heard they’re rather fierce.
For a complete rundown on the August 4, 2006, breaking news on the "Johor Hominid" hoax discovery, please see: Johor Hominid Photos: Hoax! Johor Pix Hoax: More.
Piltdown man. Johor hominid. Human Bigfoot. Ah, this has a bit of the ole déjà vu to it, doesn’t it?
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Nice foreword Loren! Great cartoons. On a slightly more serious note, what exactly do the hoaxers expect to gain other than worldwide hatred? Surely they can’t expect to make a lot of money out of them since, due to the huge number of these morons, every single sighting/piece of evidence is almost universally viewed with distrust and suspicion? Thanks to these feckless imbeciles the entire cryptozoological field appears to be as full of corrupt and shady characters as the Roman senate!
Let me be clear, I am not saying that the Davis-Holdbrook teasers promoting their movie translate into this all being a hoax. But for those that do not learn from the past, those people may be unfulfilled by what they find is in the Holdbrook Bigfoot film. I just wished to give some context, perhaps visually and with quotes only, for why people are feeling a bit careful these days.
I have no idea what Davis or Holdbrook think they “see” in the Patterson-Gimlin footage, but I certainly remain skeptical of anyone telling me that they have found evidence of a primate with “culture” in the 1967 frames. And they refuse to show us until we buy a ticket into the tent.
Love the forward.
As I said before, early in the Johor buildup: it’s a red flag when alleged evidence can not or will not be immediately made available for scrutiny and evaluation.
hey loren good article great artwork.. thanks bill
I especially liked the first Peter Loh cartoon because my first reaction was that this close-up “Patty is human” face had been modified to look more human and I am glad to see a version being taken in the opposite direction.
As to drawing Patty’s eyes–I don’t think we ever get a good enough look to do that for certain. We DO get to see two different eyes at two different angles, which makes the light glint off of them differently.
M.K. Davis has contributed greatly to the bigfoot community by giving ten years of study to the Patterson film. I interviewed Davis for my documentary “Keeping the Watch” which profiled mostly unknown people doing research in the bigfoot phenomenon. While at his home in early May, I had the feeling that something larger was about to break concerning the Patterson film. After contacting him about his press release, Davis admitted it was true, but he was afraid to just blurt it out in my film. So, M.K. has invited me to do his official release of this information. Let me say that all the details will be known after this production is in the can and you WILL NOT have to buy the DVD to learn of them. However, due to the fact that certain parties have this information in hand M.K. wanted to bring his fullest, most concise analysis including all the visual supporting evidence to the public in this manner. The shooting is happening this weekend at an undisclosed location. Afterwards I will be traveling to another researcher’s home where, if he is convinced by Davis’s findings, he will add his support and corroboration to the production. I have already seen much of what we will be revealing and it is compelling. Please reserve judgment until you have viewed this offering and given it a chance. I guarantee you will be amazed.
John Johnsen
Very funny.
I really appreciate how skeptical this site can be. It is certainly refreshing.
It’s important to be open minded yes, but a healthy level of skepticism keeps cryptozoology rooted more in science and less in “paranormal” research. (no offense intended)
A good sense of humor helps keep things light as well.